package org.juxtasoftware.diff; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import difflib.Delta; import difflib.DiffUtils; import difflib.Patch; import eu.interedition.text.Annotation; import eu.interedition.text.Name; import eu.interedition.text.Range; import eu.interedition.text.Text; import eu.interedition.text.mem.SimpleAnnotation; import eu.interedition.text.mem.SimpleName; import eu.interedition.text.util.Annotations; /** * * Perform a diff upon two comperands and tansform results into alignments. Diff is done * using google diff-utils and the meyers diff algorithm. * */ public class DiffCollator { protected static final Name GAP_NAME = new SimpleName(URI.create(""), "gap"); protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DiffCollator.class); protected boolean transpositionCollation; public void collate(DiffCollatorConfiguration config, Comparand base, Comparand witness) throws IOException { // This amounts to a config for the diff/collation Comparison comparison = new Comparison(base, witness); // First find an filter out any transpositions and collate // the filtered result final Set<Set<Annotation>> transpositions = config.getTranspositionSource().transpositionsIn(comparison); for (Comparison filtered : comparison.filter(transpositions)) {"Collating " + filtered); this.transpositionCollation = false; collate(config, filtered); } // Now take each of the transpositions and perform a // mini-collation on it for (Set<Annotation> transposition : transpositions) {"Collating transposition " + Iterables.toString(transposition)); this.transpositionCollation = true; collate(config, new Comparison(base, witness, transposition)); } Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); Runtime.getRuntime().runFinalization(); } protected void collate(DiffCollatorConfiguration config, Comparison collation) throws IOException { // Pull ALL tokens for base and witness into memory. // The token inclides annotation info (range, qname, etc) plus // notmalized text based on settings (no case, punctiuation stripped, etc) final TokenSource tokenSource = config.getTokenSource(); final Text base = collation.getBase().getText(); final Text witness = collation.getWitness().getText(); final List<Token> baseTokens = tokenSource.tokensOf(base, collation.getBaseRanges()); final List<Token> witnessTokens = tokenSource.tokensOf(witness, collation.getWitnessRanges()); if (baseTokens.isEmpty() && witnessTokens.isEmpty()) { return; } // Do the diff! Patch diffResult = DiffUtils.diff(baseTokens, witnessTokens); // Convert the dif results into differences DifferenceStore differenceStore = config.getDifferenceStore(); int baseTokenIndex = 0; int witnessTokenIndex = 0; int diffSequece = 0; // Each diff may contain several contiguous tokens that make // up the total diff. Assign each diff a sequence number so // the token-based diffs can be grouped back into contiguous // runs of text later for ( Delta diff : diffResult.getDeltas() ) { diffSequece++; // grab references to diff token indexes for base (original) and witness (revised) int baseDiffTokenStartIndex = diff.getOriginal().getPosition(); int baseDiffTokenEndIndex = baseDiffTokenStartIndex + diff.getOriginal().getLines().size(); int witnessDiffTokenStartIndex = diff.getRevised().getPosition(); int witnessDiffTokenEndIndex = witnessDiffTokenStartIndex + diff.getRevised().getLines().size(); do { // curr indexes are before change - these are aligned, just skip over them if ( baseTokenIndex < baseDiffTokenStartIndex && witnessTokenIndex < witnessDiffTokenStartIndex) { baseTokenIndex++; witnessTokenIndex++; continue; } // curr indexes are both within change bounds... mark as change - no gaps if ( baseTokenIndex < baseDiffTokenEndIndex && witnessTokenIndex < witnessDiffTokenEndIndex) { Token baseToken = baseTokens.get(baseTokenIndex++); Token witnessToken = witnessTokens.get(witnessTokenIndex++); differenceStore.add( createDifference(diffSequece, Difference.Type.CHANGE, baseToken.getAnnotation(), baseToken, witnessToken.getAnnotation(), witnessToken)); continue; } // Base still within change range, witnesss not. Introduce a gap in the witness if ( baseTokenIndex < baseDiffTokenEndIndex && witnessTokenIndex >= witnessDiffTokenEndIndex) { Token baseToken = baseTokens.get(baseTokenIndex++); Annotation witnessGap = createGap( witness, witnessTokenIndex, witnessTokens ); differenceStore.add( createDifference(diffSequece, Difference.Type.ADD_DEL, baseToken.getAnnotation(), baseToken, witnessGap, null)); continue; } // WITNESS still within change range, base not. Introduce a gap in the base if ( baseTokenIndex >= baseDiffTokenEndIndex && witnessTokenIndex < witnessDiffTokenEndIndex) { Token witnessToken = witnessTokens.get(witnessTokenIndex++); Annotation baseGap = createGap( base, baseTokenIndex, baseTokens ); differenceStore.add( createDifference(diffSequece, Difference.Type.ADD_DEL, baseGap, null, witnessToken.getAnnotation(), witnessToken)); continue; } } while ( baseTokenIndex < baseDiffTokenEndIndex || witnessTokenIndex < witnessDiffTokenEndIndex ); } } private Annotation createGap(Text comparandText, int currIndex, List<Token> tokens) throws IOException { if ( currIndex == 0 ) { if ( this.transpositionCollation == false ) { return new GapAnnotation(comparandText, 0); } return gap( tokens.get(0).getAnnotation() ); } else { return gap( tokens.get(currIndex-1).getAnnotation() ); } } private Difference createDifference(int diffSequece, Difference.Type type, Annotation base, Token baseToken, Annotation witness, Token witnessToken) { int editDistance = 0; if (type.equals(Difference.Type.CHANGE) ) { editDistance = baseToken.editDistanceTo(witnessToken); } else if (base.getRange().length() == 0 || witness.getRange().length() == 0) { editDistance = -1; } return new Difference(diffSequece, type, base, witness, editDistance); } protected Annotation gap(Annotation prev) throws IOException { if (prev instanceof GapAnnotation) { return prev; } else { return new GapAnnotation(prev.getText(), prev.getRange().getEnd()); } } public static class GapAnnotation extends SimpleAnnotation { private final long offset; public GapAnnotation(Text text, long offset) { super(text, GAP_NAME, new Range(offset, offset), null); this.offset = offset; } public long getOffset() { return offset; } @Override public Text getText() { return text; } @Override public Name getName() { return GAP_NAME; } @Override public Range getRange() { return new Range(offset, offset); } @Override public String toString() { return "GAP "+text.toString()+" "+getRange().toString(); } @Override public int compareTo(Annotation o) { return, o).compare(this, o, Ordering.arbitrary()).result(); } public static final Function<Annotation,Long> TO_OFFSET = new Function<Annotation, Long>() { @Override public Long apply(Annotation input) { Preconditions.checkArgument(input.getRange().length() == 0); return input.getRange().getEnd(); } }; } }