package net.tootallnate.websocket; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey; import java.nio.channels.Selector; import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet; /** * <tt>WebSocketServer</tt> is an abstract class that only takes care of the * HTTP handshake portion of WebSockets. It's up to a subclass to add * functionality/purpose to the server. * * @author Nathan Rajlich */ public abstract class WebSocketServer extends WebSocketAdapter implements Runnable { // INSTANCE PROPERTIES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Holds the list of active WebSocket connections. "Active" means WebSocket * handshake is complete and socket can be written to, or read from. */ private final CopyOnWriteArraySet<WebSocket> connections; /** * The port number that this WebSocket server should listen on. Default is * WebSocket.DEFAULT_PORT. */ private InetSocketAddress address; /** * The socket channel for this WebSocket server. */ private ServerSocketChannel server; /** * The 'Selector' used to get event keys from the underlying socket. */ private Selector selector; /** * The Draft of the WebSocket protocol the Server is adhering to. */ private Draft draft; private Thread thread; // CONSTRUCTORS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Nullary constructor. Creates a WebSocketServer that will attempt to * listen on port WebSocket.DEFAULT_PORT. */ public WebSocketServer() throws UnknownHostException { this( new InetSocketAddress( InetAddress.getLocalHost(), WebSocket.DEFAULT_PORT ) , null ); } /** * Creates a WebSocketServer that will attempt to listen on port * <var>port</var>. * * @param port * The port number this server should listen on. */ public WebSocketServer( InetSocketAddress address ) { this( address, null ); } /** * Creates a WebSocketServer that will attempt to listen on port <var>port</var>, * and comply with <tt>Draft</tt> version <var>draft</var>. * * @param port * The port number this server should listen on. * @param draft * The version of the WebSocket protocol that this server * instance should comply to. */ public WebSocketServer( InetSocketAddress address , Draft draft ) { this.connections = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<WebSocket>(); this.draft = draft; setAddress( address ); } /** * Starts the server thread that binds to the currently set port number and * listeners for WebSocket connection requests. * @throws IllegalStateException */ public void start() { if( thread != null ) throw new IllegalStateException( "Already started" ); new Thread( this ).start(); } /** * Closes all connected clients sockets, then closes the underlying * ServerSocketChannel, effectively killing the server socket thread and * freeing the port the server was bound to. * * @throws IOException * When socket related I/O errors occur. */ public void stop() throws IOException { for( WebSocket ws : connections ) { ws.close( CloseFrame.NORMAL ); } thread.interrupt(); this.server.close(); } /** * Sends <var>text</var> to all currently connected WebSocket clients. * * @param text * The String to send across the network. * @throws IOException * When socket related I/O errors occur. */ public void sendToAll( String text ) throws InterruptedException { for( WebSocket c : this.connections ) { c.send( text ); } } /** * Sends <var>text</var> to all currently connected WebSocket clients, * except for the specified <var>connection</var>. * * @param connection * The {@link WebSocket} connection to ignore. * @param text * The String to send to every connection except <var>connection</var>. * @throws IOException * When socket related I/O errors occur. */ public void sendToAllExcept( WebSocket connection, String text ) throws InterruptedException { if( connection == null ) { throw new NullPointerException( "'connection' cannot be null" ); } for( WebSocket c : this.connections ) { if( !connection.equals( c ) ) { c.send( text ); } } } /** * Sends <var>text</var> to all currently connected WebSocket clients, * except for those found in the Set <var>connections</var>. * * @param connections * @param text * @throws IOException * When socket related I/O errors occur. */ public void sendToAllExcept( Set<WebSocket> connections, String text ) throws InterruptedException { if( connections == null ) { throw new NullPointerException( "'connections' cannot be null" ); } for( WebSocket c : this.connections ) { if( !connections.contains( c ) ) { c.send( text ); } } } /** * Returns a WebSocket[] of currently connected clients. * * @return The currently connected clients in a WebSocket[]. */ public Set<WebSocket> connections() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet( this.connections ); } /** * Sets the port that this WebSocketServer should listen on. * * @param port * The port number to listen on. */ public void setAddress( InetSocketAddress address ) { this.address = address; } public InetSocketAddress getAddress() { return this.address; } /** * Gets the port number that this server listens on. * * @return The port number. */ public int getPort() { return getAddress().getPort(); } public Draft getDraft(){ return this.draft; } // Runnable IMPLEMENTATION ///////////////////////////////////////////////// public void run() { if( thread != null ) throw new IllegalStateException( "This instance of " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " can only be started once the same time." ); thread = Thread.currentThread(); try { server =; server.configureBlocking( false ); server.socket().bind( address ); //InetAddress.getLocalHost() selector =; server.register( selector, server.validOps() ); } catch ( IOException ex ) { onError( null, ex ); return; } while ( !thread.isInterrupted() ) { SelectionKey key = null; WebSocket conn = null; try {; Set<SelectionKey> keys = selector.selectedKeys(); Iterator<SelectionKey> i = keys.iterator(); while ( i.hasNext() ) { key =; // Remove the current key i.remove(); // if isAcceptable == true // then a client required a connection if( key.isAcceptable() ) { SocketChannel client = server.accept(); client.configureBlocking( false ); WebSocket c = new WebSocket( this, Collections.singletonList( draft ), client.socket().getChannel() ); client.register( selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ, c ); } // if isReadable == true // then the server is ready to read if( key.isReadable() ) { conn = (WebSocket) key.attachment(); conn.handleRead(); } // if isWritable == true // then we need to send the rest of the data to the client if( key.isValid() && key.isWritable() ) { conn = (WebSocket) key.attachment(); conn.flush(); selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ, conn ); } } Iterator<WebSocket> it = this.connections.iterator(); while ( it.hasNext() ) { // We have to do this check here, and not in the thread that // adds the buffered data to the WebSocket, because the // Selector is not thread-safe, and can only be accessed // by this thread. conn =; if( conn.hasBufferedData() ) { conn.flush(); // selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ | SelectionKey.OP_WRITE, conn ); } } } catch ( IOException ex ) { if( key != null ) key.cancel(); onError( conn, ex );// conn may be null here if( conn != null ) { conn.close( CloseFrame.ABNROMAL_CLOSE ); } } } } /** * Gets the XML string that should be returned if a client requests a Flash * security policy. * * The default implementation allows access from all remote domains, but * only on the port that this WebSocketServer is listening on. * * This is specifically implemented for gitime's WebSocket client for Flash: * * * @return An XML String that comforms to Flash's security policy. You MUST * not include the null char at the end, it is appended automatically. */ protected String getFlashSecurityPolicy() { return "<cross-domain-policy><allow-access-from domain=\"*\" to-ports=\"" + getPort() + "\" /></cross-domain-policy>"; } @Override public void onMessage( WebSocket conn, String message ) { onClientMessage( conn, message ); } @Override public void onOpen( WebSocket conn, Handshakedata handshake ) { if( this.connections.add( conn ) ) { onClientOpen( conn, handshake ); } } @Override public void onClose( WebSocket conn, int code, String reason, boolean remote ) { if( this.connections.remove( conn ) ) { onClientClose( conn, code, reason, remote ); } } @Override public void onWriteDemand( WebSocket conn ) { selector.wakeup(); } // ABTRACT METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public abstract void onClientOpen( WebSocket conn, Handshakedata handshake ); public abstract void onClientClose( WebSocket conn, int code, String reason, boolean remote ); public abstract void onClientMessage( WebSocket conn, String message ); /** * @param conn * may be null if the error does not belong to a single connection */ public abstract void onError( WebSocket conn, Exception ex ); }