/** * This file is licensed under the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. */ package p; import edu.illinois.keshmesh.annotations.EntryPoint; /** * * This test ensures that the detector reports the problems in inner classes * correctly. This test is based on a pattern in <a href= * "https://raw.github.com/apache/cassandra/635310c4d54646f3ce8cfc7fe5219a9a90305168/src/java/org/apache/cassandra/concurrent/RetryingScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java" * >Cassandra</a>. * */ public class A { private int counter = 0; @EntryPoint public static void main(String args[]) { A a = new A(); a.m(); } void m() { Runnable task = new Runnable() { public void run() { } }; new RunnableWrapper(task).run(); } class RunnableWrapper implements Runnable { private Runnable task; public RunnableWrapper(Runnable task) { this.task = task; } public void run() { /* [VNA00J,01 */task.run();/* ] */ } } }