package jelectrum; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Scanner; import; import org.bitcoinj.core.Block; import org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction; import org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput; import org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput; import org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutPoint; import org.bitcoinj.core.Sha256Hash; import org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters; import org.bitcoinj.core.ScriptException; import org.bitcoinj.core.Address; import org.bitcoinj.script.Script; import org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptChunk; import; import java.util.Scanner; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Random; import org.junit.Assert; import; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import static org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptOpCodes.*; /** * Blocks have to be loaded in order * * @todo - Add shutdown hook to avoid exit during flush * */ public class UtxoTrieMgr { public static final int UTXO_WORKER_THREADS = 12; // A key is 20 bytes of public key, 32 bytes of transaction id and 4 bytes of output index public static final int ADDR_SPACE = 56; public static boolean DEBUG=false; private NetworkParameters params; private Jelectrum jelly; private TXUtil tx_util; private StatData get_block_stat=new StatData(); private StatData add_block_stat=new StatData(); private StatData get_hash_stat=new StatData(); // Maps a partial key prefix to a tree node // The tree node has children, which are other prefixes or full keys protected TreeMap<String, UtxoTrieNode> node_map = new TreeMap<String, UtxoTrieNode>(); protected Map<String, UtxoTrieNode> db_map; protected Sha256Hash last_flush_block_hash; protected Sha256Hash last_added_block_hash; protected Object block_notify= new Object(); protected Object block_done_notify = new Object(); //Not to be trusted, only used for logging protected int block_height; protected volatile boolean caught_up=false; protected static PrintStream debug_out; private boolean enabled=true; private LRUCache<Sha256Hash, Sha256Hash> root_hash_cache = new LRUCache<>(256); private final Semaphore cache_sem = new Semaphore(0); private ThreadPoolExecutor worker_exec; public UtxoTrieMgr(Jelectrum jelly) throws { this.jelly = jelly; this.params = jelly.getNetworkParameters(); tx_util = new TXUtil(jelly.getDB(), params); if (jelly.getConfig().getBoolean("utxo_disabled")) { enabled=false; return; } worker_exec = new ThreadPoolExecutor( UTXO_WORKER_THREADS, UTXO_WORKER_THREADS, 2, TimeUnit.DAYS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(), new DaemonThreadFactory()); db_map = jelly.getDB().getUtxoTrieMap(); if (jelly.getConfig().isSet("utxo_reset") && jelly.getConfig().getBoolean("utxo_reset")) { jelly.getEventLog().alarm("UTXO reset"); resetEverything(); } if (DEBUG) { debug_out = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream("utxo-debug.log")); } } public void setTxUtil(TXUtil tx_util) { this.tx_util = tx_util; } public boolean isUpToDate() { return caught_up; } private boolean started=false; public void start() { if (!enabled) return; if (started) return; started=true; new UtxoMgrThread().start(); new UtxoCheckThread().start(); } public void resetEverything() { node_map.clear(); putSaveSet("", new UtxoTrieNode("")); last_flush_block_hash = params.getGenesisBlock().getHash(); last_added_block_hash = params.getGenesisBlock().getHash(); flush(); } /** * Just public for testing, don't call */ public void flush() { DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.000"); //get_block_stat.print("get_block", df); //add_block_stat.print("add_block", df); //get_hash_stat.print("get_hash", df); jelly.getEventLog().alarm("UTXO Flushing: " + node_map.size() + " height: " + block_height); saveState(new UtxoStatus(last_added_block_hash, last_flush_block_hash)); db_map.putAll(node_map.descendingMap()); node_map.clear(); saveState(new UtxoStatus(last_added_block_hash)); last_flush_block_hash = last_added_block_hash; jelly.getEventLog().alarm("UTXO Flush complete"); } public void saveState(UtxoStatus