/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 eXo Platform SAS. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.exoplatform.faq.service; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.jcr.Node; import javax.jcr.NodeIterator; import javax.jcr.Session; import javax.jcr.query.Query; import javax.jcr.query.QueryManager; import javax.jcr.query.QueryResult; import org.exoplatform.ks.common.jcr.PropertyReader; import org.exoplatform.ks.common.jcr.SessionManager; import org.exoplatform.services.log.ExoLogger; import org.exoplatform.services.log.Log; /** * All questions and their properties, methods are getted from database to view in page will be restore in this class. And ratification, questions can be sorted by alphabet or by date time when * quetsion is created. * * @author Hung Nguyen (hung.nguyen@exoplatform.com) * @since Mar 08, 2008 */ public class QuestionPageList extends JCRPageList { /** The iter_. */ private NodeIterator iter_ = null; /** The is query_. */ private boolean isQuery_ = false; /** The value_. */ private String value_; /** The is not yet answered. */ private boolean isNotYetAnswered = false; private boolean isOpenQuestion = false; /** The list questions_. */ private List<Question> listQuestions_ = null; /** The list faq form search s_. */ private List<ObjectSearchResult> listFAQFormSearchS_ = null; /** The list watchs_. */ private List<Watch> listWatchs_ = null; /** The list categories_. */ private List<Category> listCategories_ = null; /** The question query_. */ private String questionQuery_ = ""; /** The node category_. */ private Node nodeCategory_ = null; /** The list object_. */ private List<Object> listObject_ = new ArrayList<Object>(); /** The faq setting_. */ private FAQSetting faqSetting_ = null; final private static String ANSWER_HOME = "faqAnswerHome".intern(); final private static String COMMENT_HOME = "faqCommentHome".intern(); private SessionManager sessionManager; private static Log log = ExoLogger.getLogger(QuestionPageList.class); /** * Sets the not yet answered. Set parameter is <code>true</code> if want get questions are not yet answered opposite set is <code>false</code> or don't do (default value is <code>false</code>) * * @param isNotYetAnswered the new not yet answered, is <code>true</code> if want get questoins not yet answered and is <code>false</code> if opposite */ public void setNotYetAnswered(boolean isNotYetAnswered) { this.isNotYetAnswered = isNotYetAnswered; try { setTotalQuestion(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Fail to set total questions: ", e); } } public void setOpenQuestion(boolean isOpenQuestion) { this.isOpenQuestion = isOpenQuestion; } /** * get total questions are not yet ansewered. The first, get all questions in faq system then each questions check if property <code>response</code> in default language is <code>null</code> then put * this question into the <code>List</code> else get all children nodes of this question (if it have) and check if one of them is not yet ansewred then put this question into the <code>List</code> * @throws Exception */ private void setTotalQuestion() throws Exception { listQuestions_ = new ArrayList<Question>(); if (iter_ == null || !iter_.hasNext()) { Session session = getJCRSession(); if (isQuery_) { QueryManager qm = session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager(); Query query = qm.createQuery(value_, Query.XPATH); QueryResult result = query.execute(); iter_ = result.getNodes(); } else { Node node = (Node) session.getItem(value_); iter_ = node.getNodes(); } } NodeIterator nodeIterator = iter_; NodeIterator languageIter = null; Node questionNode = null; Node languageNode = null; Node language; StringBuilder languages; while (nodeIterator.hasNext()) { languages = new StringBuilder(); questionNode = nodeIterator.nextNode(); if (!isOpenQuestion) {// used for question manager. try { if (!questionNode.hasNode(ANSWER_HOME) || questionNode.getNode(ANSWER_HOME).getNodes().getSize() < 1) { languages.append(questionNode.getProperty("exo:language").getValue().getString()); } if (questionNode.hasNode("languages")) { languageNode = questionNode.getNode("languages"); languageIter = languageNode.getNodes(); while (languageIter.hasNext()) { language = languageIter.nextNode(); if (!language.hasNode(ANSWER_HOME) || language.getNode(ANSWER_HOME).getNodes().getSize() < 1) { if (languages.length() > 0) languages.append(","); languages.append(language.getProperty("exo:language").getString()); } } } if (languages.length() > 