package platform.context.status; import java.util.Vector; import platform.servicesregister.ServicesRegisterManager; import network.AddressesChecker; import platform.context.ContextManager; import util.Parameters; import util.NetworkAddress; import platform.containersregister.ContainersManager; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This class describes a complete status of a host. That means: * - unique identifier of the host * - addresses on all network for this host * - actual CPU load * - actual free memory amount * - actual battery level * - actual number of running threads * - actual number of running BCs * - actual number of connectors * - actual number of connectors whose input comes from network * - actual number of connectors whose output goes to network * - actual network input trafic due to PF activity * - actual network output trafic due to PF activity * - actual network input trafic due to application activity * - actual network output trafic due to application activity * All these informations are updated when the object is created. * * @author Dalmau */ public class HostStatus { // Valeurs statiques private String hostID; private Vector<NetworkAddress> hostAddresses; // Valeurs dynamiques private int cpuLoad; private int memoryLoad; private int batteryLevel; private int numberOfThreads; private int numberOfBCs; private int numberOfConnectors; private int numberOfConnectorsNetworkInputs; private int numberOfConnectorsNetworkOutputs; private int networkPFInputTraffic; private int networkPFOutputTraffic; private int networkApplicationInputTraffic; private int networkApplicationOutputTraffic; private transient AddressesChecker addressesChecker; private transient ContextManager contextManager; /** * Creates an host status that holds : * - a unique identifier of the host * - all addresses on all network for this host * - the actual CPU load * - the actual free memory amount * - the actual battery level * - the actual number of running threads * - the actual number of running BCs * - the actual number of connectors * - the actual number of connectors whose input comes from network * - the actual number of connectors whose output goes to network * - the actual network input trafic due to PF activity * - the actual network output trafic due to PF activity * - the actual network input trafic due to application activity * - the actual network output trafic due to application activity * These informations are collected from the context manager when creating the object. */ public HostStatus() { addressesChecker = (AddressesChecker)ServicesRegisterManager.platformWaitForService(Parameters.NETWORK_ADDRESSES); hostID = addressesChecker.getHostIdentifier(); hostAddresses = addressesChecker.getAllAddresses(); contextManager = (ContextManager)ServicesRegisterManager.platformWaitForService(Parameters.CONTEXT_MANAGER); cpuLoad = contextManager.getCpuLoad(); memoryLoad = contextManager.getMemoryLoad(); batteryLevel = contextManager.getBatteryLevel(); numberOfThreads = contextManager.getNumberOfThreads(); networkPFInputTraffic = contextManager.getPFInputTrafic(); networkPFOutputTraffic = contextManager.getPFOutputTrafic(); networkApplicationInputTraffic = contextManager.getApplicationInputTrafic(); networkApplicationOutputTraffic = contextManager.getApplicationOutputTrafic(); ContainersManager gestionnaireDeConteneurs = (ContainersManager)ServicesRegisterManager.platformWaitForService(Parameters.CONTAINERS_MANAGER); numberOfBCs = gestionnaireDeConteneurs.getComposants().getComponentsNumber(); numberOfConnectors = gestionnaireDeConteneurs.getConnecteurs().getConnectorsNumber(); numberOfConnectorsNetworkInputs = gestionnaireDeConteneurs.getConnecteurs().getNetworkInputConnectorsNumber(); numberOfConnectorsNetworkOutputs = gestionnaireDeConteneurs.getConnecteurs().getNetworkOutputConnectorsNumber(); } /** * Creates an host status from a serialized one. Used when received by network. * @param content the serialized host status to create from */ public HostStatus(byte[] content) { addressesChecker = (AddressesChecker)ServicesRegisterManager.platformWaitForService(Parameters.NETWORK_ADDRESSES); contextManager = (ContextManager)ServicesRegisterManager.platformWaitForService(Parameters.CONTEXT_MANAGER); ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(content); try { ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bis); hostID = (String)ois.readObject(); int taille = ((Integer)ois.readObject()).intValue(); hostAddresses = new Vector<NetworkAddress>(); for (int i=0; i<taille; i++) hostAddresses.addElement(new NetworkAddress((String)ois.readObject())); cpuLoad = ((Integer)ois.readObject()).intValue(); memoryLoad = ((Integer)ois.readObject()).intValue(); batteryLevel = ((Integer)ois.readObject()).intValue(); numberOfThreads = ((Integer)ois.readObject()).intValue(); numberOfBCs = ((Integer)ois.readObject()).intValue(); numberOfConnectors = ((Integer)ois.readObject()).intValue(); numberOfConnectorsNetworkInputs = ((Integer)ois.readObject()).intValue(); numberOfConnectorsNetworkOutputs = ((Integer)ois.readObject()).intValue(); networkPFInputTraffic = ((Integer)ois.readObject()).intValue(); networkPFOutputTraffic = ((Integer)ois.readObject()).intValue(); networkApplicationInputTraffic = ((Integer)ois.readObject()).intValue(); networkApplicationOutputTraffic = ((Integer)ois.readObject()).intValue(); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println("Error converting a received host state : IOError"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ioe) { System.err.println("Error converting a received host state : class not found"); } } /** * Returns the host's unique identifier * @return