package org.juxtasoftware.service.importer.jxt; import static org.juxtasoftware.service.importer.jxt.Util.isContainedIn; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.juxtasoftware.Constants; import org.juxtasoftware.dao.AlignmentDao; import org.juxtasoftware.dao.CacheDao; import org.juxtasoftware.dao.ComparisonSetDao; import org.juxtasoftware.dao.JuxtaAnnotationDao; import org.juxtasoftware.dao.JuxtaXsltDao; import org.juxtasoftware.dao.SourceDao; import org.juxtasoftware.dao.WitnessDao; import org.juxtasoftware.dao.WorkspaceDao; import org.juxtasoftware.model.Alignment; import org.juxtasoftware.model.Alignment.AlignedAnnotation; import org.juxtasoftware.model.CollatorConfig; import org.juxtasoftware.model.ComparisonSet; import org.juxtasoftware.model.JuxtaAnnotation; import org.juxtasoftware.model.JuxtaXslt; import org.juxtasoftware.model.Source; import org.juxtasoftware.model.Source.Type; import org.juxtasoftware.model.Witness; import org.juxtasoftware.model.Workspace; import org.juxtasoftware.service.ComparisonSetCollator; import org.juxtasoftware.service.SourceTransformer; import org.juxtasoftware.service.Tokenizer; import org.juxtasoftware.service.importer.ImportService; import org.juxtasoftware.service.importer.JuxtaXsltFactory; import org.juxtasoftware.service.importer.XmlTemplateParser; import org.juxtasoftware.service.importer.XmlTemplateParser.TemplateInfo; import org.juxtasoftware.service.importer.jxt.JxtRevisionExtractor.RevisionOccurrence; import org.juxtasoftware.service.importer.jxt.ManifestParser.SourceInfo; import org.juxtasoftware.service.importer.jxt.MovesParser.JxtMoveInfo; import org.juxtasoftware.util.BackgroundTaskSegment; import org.juxtasoftware.util.BackgroundTaskStatus; import org.juxtasoftware.util.NamespaceExtractor; import org.juxtasoftware.util.NamespaceExtractor.NamespaceInfo; import org.juxtasoftware.util.NamespaceExtractor.XmlType; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanDefinition; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import; import; import; import; import eu.interedition.text.Name; import eu.interedition.text.NameRepository; /** * Service used to import JXT files from the desktop juxta. It supports only the * latest version of juxta desktop (1.6.5). There is no support for target xpath * in the parse templates. For imports of documents using the juxta-document template, * the biblio data is stripped out to help compensate for this. * * @author loufoster * */ @Service @Scope(BeanDefinition.SCOPE_PROTOTYPE) public class JxtImportServiceImpl implements ImportService<InputStream> { @Autowired private ManifestParser manifestParser; @Autowired private MovesParser movesParser; @Autowired private XmlTemplateParser templateParser; @Autowired private JuxtaXsltFactory xsltFactory; @Autowired private SourceDao sourceDao; @Autowired private JuxtaXsltDao xsltDao; @Autowired private NameRepository nameRepo; @Autowired private CacheDao cacheDao; @Autowired private SourceTransformer transformer; @Autowired private ComparisonSetDao setDao; @Autowired private WitnessDao witnessDao; @Autowired private Tokenizer tokenizer; @Autowired private ComparisonSetCollator collator; @Autowired private JuxtaAnnotationDao annotationDao; @Autowired private AlignmentDao alignmentDao; @Autowired private WorkspaceDao workspaceDao; private Workspace ws; private ComparisonSet set; private BackgroundTaskStatus taskStatus; private BackgroundTaskSegment taskSegment; protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( Constants.WS_LOGGER_NAME ); /** * Import a JXT file from juxta version 1.6 or greater. Older versions will cause this method * to throw * @param set * @return */ @Override public void doImport(final ComparisonSet set,final InputStream jxtIs, BackgroundTaskStatus status) throws Exception { final File sessionDataDir = Files.createTempDir(); // stuff key data into class members this.set = set; this.taskStatus = status; = this.workspaceDao.find(this.set.getWorkspaceId()); // segment the status tracker to match the steps in the import process: // unzip, parse manifest, parse moves, parse templates, populate set, // add transpositions, tokenize, collate final int importSteps = 8; this.taskSegment = this.taskStatus.add(1, new BackgroundTaskSegment( importSteps )); try { // unzip the jxt file into a temp directory this.taskStatus.setNote("Inflating JXT data"); unzip(sessionDataDir, jxtIs); this.taskSegment.incrementValue(); // parse the manifest found in the unzipped // directory into a list of source data"Parsing manifest"); List<SourceInfo> sources = parseManifest(sessionDataDir); // parse out any transpositions"Parsing moves"); List<JxtMoveInfo> moves = parseMoves(sessionDataDir); // Grab the associated templates and parse them out into a map. // this map is held internally in the template parser."Parsing templates"); parseTemplates(sessionDataDir); // combine all of this data into the comparison set"Create set"); prepareSet( ); populateSet( sources, moves ); // add in the transpositions! addTranspositions( moves ); // tokenize and collate CollatorConfig cfg = this.setDao.getCollatorConfig(this.set); this.set.setStatus(ComparisonSet.Status.COLLATING); tokenize( cfg ); collate( cfg ); this.taskStatus.setNote("Import successful"); } finally { try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(sessionDataDir); } catch (IOException e) {} } } private void prepareSet() { // grab all witnesses associated with this set. // If there are none, there is nothing more to do List<Witness> witnesses = this.setDao.getWitnesses(this.set); if ( witnesses.size() == 0) { return; } // clear out all prior data (NOTE: delete all witnesses wil also clear out all // aligment and annotation data ) this.setDao.deleteAllWitnesses(this.set); this.cacheDao.deleteAll(this.set.getId()); try { for (Witness witness : witnesses) { Source s = this.sourceDao.find(, witness.getSourceId()); JuxtaXslt xslt = this.xsltDao.find(witness.getXsltId()); this.witnessDao.delete(witness); this.sourceDao.delete(s); this.xsltDao.delete(xslt); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to overwrite set; witnesses are in use in another set."); } } private void addTranspositions(List<JxtMoveInfo> moves) { this.taskStatus.setNote("Adding Transpositions"); Name transQname = this.nameRepo.get(Constants.TRANSPOSITION_NAME) ;"Adding Transpositions"); List<Alignment> moveLinks = new ArrayList<Alignment>(); for ( JxtMoveInfo move : moves ) { Alignment link = new Alignment(); link.setComparisonSetId(this.set.getId()); link.setManual(); link.setName( transQname ); for ( String title : move.getWitnessTitles() ) { Witness witness = this.witnessDao.find(this.set, title); if ( witness == null ) { LOG.error("Unable to import moves. Witness "+title+" not found"); this.taskSegment.incrementValue(); return; } JuxtaAnnotation anno = new JuxtaAnnotation( this.set.getId(), witness, transQname, move.getWitnessRange(title) ); anno.setManual(); Long annoId = this.annotationDao.create(anno); AlignedAnnotation aa = new AlignedAnnotation(anno.getName(), witness.getId(), annoId, anno.getRange()); link.addAnnotation( aa ); } moveLinks.add(link); } this.alignmentDao.create(moveLinks); this.taskSegment.incrementValue(); } /** * Parse a list of <code>SourceInfo</code> objects from the manifest file * @param sessionDataDir * @return * @throws Exception */ private List<SourceInfo> parseManifest( File sessionDataDir) throws Exception { this.taskStatus.setNote("Parsing manifest"); final File manifest = new File(sessionDataDir, "manifest.xml"); if (!manifest.isFile()) { throw new IOException("No manifest.xml"); } this.manifestParser.parse(this.set, sessionDataDir, manifest); List<SourceInfo> sources = this.manifestParser.getSources(); this.taskSegment.incrementValue(); return sources; } /** * Parse a list of <code>MoveInfo</code> objects from the moves file * @param sessionDataDir * @return * @throws Exception */ private List<JxtMoveInfo> parseMoves( File sessionDataDir) throws Exception { this.taskStatus.setNote("Parsing moves"); final File movesFile = new File(sessionDataDir, "moves.xml"); if (!movesFile.isFile()) { throw new IOException("No moves.xml"); } List<JxtMoveInfo> moves = this.movesParser.parse(this.set, movesFile); this.taskSegment.incrementValue(); return moves; } /** * Parse out all parse templates from the templates.xml file. * @param sessionDataDir * @throws Exception */ private void parseTemplates( File sessionDataDir ) throws Exception { this.taskStatus.setNote("Parsing templates"); final File templates = new File(sessionDataDir, "templates.xml"); if (!templates.isFile()) { throw new IOException("No templates.xml"); } this.templateParser.parse( new FileInputStream(templates ) ); this.taskSegment.incrementValue(); } /** * Create all sources, templates and witnesses and use them to populate the * comparison set with the new sources. Update the base document too.