status) { jelly.getDB().getSpecialObjectMap().put("utxo_trie_mgr_state", status); } public synchronized void printTree(PrintStream out) { out.println("UTXO TREE:"); getByKey("").printTree(out, 1, this); } public synchronized UtxoStatus getUtxoState() { if (!enabled) return null; try { Object o = jelly.getDB().getSpecialObjectMap().get("utxo_trie_mgr_state"); if (o != null) { return (UtxoStatus)o; } } catch(Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } jelly.getEventLog().alarm("Problem loading UTXO status, starting fresh"); resetEverything(); return getUtxoState(); } public synchronized void addBlock(Block b) { long t1 = System.nanoTime(); LinkedList<String> keys_to_add = new LinkedList<String>(); LinkedList<String> keys_to_remove = new LinkedList<String>(); for(Transaction tx : b.getTransactions()) { long t2 = System.nanoTime(); addTransactionKeys(tx, keys_to_add, keys_to_remove); TimeRecord.record(t2, "utxo_get_tx_keys"); } LinkedList<String> all_keys = new LinkedList<String>(); all_keys.addAll(keys_to_add); all_keys.addAll(keys_to_remove); final UtxoTrieMgr mgr = this; long t1_cache = System.nanoTime(); for(final String key : all_keys) { worker_exec.execute( new Runnable() { public void run() { try { long t2 = System.nanoTime(); getByKey("").cacheNodes(key, mgr); TimeRecord.record(t2, "utxo_cache_nodes"); } catch(Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } finally { cache_sem.release(1); } } } ); } try { cache_sem.acquire(all_keys.size()); } catch(InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } TimeRecord.record(t1_cache, "utxo_cache_walltime"); for(String key : keys_to_add) { long t2 = System.nanoTime(); getByKey("").addHash(key, this); TimeRecord.record(t2, "utxo_add_hash"); } for(String key : keys_to_remove) { long t2 = System.nanoTime(); getByKey("").removeHash(key, this); TimeRecord.record(t2, "utxo_remove_hash"); } long t2 = System.nanoTime(); last_added_block_hash = b.getHash(); TimeRecord.record(t2, "utxo_gethash"); TimeRecord.record(t1, "utxo_add_block"); } // They see me rollin, they hating public synchronized void rollbackBlock(Block b) { LinkedList<Transaction> back_list = new LinkedList<Transaction>(); for(Transaction tx : b.getTransactions()) { back_list.addFirst(tx); } for(Transaction tx : back_list) { rollTransaction(tx); } } public synchronized void dumpDB(OutputStream out) throws { UtxoStatus status = getUtxoState(); if (!status.isConsistent()) { throw new RuntimeException("UTXO status inconsistent - unable to dump db"); } System.out.println("Dumping DB at block: " + status.getBlockHash()); //write header out.write(status.getBlockHash().getBytes()); getByKey("").dumpDB(out, this); //write end marker byte[] sz = new byte[4]; out.write(sz); out.flush(); } public synchronized void loadDB(InputStream in) throws { node_map.clear(); last_added_block_hash = null; last_flush_block_hash = null; byte[] hash_data = new byte[32]; DataInputStream d_in = new DataInputStream(in); d_in.readFully(hash_data); Sha256Hash read_hash = new Sha256Hash(hash_data); System.out.println("Reading block: " + read_hash); int node_count=0; TreeMap<String, UtxoTrieNode> save_map = new TreeMap<>(); StatData size_info = new StatData(); while(true) { int size = d_in.readInt(); if (size == 0) break; byte[] data = new byte[size]; d_in.readFully(data); UtxoTrieNode node = new UtxoTrieNode(ByteString.copyFrom(data)); size_info.addDataPoint(size); save_map.put(node.getPrefix(), node); node_count++; if (node_count % 1000 == 0) { db_map.putAll(save_map); save_map.clear(); System.out.print('.'); } } db_map.putAll(save_map); save_map.clear(); System.out.print('.'); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Saved " + node_count + " nodes"); saveState(new UtxoStatus(read_hash)); System.out.println("UTXO root hash: " + getRootHash(null)); size_info.print("sizes", new DecimalFormat("0.0")); } public void putSaveSet(String prefix, UtxoTrieNode node) { synchronized(node_map) { node_map.put(prefix, node); } } public UtxoTrieNode getByKey(String prefix) { UtxoTrieNode n = null; synchronized(node_map) { n = node_map.get(prefix); if (n != null) return n; } n = db_map.get(prefix); if (n != null) return n; jelly.getEventLog().alarm("UTXO node missing: ." + prefix + "."); return n; } private void checkUtxoHash(int height, Sha256Hash block, Sha256Hash utxo_hash) { UtxoCheckEntry check_entry = new UtxoCheckEntry(height, block, utxo_hash); check_queue.offer(check_entry); } private void addTransactionKeys(Transaction tx, LinkedList<String> keys_to_add, LinkedList<String> keys_to_remove) { int idx=0; for(TransactionOutput tx_out : tx.getOutputs()) { long t1 = System.nanoTime(); String key = getKeyForOutput(tx_out, idx); TimeRecord.record(t1, "utxo_get_key_for_output"); if (key != null) { keys_to_add.add(key); } /*if (DEBUG) debug_out.println("Adding key: " + key); if (key != null) { long t2 = System.nanoTime(); getByKey("").addHash(key, this); TimeRecord.record(t2, "utxo_addhash"); }*/ idx++; } for(TransactionInput tx_in : tx.getInputs()) { if (!tx_in.isCoinBase()) { long t1 = System.nanoTime(); String key = getKeyForInput(tx_in); TimeRecord.record(t1, "utxo_get_key_for_input"); if (key != null) { keys_to_remove.add(key); /*long t2 = System.nanoTime(); getByKey("").removeHash(key, this); TimeRecord.record(t2, "utxo_removehash");*/ } } } } private void rollTransaction(Transaction tx) { int idx=0; for(TransactionOutput tx_out : tx.getOutputs()) { String key = getKeyForOutput(tx_out, idx); if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Adding key: " + key); if (key != null) { getByKey("").removeHash(key, this); } idx++; } for(TransactionInput tx_in : tx.getInputs()) { if (!tx_in.isCoinBase()) { String key = getKeyForInput(tx_in); if (key != null) { getByKey("").addHash(key, this); } } } } public synchronized Collection<TransactionOutPoint> getUnspentForAddress(Address a) { String prefix = getPrefixForAddress(a); Collection<String> keys = getByKey("").getKeysByPrefix(prefix, this); LinkedList<TransactionOutPoint> outs = new LinkedList<TransactionOutPoint>(); try { for(String key : keys) { byte[] key_data=Hex.decodeHex(key.toCharArray()); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(key_data); bb.order(java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); bb.position(20); byte[] tx_data = new byte[32]; bb.get(tx_data); int idx=bb.getInt(); Sha256Hash tx_id = new Sha256Hash(tx_data); TransactionOutPoint o = new TransactionOutPoint(jelly.getNetworkParameters(), idx, tx_id); outs.add(o); } } catch(org.apache.commons.codec.DecoderException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return outs; } public synchronized Sha256Hash getRootHash(Sha256Hash interest_block) { if (!enabled) { byte[] b = new byte[32]; return new Sha256Hash(b); } if (interest_block != null) { synchronized(root_hash_cache) { if (root_hash_cache.containsKey(interest_block)) { return root_hash_cache.get(interest_block); } } } if ((interest_block == null) || (last_added_block_hash == null) || (interest_block.equals(last_added_block_hash))) { Sha256Hash root = getByKey("").getHash("", this); if (DEBUG) debug_out.println("Root is now: " + root); return root; } byte[] b = new byte[32]; return new Sha256Hash(b); } public static int commonLength(String a, String b) { int max = Math.min(a.length(), b.length()); int same = 0; for(int i=0; i<max; i++) { if (a.charAt(i) == b.charAt(i)) same++; else break; } if (same % 2 == 1) same--; return same; } public static Sha256Hash hashThings(String skip, Collection<Sha256Hash> hash_list) { try { if (DEBUG) debug_out.print("hash("); MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); if ((skip != null) && (skip.length() > 0)) { byte[] skipb = Hex.decodeHex(skip.toCharArray()); md.update(skipb); if (DEBUG) { debug_out.print("skip:"); debug_out.print(skip); debug_out.print(' '); } } for(Sha256Hash h : hash_list) { md.update(h.getBytes()); if (DEBUG) { debug_out.print(h); debug_out.print(" "); } } if (DEBUG) debug_out.print(") - "); byte[] pass = md.digest(); md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); md.update(pass); Sha256Hash out = new Sha256Hash(md.digest()); if (DEBUG) debug_out.println(out); return out; } catch( e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch(org.apache.commons.codec.DecoderException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void