0) listQuestions_.add(getQuestion(questionNode).setLanguagesNotYetAnswered(languages.toString())); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Fail to set total questions: ", e); } } else { try { if (!hasAnswerInQuestion(questionNode)) { listQuestions_.add(getQuestion(questionNode)); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Fail to set total questions: ", e); } } } setAvailablePage(listQuestions_.size()); iter_ = null; closeSession(); } private boolean hasAnswerInQuestion(Node questionNode) throws Exception { QueryManager qm = questionNode.getSession().getWorkspace().getQueryManager(); StringBuffer queryString = new StringBuffer("/jcr:root").append(questionNode.getPath()).append("//element(*,exo:answer)[(@exo:approveResponses='true') and (@exo:activateResponses='true')]"); Query query = qm.createQuery(queryString.toString(), Query.XPATH); QueryResult result = query.execute(); NodeIterator iter = result.getNodes(); return (iter.getSize() > 0) ? true : false; } /** * Class constructor specifying iter contain quetion nodes, value, it's query or not, how to sort all question. * * @param iter NodeIterator use to store question nodes * @param pageSize this param is used to set number of question per page * @param value query string is used to get question node * @param isQuery is <code>true</code> is param value is query string and is <code>false</code> if opposite * * @throws Exception if repository occur exception */ public QuestionPageList(NodeIterator iter, long pageSize, String value, boolean isQuery) throws Exception { super(pageSize); this.sessionManager = FAQServiceUtils.getSessionManager(); // iter_ = iter; value_ = value; isQuery_ = isQuery; setAvailablePage(iter.getSize()); } /** * Instantiates a new question page list. * * @param faqFormSearchs the faq form searchs * @param pageSize the page size * * @throws Exception the exception */ public QuestionPageList(List<ObjectSearchResult> faqFormSearchs, long pageSize) throws Exception { super(pageSize); this.sessionManager = FAQServiceUtils.getSessionManager(); this.listFAQFormSearchS_ = faqFormSearchs; setAvailablePage(faqFormSearchs.size()); } /** * Instantiates a new question page list. * * @param listWatch the list watch * @param page the page * * @throws Exception the exception */ public QuestionPageList(List<Watch> listWatch, double page) throws Exception { super(10); this.sessionManager = FAQServiceUtils.getSessionManager(); this.listWatchs_ = listWatch; setAvailablePage(listWatch.size()); } /** * Instantiates a new question page list. * * @param listCategories the list categories * * @throws Exception the exception */ public QuestionPageList(List<Category> listCategories) throws Exception { super(10); this.sessionManager = FAQServiceUtils.getSessionManager(); this.listCategories_ = listCategories; setAvailablePage(listCategories.size()); } /** * Instantiates a new question page list. * * @param listQuestions the list questions * @param size the size * * @throws Exception the exception */ public QuestionPageList(List<Question> listQuestions, int size) throws Exception { super(10); this.sessionManager = FAQServiceUtils.getSessionManager(); this.listQuestions_ = listQuestions; setAvailablePage(size); } /** * Instantiates a new question page list. * * @param categoryNode the category node * @param quesQuerry the ques querry * @param listObject the list object * @param setting the setting * * @throws Exception the exception */ public QuestionPageList(Node categoryNode, String quesQuerry, List<Object> listObject, FAQSetting setting) throws Exception { super(10); this.sessionManager = FAQServiceUtils.getSessionManager(); this.questionQuery_ = quesQuerry; this.nodeCategory_ = categoryNode; this.listObject_.addAll(listObject); this.faqSetting_ = setting; setAvailablePage(listObject.size()); } /** * Get questions to view in page. Base on total questions, number of question per page, current page, this function get right questions. For example: have 100 questions, view 10 questions per page, * and current page is 1, this function will get questions form first question to tenth question and put them into a list which is viewed. * * @param username the name of current user * @param page number of current page * * @throws Exception the exception * * @see org.exoplatform.faq.service.JCRPageList#populateCurrentPage(long, java.lang.String) */ protected void populateCurrentPage(long page, String username) throws Exception { if (iter_ == null || !iter_.hasNext()) { Session session = getJCRSession(); if (isQuery_) { QueryManager qm = session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager(); Query query = qm.createQuery(value_, Query.XPATH); QueryResult result = query.execute(); iter_ = result.getNodes(); } else { Node node = (Node) session.getItem(value_); iter_ = node.getNodes(); } if (isNotYetAnswered) setTotalQuestion(); // closeSession(); } if (isNotYetAnswered) { setAvailablePage(listQuestions_.size()); } else { setAvailablePage(iter_.getSize()); } long pageSize = getPageSize(); long position = 0; if (page == 1) position = 0; else { position = (page - 1) * pageSize; } currentListPage_ = new ArrayList<Question>(); if (!isNotYetAnswered) { iter_.skip(position); Question question = new Question(); for (int i = 0; i < pageSize; i++) { // add != null to fix bug 514 if (iter_ != null && iter_.hasNext()) { question = getQuestion(iter_.nextNode()); currentListPage_.add(question); } else { break; } } } else { pageSize += position; for (int i = (int) position; i < pageSize; i++) { // add != null to fix bug 514 if (i < listQuestions_.size()) { currentListPage_.add(listQuestions_.get(i)); } else { break; } } } iter_ = null; closeSession(); } // Created by Vu Duy Tu @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void populateCurrentPageItem(long page) throws Exception { if (iter_ == null || !iter_.hasNext()) { Session session = getJCRSession(); if (isQuery_) { QueryManager qm = session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager(); Query query = qm.createQuery(value_, Query.XPATH); QueryResult result = query.execute(); iter_ = result.getNodes(); } else { Node node = (Node) session.getItem(value_); iter_ = node.getNodes(); } // closeSession(); setAvailablePage(iter_.getSize()); checkAndSetPage(page); page = currentPage_; } Node currentNode; long pageSize = getPageSize(); long position = 0; if (page == 1) position = 0; else if (page > 1) { position = (page - 1) * pageSize; iter_.skip(position); } else pageSize = iter_.getSize(); currentListObject_ = new ArrayList<Question>(); for (int i = 0; i < pageSize; i++) { if (iter_.hasNext()) { currentNode = iter_.nextNode(); if (currentNode.isNodeType("exo:answer")) { currentListObject_.add(getAnswerByNode(currentNode)); } else if (currentNode.isNodeType("exo:comment")) { currentListObject_.add(getCommentByNode(currentNode)); } } else { break; } } iter_ = null; closeSession(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.exoplatform.faq.service.JCRPageList#populateCurrentPageWatch(long, java.lang.String) */ @Override protected void populateCurrentPageWatch(long page, String username) throws Exception { if (iter_ == null || !iter_.hasNext()) { Session session = getJCRSession(); QueryManager qm = session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager(); Query query = qm.createQuery(value_, Query.XPATH); QueryResult result = query.execute(); iter_ = result.getNodes(); // closeSession(); } long pageSize = getPageSize(); long position = 0; if (page <= 1) position = 0; else { position = (page - 1) * pageSize; } currentListWatch_ = new ArrayList<Watch>(); Node watchNode = null; int count = 0; while (iter_.hasNext()) { count++; watchNode = iter_.nextNode(); currentListWatch_.addAll(getWatchs(watchNode, false, (int) position, (int) pageSize)); } iter_ = null; closeSession(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.exoplatform.faq.service.JCRPageList#populateCurrentPageResultSearch(long, java.lang.String) */ @Override protected void populateCurrentPageResultSearch(long page, String username) throws Exception { long pageSize = getPageSize(); long position = 0; if (page == 1) position = 0; else { position = (page - 1) * pageSize; } pageSize *= page; currentListResultSearch_ = new ArrayList<ObjectSearchResult>(); for (int i = (int) position; i < pageSize && i < this.listFAQFormSearchS_.size(); i++) { currentListResultSearch_.add(listFAQFormSearchS_.get(i)); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.exoplatform.faq.service.JCRPageList#populateCurrentPageCategoriesSearch(long, java.lang.String) */ @Override protected void populateCurrentPageCategoriesSearch(long page, String username) throws Exception { long pageSize = getPageSize(); long position = 0; if (!isQuery_) { if (page == 1) position = 0; else { position = (page - 1) * pageSize; } pageSize *= page; currentListCategory_ = new ArrayList<Category>(); for (int i = (int) position; i < pageSize && i < this.listCategories_.size(); i++) { currentListCategory_.add(listCategories_.get(i)); } } else { // get category for watches if (iter_ == null || !iter_.hasNext()) { Session session = getJCRSession(); QueryManager qm = session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager(); Query query = qm.createQuery(value_, Query.XPATH); QueryResult result = query.execute(); iter_ = result.getNodes(); // closeSession(); } setAvailablePage(iter_.getSize()); if (page == 1) position = 0; else { position = (page - 1) * pageSize; } currentListCategory_ = new ArrayList<Category>(); iter_.skip(position); Category category = null; for (int i = 0; i < pageSize; i++) { // add != null to fix bug 514 if (iter_ != null && iter_.hasNext()) { category = getCategory(iter_.nextNode()); currentListCategory_.add(category); } else { break; } } iter_ = null; closeSession(); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.exoplatform.faq.service.JCRPageList#populateCurrentPageQuestionsSearch(long, java.lang.String) */ @Override protected void populateCurrentPageQuestionsSearch(long page, String username) throws Exception { long pageSize = getPageSize(); long position = 0; if (page == 1) position = 0; else { position = (page - 1) * pageSize; } pageSize *= page; currentListPage_ = new ArrayList<Question>(); for (int i = (int) position; i < pageSize && i < this.listQuestions_.size(); i++) { currentListPage_.add(listQuestions_.get(i)); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.exoplatform.faq.service.JCRPageList#populateCurrentPageCategoriesQuestionsSearch(long, java.lang.String) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected void populateCurrentPageCategoriesQuestionsSearch(long page, String username) throws Exception { String idSearch = getObjectId(); int posSearch = 0; if (listObject_ == null || listObject_.isEmpty()) { listObject_ = new ArrayList<Object>(); int size = 0; // ================== get list questions =================================================== Session session = getJCRSession(); QueryManager qm = session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager(); Query query = qm.createQuery(questionQuery_, Query.XPATH); QueryResult result = query.execute(); iter_ = result.getNodes(); Question question = null; while (iter_.hasNext()) { question = getQuestion(iter_.nextNode()); if (!question.getId().equals(idSearch)) size++; else posSearch = size + 1; listObject_.add(question); } // closeSession(); // was missing ? // ================== get list catetgories =================================================== iter_ = null; iter_ = nodeCategory_.getNodes(); List<Category> listCategory = new ArrayList<Category>(); while (iter_.hasNext()) { listCategory.add(getCategory(iter_.nextNode())); } if (faqSetting_.getOrderBy().equals("created")) { if (faqSetting_.getOrderType().equals("asc")) Collections.sort(listCategory, new Utils.DatetimeComparatorASC()); else Collections.sort(listCategory, new Utils.DatetimeComparatorDESC()); } else { if (faqSetting_.getOrderType().equals("asc")) Collections.sort(listCategory, new Utils.NameComparatorASC()); else Collections.sort(listCategory, new Utils.NameComparatorDESC()); } listObject_.addAll(listCategory); if (getAvailablePage() < listObject_.size()) setAvailablePage(listObject_.size()); iter_ = null; closeSession(); } long pageSize = getPageSize(); long position = 0; if (posSearch > 0) { posSearch = posSearch / (int) pageSize; int t = posSearch % (int) pageSize; if (t > 0 || posSearch == 0) { posSearch++; } page = posSearch; setObjectId(null); } setPageJump(page); if (page == 1) position = 0; else { position = (page - 1) * pageSize; } pageSize *= page; currentListObject_ = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (int i = (int) position; i < pageSize && i < this.listObject_.size(); i++) { currentListObject_.add(listObject_.get(i)); } listObject_ = null; } /* * private Boolean[] ValuesToBoolean(Value[] Val) throws Exception { if(Val.length < 1) return new Boolean[]{} ; Boolean[] bools = new Boolean[Val.length] ; for(int i = 0; i < Val.length; ++i) { bools[i] = Val[i].getBoolean(); } return bools; } */ /** * Set values for all question's properties from question node which is got form NodeIterator. * * @param questionNode the question node is got form NodeIterator * * @return Question with all properties are set from question node * * @throws Exception if repository ,value format or path of node occur exception */ private Question getQuestion(Node questionNode) throws Exception { Question question = new Question(); question.setId(questionNode.getName()); PropertyReader reader = new