package org.eclipse.jetty.continuation; import; import javax.servlet.Filter; import javax.servlet.FilterChain; import javax.servlet.FilterConfig; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; import javax.servlet.ServletResponse; /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * <p>ContinuationFilter must be applied to servlet paths that make use of * the asynchronous features provided by {@link Continuation} APIs, but that * are deployed in servlet containers that are neither Jetty (>= 7) nor a * compliant Servlet 3.0 container.</p> * <p>The following init parameters may be used to configure the filter (these are mostly for testing):</p> * <dl> * <dt>debug</dt><dd>Boolean controlling debug output</dd> * <dt>jetty6</dt><dd>Boolean to force use of Jetty 6 continuations</dd> * <dt>faux</dt><dd>Boolean to force use of faux continuations</dd> * </dl> * <p>If the servlet container is not Jetty (either 6 or 7) nor a Servlet 3 * container, then "faux" continuations will be used.</p> * <p>Faux continuations will just put the thread that called {@link Continuation#suspend()} * in wait, and will notify that thread when {@link Continuation#resume()} or * {@link Continuation#complete()} is called.</p> * <p>Faux continuations are not threadless continuations (they are "faux" - fake - for this reason) * and as such they will scale less than proper continuations.</p> */ public class ContinuationFilter implements Filter { static boolean _initialized; static boolean __debug; // shared debug status private boolean _faux; private boolean _jetty6; private boolean _filtered; ServletContext _context; private boolean _debug; public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException { boolean jetty_7_or_greater="org.eclipse.jetty.servlet".equals(filterConfig.getClass().getPackage().getName()); _context = filterConfig.getServletContext(); String param=filterConfig.getInitParameter("debug"); _debug=param!=null&&Boolean.parseBoolean(param); if (_debug) __debug=true; param=filterConfig.getInitParameter("jetty6"); if (param==null) param=filterConfig.getInitParameter("partial"); if (param!=null) _jetty6=Boolean.parseBoolean(param); else _jetty6=ContinuationSupport.__jetty6 && !jetty_7_or_greater; param=filterConfig.getInitParameter("faux"); if (param!=null) _faux=Boolean.parseBoolean(param); else _faux=!(jetty_7_or_greater || _jetty6 || _context.getMajorVersion()>=3); _filtered=_faux||_jetty6; if (_debug) _context.log("ContinuationFilter "+ " jetty="+jetty_7_or_greater+ " jetty6="+_jetty6+ " faux="+_faux+ " filtered="+_filtered+ " servlet3="+ContinuationSupport.__servlet3); _initialized=true; } public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { if (_filtered) { Continuation c = (Continuation) request.getAttribute(Continuation.ATTRIBUTE); FilteredContinuation fc; if (_faux && (c==null || !(c instanceof FauxContinuation))) { fc = new FauxContinuation(request); request.setAttribute(Continuation.ATTRIBUTE,fc); } else fc=(FilteredContinuation)c; boolean complete=false; while (!complete) { try { if (fc==null || (fc).enter(response)) chain.doFilter(request,response); } catch (ContinuationThrowable e) { debug("faux",e); } finally { if (fc==null) fc = (FilteredContinuation) request.getAttribute(Continuation.ATTRIBUTE); complete=fc==null || (fc).exit(); } } } else { try { chain.doFilter(request,response); } catch (ContinuationThrowable e) { debug("caught",e); } } } private void debug(String string) { if (_debug) { _context.log(string); } } private void debug(String string, Throwable th) { if (_debug) { if (th instanceof ContinuationThrowable) _context.log(string+":"+th); else _context.log(string,th); } } public void destroy() { } public interface FilteredContinuation extends Continuation { boolean enter(ServletResponse response); boolean exit(); } }