the host's unique identifier */ public String getHostID() { return hostID; } /** * Returns all the addresses of this host on all available networks * @return all the addresses of this host on all available networks */ public Vector<NetworkAddress> getHostAddresses() { return hostAddresses; } /** * Returns all the addresses of this host on a specified network * @param type type of network for which the addresses are to be collected * @return all the addresses of this host on the specified network */ public Vector<NetworkAddress> getHostAddresses(int type) {return addressesChecker.getAllMyAddresses(type); } /** * Returns the CPU load (in %) * @return the CPU load (in %) */ public int getCpuLoad() { return cpuLoad; } /** * Returns the amount of free memory (in %) * @return the amount of free memory (in %) */ public int getMemoryLoad() { return memoryLoad; } /** * Returns the battery level * @return the battery level */ public int getBatteryLevel() { return batteryLevel; } /** * Returns the number of running threads * @return the number of running threads */ public int getNumberOfThreads() { return numberOfThreads; } /** * Returns the number of installed BCs * @return the number of installed BCs */ public int getNumberOfBCs() { return numberOfBCs; } /** * Returns the number of installed connectors * @return the number of installed connectors */ public int getNumberOfConnectors() { return numberOfConnectors; } /** * Returns the number of installed connectors having their input comming from network * @return the number of installed connectors having their input comming from network */ public int getNumberOfConnectorsNetworkInputs() { return numberOfConnectorsNetworkInputs; } /** * Returns the number of installed connectors having their output going to network * @return the number of installed connectors having their output going to network */ public int getNumberOfConnectorsNetworkOutputs() { return numberOfConnectorsNetworkOutputs; } /** * Returns the network input trafic due to the platform * @return the network input trafic due to the platform */ public int getNetworkPFInputTraffic() { return networkPFInputTraffic; } /** * Returns the network output trafic due to the platform * @return the network output trafic due to the platform */ public int getNetworkPFOutputTraffic() { return networkPFOutputTraffic; } /** * Returns the network input trafic due to the application * @return the network input trafic due to the application */ public int getNetworkApplicationInputTraffic() { return networkApplicationInputTraffic; } /** * Returns the network output trafic due to the application * @return the network output trafic due to the application */ public int getNetworkApplicationOutputTraffic() { return networkApplicationOutputTraffic; } /** * Serialize the object in a byte array * @return a byte array containing the serialized object */ public byte[] toByteArray() { byte[] retour; ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos); oos.writeObject(new String(hostID)); oos.writeObject(new Integer(hostAddresses.size())); for (int i=0; i<hostAddresses.size(); i++) oos.writeObject(new String(hostAddresses.elementAt(i).getNormalizedAddress())); oos.writeObject(new Integer(cpuLoad)); oos.writeObject(new Integer(memoryLoad)); oos.writeObject(new Integer(batteryLevel)); oos.writeObject(new Integer(numberOfThreads)); oos.writeObject(new Integer(numberOfBCs)); oos.writeObject(new Integer(numberOfConnectors)); oos.writeObject(new Integer(numberOfConnectorsNetworkInputs)); oos.writeObject(new Integer(numberOfConnectorsNetworkOutputs)); oos.writeObject(new Integer(networkPFInputTraffic)); oos.writeObject(new Integer(networkPFOutputTraffic)); oos.writeObject(new Integer(networkApplicationInputTraffic)); oos.writeObject(new Integer(networkApplicationOutputTraffic)); retour = bos.toByteArray(); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println("Error converting a host status to byte array"); retour = null; } return retour; } /** * Converts the object into a readable form. * @return a string holding a readable form of the host status. */ public String toMessage() { String mem = "Mem: "+memoryLoad+"%"; String cpu = " CPU: "+cpuLoad+"%"; String bat = " Bat: "+batteryLevel+"%"; String threads = "Threads: "+numberOfThreads; String nbCM = "BCs: "+numberOfBCs; String nbConn = "Connectors: "+numberOfConnectors; String emiss = "Sent PF:appli "+networkPFOutputTraffic+":"+networkApplicationInputTraffic+" KB/s"; String rec = "Rcvd PF:appli "+networkPFInputTraffic+":"+networkApplicationInputTraffic+" KB/s"; return mem+"|"+cpu+"|"+threads+"|"+bat+"|"+nbCM+"|"+nbConn+"|"+emiss+"|"+rec; // recuperation de l'etat de l'hote } /** * For test pupose only: dumps the content of the object on console. */ public void dump() { System.out.println("ID : "+hostID); for (int i=0; i<hostAddresses.size(); i++) System.out.println(" - addresse : "+hostAddresses.elementAt(i).getNormalizedAddress()); System.out.println("CPU : "+cpuLoad); System.out.println("Memoire : "+memoryLoad); System.out.println("Batterie : "+batteryLevel); System.out.println("Threads : "+numberOfThreads); System.out.println("CMs : "+numberOfBCs); System.out.println("connecteurs : "+numberOfConnectors); System.out.println("connecteurs entree reseau : "+numberOfConnectorsNetworkInputs); System.out.println("connecteurs sortie reseau : "+numberOfConnectorsNetworkOutputs); System.out.println("Traffic PF entree : "+networkPFInputTraffic); System.out.println("Traffic PF sortie : "+networkPFOutputTraffic); System.out.println("Traffic application entree : "+networkApplicationInputTraffic); System.out.println("Traffic application sortie : "+networkApplicationOutputTraffic); } }