package; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThanOrEqualTo; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThan; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey; import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; public class SelectChannelEndPointTest { protected SelectChannelEndPoint _lastEndp; protected ServerSocketChannel _connector; protected QueuedThreadPool _threadPool = new QueuedThreadPool(); protected SelectorManager _manager = new SelectorManager() { @Override public boolean dispatch(Runnable task) { return _threadPool.dispatch(task); } @Override protected void endPointClosed(SelectChannelEndPoint endpoint) { } @Override protected void endPointOpened(SelectChannelEndPoint endpoint) { } @Override protected void endPointUpgraded(ConnectedEndPoint endpoint, oldConnection) { } @Override public AsyncConnection newConnection(SocketChannel channel, AsyncEndPoint endpoint, Object attachment) { return SelectChannelEndPointTest.this.newConnection(channel,endpoint); } @Override protected SelectChannelEndPoint newEndPoint(SocketChannel channel, SelectSet selectSet, SelectionKey key) throws IOException { SelectChannelEndPoint endp = new SelectChannelEndPoint(channel,selectSet,key,2000); endp.setConnection(selectSet.getManager().newConnection(channel,endp, key.attachment())); _lastEndp=endp; return endp; } }; // Must be volatile or the test may fail spuriously private volatile int _blockAt=0; @Before public void startManager() throws Exception { _connector =; _connector.socket().bind(null); _threadPool.start(); _manager.start(); } @After public void stopManager() throws Exception { _manager.stop(); _threadPool.stop(); _connector.close(); } protected Socket newClient() throws IOException { return new Socket(_connector.socket().getInetAddress(),_connector.socket().getLocalPort()); } protected AsyncConnection newConnection(SocketChannel channel, EndPoint endpoint) { return new TestConnection(endpoint); } public class TestConnection extends AbstractConnection implements AsyncConnection { NIOBuffer _in = new IndirectNIOBuffer(32*1024); NIOBuffer _out = new IndirectNIOBuffer(32*1024); public TestConnection(EndPoint endp) { super(endp); } public handle() throws IOException { boolean progress=true; while(progress) { progress=false; _in.compact(); if (>0 && _endp.fill(_in)>0) progress=true; while (_blockAt>0 && _in.length()>0 && _in.length()<_blockAt) { _endp.blockReadable(10000); if (>0 && _endp.fill(_in)>0) progress=true; } if (_in.hasContent() && _in.skip(_out.put(_in))>0) progress=true; if (_out.hasContent() && _endp.flush(_out)>0) progress=true; _out.compact(); if (!_out.hasContent() && _endp.isInputShutdown()) _endp.shutdownOutput(); } return this; } public boolean isIdle() { return false; } public boolean isSuspended() { return false; } public void onClose() { // System.err.println("onClose"); } public void onInputShutdown() throws IOException { // System.err.println("onInputShutdown"); } } @Test public void testEcho() throws Exception { Socket client = newClient(); client.setSoTimeout(500); SocketChannel server = _connector.accept(); server.configureBlocking(false); _manager.register(server); // Write client to server client.getOutputStream().write("HelloWorld".getBytes("UTF-8")); // Verify echo server to client for (char c : "HelloWorld".toCharArray()) { int b = client.getInputStream().read(); assertTrue(b>0); assertEquals(c,(char)b); } // wait for read timeout long start=System.currentTimeMillis(); try { client.getInputStream().read();; } catch(SocketTimeoutException e) { long duration = System.currentTimeMillis()-start; Assert.assertThat("timeout duration", duration, greaterThanOrEqualTo(400L)); } // write then shutdown client.getOutputStream().write("Goodbye Cruel TLS".getBytes("UTF-8")); // Verify echo server to client for (char c : "Goodbye Cruel TLS".toCharArray()) { int b = client.getInputStream().read(); Assert.assertThat("expect valid char integer", b, greaterThan(0)); assertEquals("expect characters to be same", c,(char)b); } client.close(); int i=0; while (server.isOpen()) { assert(i++<10); Thread.sleep(10); } } @Test public void testShutdown() throws Exception { Socket