package com.carrotsearch.junitbenchmarks; /** * Entity escaping. */ public final class Escape { public Escape() { // no instances. } /* * NOTE. I leave these unimplemented for now; there shouldn't be any problems with * escaping for method and class names because these are compiler-verified. If there * are problems in the future, it'll be easier to escape such strings in one place (or * redirect to Apache Commons Lang, for example). */ /** * Escape special HTML entities. */ public static String htmlEscape(String string) { // TODO: implement me. return string; } /** * Escape a JSON string. */ public static String jsonEscape(String string) { // TODO: implement me. return string; } /** * Escape an SQL string. */ public static Object sqlEscape(String string) { // TODO: implement me. return string; } /** * Escape XML attribute's value. */ public static String xmlAttrEscape(String string) { // TODO: implement me. return string; } }