/* ================================================================== * Created [2009-4-27 下午11:32:55] by Jon.King * ================================================================== * TSS * ================================================================== * mailTo:jinpujun@hotmail.com * Copyright (c) Jon.King, 2009-2012 * ================================================================== */ package com.jinhe.tss.component.param; import java.util.List; import com.jinhe.tss.component.param.entity.Param; import com.jinhe.tss.component.support.persistence.TreeSupportDao; public class ParamDaoImpl extends TreeSupportDao<Param> implements ParamDao { public ParamDaoImpl() { super(Param.class); } public Param getParamById(Long id){ return getEntity(id); } public List<?> getAllParam(){ return getEntities("from Param p where p.hidden <> 1 order by p.decode"); } public Param getParamByCode(String code){ String hql = "from Param p where p.type = ? and p.code = ? and p.hidden <> 1 and p.disabled <> 1 order by p.decode"; List<?> list = getEntities(hql, ParamConstants.NORMAL_PARAM_TYPE, code); return list.size() > 0 ? (Param) list.get(0) : null; } public List<?> getCanAddParamsAndGroups(Integer mode){ String hql = "select distinct p from Param p, Param p1 " + " where p1.decode like p.decode||'%' and p1.type = ? and p1.modality = ? and p.hidden <> 1 order by p.decode"; return getEntities(hql, ParamConstants.NORMAL_PARAM_TYPE, mode); } public List<?> getCanAddParams(Integer mode){ return getEntities("select p.id from Param p where p.type = ? and p.modality = ?", ParamConstants.NORMAL_PARAM_TYPE, mode); } public List<?> getCanAddGroups(){ return getParamsByType(ParamConstants.GROUP_PARAM_TYPE); } private List<?> getParamsByType(Integer type){ return getEntities("from Param p where p.type = ? and p.hidden <> 1 order by p.decode", type); } }