/** * This file is licensed under the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. */ package p; import p.A; import p.B; import p.C; import edu.illinois.keshmesh.annotations.EntryPoint; /** * The intention of this test is to check if the fixer works correctly if there is synchronized * statement within a nested comment in the line that contains synchronized block. */ public class A { @EntryPoint public static void main(String args[]) { new A().m(); } private void m() { Class l1 = new B().getClass(); Class l2 = new C().getClass(); /* [LCK02J,01,p.B.class */ /*synchronized /* (p.B.class) */synchronized (l1) { System.out.println("replace with p.B.class"); }/* ] */ synchronized (this) { System.err.println("don't replace"); } /* [LCK02J,02,p.C.class */synchronized (l2) /* * /*synchronized (l2): * replace l2 with p.C.class */{ System.out.println("replace with p.C.class"); }/* ] */ } } class B { } class C { }