\ * * @param sources * @throws Exception */ private void populateSet( List<SourceInfo> sources, List<JxtMoveInfo> moves ) throws Exception { // Use collected data to create soures, templates, witness and // add them all to the comparison set Set<Witness> witnesses = new HashSet<Witness>(); this.taskStatus.setNote("Adding witnesses to comparison set"); for ( SourceInfo srcInfo : sources ) { // determine type of source String srcName = JSONObject.escape(srcInfo.getSrcFile().getName()); this.taskStatus.setNote("Adding raw source document: "+srcName); int extPos = srcName.lastIndexOf('.'); String ext = ".txt"; if ( extPos > -1 ) { ext = srcName.substring(extPos); } Source.Type contentType = Source.Type.TXT; if ( ext.equalsIgnoreCase(".xml") ) { contentType = Source.Type.XML; } // create the juxta source Source source = createSource(srcInfo, contentType); // if the source was associated with a parse template, // create it and use it to transform to a witness this.taskStatus.setNote("Transform raw "+srcName+" into witness"); Long witnessId = null; JuxtaXslt xslt = null; if ( contentType.equals(Source.Type.XML) ) { // extract namespace info Set<NamespaceInfo> namespaces = NamespaceExtractor.extract( this.sourceDao.getContentReader(source) ); NamespaceInfo namespace = NamespaceInfo.createBlankNamespace(); if ( namespaces.size() == 1 ) { namespace = (NamespaceInfo)namespaces.toArray()[0]; XmlType xmlType = NamespaceExtractor.determineXmlType( this.sourceDao.getContentReader(source) ); if ( xmlType.equals(XmlType.TEI)) { namespace.setDefaultPrefix("tei"); } } // record any accepted revisions this witness may have had TemplateInfo info = this.templateParser.findTemplateInfo(srcInfo.getTemplateGuid()); xslt = this.xsltFactory.createFromTemplateInfo(source.getWorkspaceId(), srcInfo.getTitle(), info, namespace); addRevisonExclusions(source, xslt, namespace, srcInfo.getAcceptedRevsions() ); witnessId = this.transformer.transform(source, xslt, srcInfo.getTitle()); } else { // Just null transform it to a witness witnessId = this.transformer.transform(source, null, source.getName()); } // add all witnesses to the set and update with base witness Witness newWitness = this.witnessDao.find(witnessId); witnesses.add( newWitness ); } this.taskStatus.setNote("Create comparison set"); this.setDao.addWitnesses(this.set, witnesses); this.setDao.update(this.set); this.taskSegment.incrementValue(); } private void addRevisonExclusions(Source source, JuxtaXslt xslt, NamespaceInfo namespace, List<Integer> acceptedRevsions) throws SAXException, IOException { if ( acceptedRevsions.size() == 0 ) { // when none are accepted, add an exclusion for all // add tag and addSpan tags. The deletes remain xslt.addGlobalExclusion( namespace.addNamespacePrefix("add") ); xslt.addGlobalExclusion( namespace.addNamespacePrefix("addSpan") ); } else { // extract the exclusion info and add single exclusions to the XSLT JxtRevisionExtractor extractor = new JxtRevisionExtractor(); extractor.extract( this.sourceDao.getContentReader(source), acceptedRevsions); for (RevisionOccurrence rev : extractor.getExcludedRevisions() ) { xslt.addSingleExclusion( namespace.addNamespacePrefix(rev.getTagName()), rev.getOccurrence() ); } } this.xsltDao.update(xslt.getId(), new StringReader(xslt.getXslt())); } private Source createSource(SourceInfo srcInfo, Type contentType) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, XMLStreamException { String name = srcInfo.getTitle(); if ( this.sourceDao.exists(, name)) { name = this.sourceDao.makeUniqueName(, name); srcInfo.setTitle(name); } FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(srcInfo.getSrcFile()); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(fis, "UTF-8"); Long srcId = this.sourceDao.create(, name, contentType, isr); IOUtils.closeQuietly(isr); return this.sourceDao.find(, srcId); } /** * Tokenize the comparison set * @param cfg * @throws IOException */ private void tokenize( CollatorConfig cfg ) throws IOException { this.taskStatus.setNote("Tokenizing comparison set"); this.tokenizer.tokenize(this.set, cfg, this.taskStatus); this.taskSegment.incrementValue(); } /** * Collate the comparison set * @throws IOException */ private void collate( CollatorConfig cfg ) throws IOException { this.taskStatus.setNote("Collating comparison set"); this.collator.collate(this.set, cfg, this.taskStatus); this.taskSegment.incrementValue(); } private void unzip(File to, InputStream jxtIs) throws IOException { final ZipInputStream zip = new ZipInputStream(jxtIs); while (true) { final ZipEntry entry = zip.getNextEntry(); if (entry == null) { break; } final File entryFile = new File(to, entry.getName()); Preconditions.checkArgument(isContainedIn(to, entryFile)); if (!entry.isDirectory()) { final File parentFile = entryFile.getParentFile(); if (!parentFile.isDirectory()) { parentFile.mkdirs(); } Preconditions.checkState(parentFile.isDirectory()); FileOutputStream entryStream = null; try { ByteStreams.copy(zip, entryStream = new FileOutputStream(entryFile)); } finally { Closeables.close(entryStream, false); } } } } }