package com.carrotsearch.junitbenchmarks.h2; import; import java.sql.*; /** * Generate a snippet of HTML code for a given class and all of its benchmarked methods. */ public final class MethodChartGenerator { private Connection connection; private int runId; private String clazzName; private String filePrefix; double min = Double.NaN, max = Double.NaN; /** * @param connection H2 database connection. * @param filePrefix Prefix for generated files. * @param runId The run from which to select data. * @param clazzName The target test class (fully qualified name). */ public MethodChartGenerator( Connection connection, String filePrefix, int runId, String clazzName) { this.connection = connection; this.runId = runId; this.clazzName = clazzName; this.filePrefix = filePrefix; } /** * Generate the chart's HTML. */ public void generate() throws Exception { final String jsonFileName = filePrefix + ".json"; final String htmlFileName = filePrefix + ".html"; String template = H2Consumer.getResource("MethodChartGenerator.html"); template = GeneratorUtils.replaceToken(template, "CLASSNAME", clazzName); template = GeneratorUtils.replaceToken(template, "MethodChartGenerator.json", new File(jsonFileName).getName()); template = GeneratorUtils.replaceToken(template, "/*MINMAX*/", GeneratorUtils.getMinMax(min, max)); template = GeneratorUtils.replaceToken(template, "PROPERTIES", GeneratorUtils.getProperties(connection, runId));, template);, getData()); } /** * Get chart data as JSON string. */ private String getData() throws SQLException { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("{\n"); final PreparedStatement s = connection.prepareStatement(H2Consumer.getResource("method-chart-results.sql")); s.setInt(1, runId); s.setString(2, clazzName); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(); // Emit columns. buf.append("\"cols\": [\n"); ResultSetMetaData metaData = rs.getMetaData(); for (int i = 1; i <= metaData.getColumnCount(); i++) { final String colLabel = metaData.getColumnLabel(i); final String type = GeneratorUtils.getMappedType(metaData.getColumnType(i)); buf.append("{\"label\": \""); buf.append(colLabel); buf.append("\", \"type\": \""); buf.append(type); buf.append("\"}"); if (i != metaData.getColumnCount()) buf.append(","); buf.append('\n'); } buf.append("],\n"); buf.append("\"rows\": [\n"); while ( { buf.append("{\"c\": ["); for (int i = 1; i <= metaData.getColumnCount(); i++) { if (i > 1) buf.append(", "); final Object value = GeneratorUtils.formatValue(metaData.getColumnType(i), rs.getObject(i)); buf.append("{\"v\": "); buf.append(value.toString()); buf.append("}"); } buf.append("]}"); if (!rs.isLast()) buf.append(","); buf.append('\n'); } buf.append("]}\n"); rs.close(); return buf.toString(); } }