package org.jmeld.util; import javax.xml.bind.*; import*; import java.util.*; public class JaxbPersister { // class variables: private static JaxbPersister instance = new JaxbPersister(); // instance variables: private Map<Class, Context> contexts = new HashMap<Class, Context>(); private JaxbPersister() { } public static JaxbPersister getInstance() { return instance; } /** Load a object of type 'clazz' from a file. */ public <T> T load(Class<T> clazz, File file) throws FileNotFoundException, JAXBException { return load(clazz, new FileInputStream(file)); } /** Load a object of type 'clazz' from a file. */ public <T> T load(Class<T> clazz, InputStream is) throws JAXBException { Context context; T object; context = getContext(clazz); synchronized (context) { object = (T) context.unmarshal(is); return object; } } /** Save a object to a file. */ public void save(Object object, File file) throws JAXBException, IOException { OutputStream os; os = new FileOutputStream(file); save(object, os); os.close(); } /** Save a object to a outputstream. */ private void save(Object object, OutputStream os) throws JAXBException, IOException { Writer writer; Context context; writer = new OutputStreamWriter(os); context = getContext(object.getClass()); synchronized (context) { context.marshal(object, writer); } } /** Each class has it's own context to marshal and unmarshal. * The context contains a jaxbcontext. */ private Context getContext(Class clazz) { Context c; synchronized (contexts) { c = contexts.get(clazz); if (c == null) { c = new Context(clazz); contexts.put(clazz, c); } } return c; } class Context { private JAXBContext jaxbContext; private Marshaller marshaller; private Unmarshaller unmarshaller; Context(Class clazz) { try { jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(clazz); marshaller = jaxbContext.createMarshaller(); marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE); marshaller.setSchema(null); unmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller(); unmarshaller.setSchema(null); } catch (JAXBException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void marshal(Object object, Writer writer) throws JAXBException { marshaller.marshal(object, writer); } public Object unmarshal(InputStream is) throws JAXBException { return unmarshaller.unmarshal(is); } } }