client = newClient(); client.setSoTimeout(500); SocketChannel server = _connector.accept(); server.configureBlocking(false); _manager.register(server); // Write client to server client.getOutputStream().write("HelloWorld".getBytes("UTF-8")); // Verify echo server to client for (char c : "HelloWorld".toCharArray()) { int b = client.getInputStream().read(); assertTrue(b>0); assertEquals(c,(char)b); } // wait for read timeout long start=System.currentTimeMillis(); try { client.getInputStream().read();; } catch(SocketTimeoutException e) { assertTrue(System.currentTimeMillis()-start>=400); } // write then shutdown client.getOutputStream().write("Goodbye Cruel TLS".getBytes("UTF-8")); client.shutdownOutput(); // Verify echo server to client for (char c : "Goodbye Cruel TLS".toCharArray()) { int b = client.getInputStream().read(); assertTrue(b>0); assertEquals(c,(char)b); } // Read close assertEquals(-1,client.getInputStream().read()); } @Test public void testBlockIn() throws Exception { Socket client = newClient(); SocketChannel server = _connector.accept(); server.configureBlocking(false); _manager.register(server); OutputStream clientOutputStream = client.getOutputStream(); InputStream clientInputStream = client.getInputStream(); int specifiedTimeout = 400; client.setSoTimeout(specifiedTimeout); // Write 8 and cause block for 10 _blockAt=10; clientOutputStream.write("12345678".getBytes("UTF-8")); clientOutputStream.flush(); Thread.sleep(2 * specifiedTimeout); // No echo as blocking for 10 long start=System.currentTimeMillis(); try { int b =;"Should have timed out waiting for a response, but read "+b); } catch(SocketTimeoutException e) { int elapsed = Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - start).intValue(); System.err.println("blocked for " + elapsed+ "ms"); Assert.assertThat("Expected timeout", elapsed, greaterThanOrEqualTo(3*specifiedTimeout/4)); } // write remaining characters clientOutputStream.write("90ABCDEF".getBytes("UTF-8")); clientOutputStream.flush(); // Verify echo server to client for (char c : "1234567890ABCDEF".toCharArray()) { int b =; assertTrue(b>0); assertEquals(c,(char)b); } } @Test public void testIdle() throws Exception { Socket client = newClient(); client.setSoTimeout(3000); SocketChannel server = _connector.accept(); server.configureBlocking(false); _manager.register(server); // Write client to server client.getOutputStream().write("HelloWorld".getBytes("UTF-8")); // Verify echo server to client for (char c : "HelloWorld".toCharArray()) { int b = client.getInputStream().read(); assertTrue(b>0); assertEquals(c,(char)b); } // Set Max idle _lastEndp.setMaxIdleTime(500); // read until idle shutdown received long start=System.currentTimeMillis(); int b=client.getInputStream().read(); assertEquals(-1,b); long idle=System.currentTimeMillis()-start; assertTrue(idle>400); assertTrue(idle<2000); // But endpoint is still open. assertTrue(_lastEndp.isOpen()); // Wait for another idle callback Thread.sleep(2000); // endpoint is closed. assertFalse(_lastEndp.isOpen()); } @Test public void testStress() throws Exception { Socket client = newClient(); client.setSoTimeout(30000); SocketChannel server = _connector.accept(); server.configureBlocking(false); _manager.register(server); int writes = 100000; final byte[] bytes="HelloWorld".getBytes("UTF-8"); final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(writes); final InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(client.getInputStream()); final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); client.getOutputStream().write(bytes); client.getOutputStream().flush(); new Thread() { public void run() { try { while (latch.getCount()>0) { // Verify echo server to client for (byte b0 : bytes) { int b =; assertTrue(b>0); assertEquals(0xff&b0,b); } latch.countDown(); } } catch(Throwable e) { System.err.println("latch="+latch.getCount()); System.err.println("time="+(System.currentTimeMillis()-start)); e.printStackTrace(); } } }.start(); // Write client to server for (int i=1;i<writes;i++) { client.getOutputStream().write(bytes); Thread.yield(); } client.getOutputStream().flush(); assertTrue(latch.await(100,TimeUnit.SECONDS)); } }