PropertyReader(questionNode); question.setLanguage(reader.string("exo:language", "")); question.setDetail(reader.string("exo:name", "")); question.setAuthor(reader.string("exo:author", "")); question.setEmail(reader.string("exo:email", "")); question.setQuestion(reader.string("exo:title", "")); question.setCreatedDate(reader.date("exo:createdDate", new Date())); question.setCategoryId(reader.string("exo:categoryId", "")); /* * String catePath = questionNode.getParent().getParent().getPath() ; question.setCategoryId(catePath.substring(catePath.indexOf(Utils.FAQ_APP) + Utils.FAQ_APP.length() + 1)) ; */ question.setActivated(reader.bool("exo:isActivated", true)); question.setApproved(reader.bool("exo:isApproved", true)); question.setRelations(reader.strings("exo:relatives", new String[] {})); question.setNameAttachs(reader.strings("exo:nameAttachs", new String[] {})); question.setUsersVote(reader.strings("exo:usersVote", new String[] {})); question.setMarkVote(reader.d("exo:markVote")); question.setEmailsWatch(reader.strings("exo:emailWatching", new String[] {})); question.setUsersWatch(reader.strings("exo:userWatching", new String[] {})); question.setTopicIdDiscuss(reader.string("exo:topicIdDiscuss")); question.setLastActivity(reader.string("exo:lastActivity", "")); question.setNumberOfPublicAnswers(reader.l("exo:numberOfPublicAnswers")); String path = questionNode.getPath(); question.setPath(path.substring(path.indexOf(Utils.FAQ_APP) + Utils.FAQ_APP.length() + 1)); List<FileAttachment> listFile = new ArrayList<FileAttachment>(); NodeIterator nodeIterator = questionNode.getNodes(); Node nodeFile; Node node; FileAttachment attachment = null; String workspace = questionNode.getSession().getWorkspace().getName(); while (nodeIterator.hasNext()) { node = nodeIterator.nextNode(); if (node.isNodeType("exo:faqAttachment")) { attachment = new FileAttachment(); nodeFile = node.getNode("jcr:content"); attachment.setId(node.getPath()); attachment.setMimeType(nodeFile.getProperty("jcr:mimeType").getString()); attachment.setNodeName(node.getName()); attachment.setName(nodeFile.getProperty("exo:fileName").getValue().getString()); attachment.setWorkspace(workspace); attachment.setPath("/" + workspace + node.getPath()); try { if (nodeFile.hasProperty("jcr:data")) attachment.setSize(nodeFile.getProperty("jcr:data").getStream().available()); else attachment.setSize(0); } catch (Exception e) { attachment.setSize(0); } listFile.add(attachment); } } question.setAttachMent(listFile); question.setAnswers(getAnswers(questionNode)); question.setComments(getComment(questionNode)); return question; } public Answer[] getAnswers(Node questionNode) throws Exception { try { if (!questionNode.hasNode(ANSWER_HOME)) return new Answer[] {}; NodeIterator nodeIterator = questionNode.getNode(ANSWER_HOME).getNodes(); Answer[] answers = new Answer[(int) nodeIterator.getSize()]; Node answerNode = null; int i = 0; while (nodeIterator.hasNext()) { answerNode = nodeIterator.nextNode(); answers[i] = getAnswerByNode(answerNode); i++; } return answers; } catch (Exception e) { return new Answer[] {}; } } public Answer getAnswerByNode(Node answerNode) throws Exception { Answer answer = new Answer(); answer.setId(answerNode.getName()); PropertyReader reader = new PropertyReader(answerNode); answer.setResponses(reader.string("exo:responses", "")); answer.setResponseBy(reader.string("exo:responseBy", "")); answer.setFullName(reader.string("exo:fullName", "")); answer.setDateResponse(reader.date("exo:dateResponse", new Date())); answer.setUsersVoteAnswer(reader.strings("exo:usersVoteAnswer", new String[] {})); answer.setMarkVotes(reader.l("exo:MarkVotes")); answer.setApprovedAnswers(reader.bool("exo:approveResponses", true)); answer.setActivateAnswers(reader.bool("exo:activateResponses", true)); answer.setPostId(reader.string("exo:postId", "")); String path = answerNode.getPath(); answer.setPath(path.substring(path.indexOf(Utils.FAQ_APP) + Utils.FAQ_APP.length() + 1)); return answer; } public Comment[] getComment(Node questionNode) throws Exception { try { if (!questionNode.hasNode(COMMENT_HOME)) return new Comment[] {}; NodeIterator nodeIterator = questionNode.getNode(COMMENT_HOME).getNodes(); Comment[] comments = new Comment[(int) nodeIterator.getSize()]; Node commentNode = null; int i = 0; while (nodeIterator.hasNext()) { commentNode = nodeIterator.nextNode(); comments[i] = getCommentByNode(commentNode); i++; } return comments; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Fail to get comments: ", e); return new Comment[] {}; } } public Comment getCommentByNode(Node commentNode) throws Exception { Comment comment = new Comment(); comment.setId(commentNode.getName()); PropertyReader reader = new PropertyReader(commentNode); comment.setComments(reader.string("exo:comments", "")); comment.setCommentBy(reader.string("exo:commentBy", "")); comment.setFullName(reader.string("exo:fullName", "")); comment.setDateComment(reader.date("exo:dateComment", new Date())); comment.setPostId(reader.string("exo:postId", "")); return comment; } /** * Gets the category. * * @param categoryNode the category node * * @return the category * * @throws Exception the exception */ private Category getCategory(Node categoryNode) throws Exception { Category cat = new Category(); PropertyReader reader = new PropertyReader(categoryNode); cat.setId(categoryNode.getName()); cat.setName(reader.string("exo:name", "")); cat.setDescription(reader.string("exo:description", "")); cat.setCreatedDate(reader.date("exo:createdDate", new Date())); cat.setModerators(reader.strings("exo:moderators", new String[] {})); cat.setUserPrivate(reader.strings("exo:userPrivate", new String[] {})); cat.setModerateQuestions(reader.bool("exo:isModerateQuestions", false)); String path = categoryNode.getPath(); cat.setPath(path.substring(path.indexOf(Utils.FAQ_APP) + Utils.FAQ_APP.length() + 1)); return cat; } private List<Watch> getWatchs(Node watchNode, boolean isGetAll, int start, int max) throws Exception { Watch watch; List<Watch> listWatches = new ArrayList<Watch>(); String[] userWatch, emails, RSS; PropertyReader reader = new PropertyReader(watchNode); emails = reader.strings("exo:emailWatching", new String[] {}); userWatch = reader.strings("exo:userWatching", new String[] {}); RSS = reader.strings("exo:rssWatching", new String[] {}); if (userWatch != null) if (isGetAll) { start = 0; max = userWatch.length; } else { max += start; setAvailablePage(userWatch.length); } for (int i = start; i < max && i < userWatch.length; i++) { watch = new Watch(); watch.setEmails(emails[i]); watch.setUser(userWatch[i]); if (i < RSS.length) watch.setRSS(RSS[i]); listWatches.add(watch); } return listWatches; } /** * Get all nodes is stored in a NodeIterator and sort them by FAQSetting, with each node, system get all values of this node and set them into a question object, an this question object is push into * a list questions. * * @return list questions * * @throws Exception if query or repository or path of node is occur Exception * @throws Exception the exception * * @see Question * @see List */ public List<Question> getAll() throws Exception { if (iter_ == null || !iter_.hasNext()) { Session session = getJCRSession(); if (isQuery_) { QueryManager qm = session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager(); Query query = qm.createQuery(value_, Query.XPATH); QueryResult result = query.execute(); iter_ = result.getNodes(); } else { Node node = (Node) session.getItem(value_); iter_ = node.getNodes(); } // closeSession(); } List<Question> questions = new ArrayList<Question>(); while (iter_.hasNext()) { Node questionNode = iter_.nextNode(); questions.add(getQuestion(questionNode)); } iter_ = null; closeSession(); return questions; } public List<Watch> getAllWatch() throws Exception { List<Watch> listWatches = new ArrayList<Watch>(); if (iter_ == null) { Session session = getJCRSession(); if (isQuery_) { QueryManager qm = session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager(); Query query = qm.createQuery(value_, Query.XPATH); QueryResult result = query.execute(); iter_ = result.getNodes(); } else { Node node = (Node) session.getItem(value_); iter_ = node.getNodes(); } // iter_ = null; // closeSession(); } Node watchNode = null; while (iter_.hasNext()) { watchNode = iter_.nextNode(); listWatches.addAll(getWatchs(watchNode, true, 0, 0)); } iter_ = null; closeSession(); return listWatches; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.exoplatform.faq.service.JCRPageList#setList(java.util.List) */ public void setList(List<Question> contacts) { } /** * Get a Session from Portal container, and this session is used to set a query * * @return an session object * * @throw Exception if repository config occur exception * or if repository occur exception * or if login or workspace occur exception * * @see Session */ private Session getJCRSession() throws Exception { return (sessionManager.getCurrentSession() != null) ? sessionManager.getCurrentSession() : sessionManager.openSession(); } private void closeSession() throws Exception { if (sessionManager.getCurrentSession() != null && sessionManager.getCurrentSession().isLive()) { sessionManager.closeSession(); } } }