notifyBlock(boolean wait_for_it, Sha256Hash wait_for_block) { synchronized(block_notify) { block_notify.notifyAll(); } if (wait_for_it) { long end_wait = System.currentTimeMillis() + 15000; while(end_wait > System.currentTimeMillis()) { long wait_tm = end_wait - System.currentTimeMillis(); if (wait_tm > 0) { try { synchronized(root_hash_cache) { if (root_hash_cache.containsKey(wait_for_block)) return; } synchronized(block_done_notify) { block_done_notify.wait(wait_tm); } } catch(Throwable t){} } } } } public static Sha256Hash getHashFromKey(String key) { String hash = key.substring(40, 40+64); return new Sha256Hash(hash); } public static String getKey(byte[] publicKey, Sha256Hash tx_id, int idx) { String addr_part = Hex.encodeHexString(publicKey); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(4); bb.order(java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); bb.putInt(idx); String idx_str = Hex.encodeHexString(bb.array()); String key = addr_part + tx_id + idx_str; return key; } public String getKeyForInput(TransactionInput in) { if (in.isCoinBase()) return null; try { byte[] public_key=null; Address a = in.getFromAddress(); public_key = a.getHash160(); return getKey(public_key, in.getOutpoint().getHash(), (int)in.getOutpoint().getIndex()); } catch(ScriptException e) { //Lets try this the other way try { TransactionOutPoint out_p = in.getOutpoint(); Transaction src_tx = tx_util.getTransaction(out_p.getHash()); TransactionOutput out = src_tx.getOutput((int)out_p.getIndex()); return getKeyForOutput(out, (int)out_p.getIndex()); } catch(ScriptException e2) { return null; } } } public static String getPrefixForAddress(Address a) { byte[] public_key=a.getHash160(); return Hex.encodeHexString(public_key); } public static byte[] getPublicKeyForTxOut(TransactionOutput out, NetworkParameters params) { byte[] public_key=null; Script script = null; try { script = out.getScriptPubKey(); if (script.isSentToRawPubKey()) { byte[] key = out.getScriptPubKey().getPubKey(); byte[] address_bytes = org.bitcoinj.core.Utils.sha256hash160(key); public_key = address_bytes; } else { Address a = script.getToAddress(params); public_key = a.getHash160(); } } catch(ScriptException e) { public_key = figureOutStrange(script, out, params); } return public_key; } public static byte[] figureOutStrange(Script script, TransactionOutput out, NetworkParameters params) { if (script == null) return null; //org.bitcoinj.core.Utils.sha256hash160 List<ScriptChunk> chunks = script.getChunks(); /*System.out.println("STRANGE: " + out.getParentTransaction().getHash() + " - has strange chunks " + chunks.size()); for(int i =0; i<chunks.size(); i++) { System.out.print("Chunk " + i + " "); System.out.print(Hex.encodeHex(chunks.get(i).data)); System.out.println(" " + getOpCodeName(chunks.get(i).data[0])); }*/ //Remember, java bytes are signed because hate //System.out.println(out); //System.out.println(script); if (chunks.size() == 6) { if (chunks.get(0).equalsOpCode(OP_DUP)) if (chunks.get(1).equalsOpCode(OP_HASH160)) if (chunks.get(3).equalsOpCode(OP_EQUALVERIFY)) if (chunks.get(4).equalsOpCode(OP_CHECKSIG)) if (chunks.get(5).equalsOpCode(OP_NOP)) if (chunks.get(2).isPushData()) if (chunks.get(2).data.length == 20) { return chunks.get(2).data; } } /*if ((chunks.size() == 6) && (chunks.get(2).data.length == 20)) { for(int i=0; i<6; i++) { if (chunks.get(i) == null) return null; if (chunks.get(i).data == null) return null; if (i != 2) { if (chunks.get(i).data.length != 1) return null; } } if (chunks.get(0).data[0] == OP_DUP) if ((int)(chunks.get(1).data[0] & 0xFF) == OP_HASH160) if ((int)(chunks.get(3).data[0] & 0xFF) == OP_EQUALVERIFY) if ((int)(chunks.get(4).data[0] & 0xFF) == OP_CHECKSIG) if (chunks.get(5).data[0] == OP_NOP) { return chunks.get(2).data; } }*/ return null; } public String getKeyForOutput(TransactionOutput out, int idx) { byte[] public_key = getPublicKeyForTxOut(out, params); if (public_key == null) return null; return getKey(public_key, out.getParentTransaction().getHash(), idx); } public class UtxoMgrThread extends Thread { private BlockChainCache block_chain_cache; public UtxoMgrThread() { setName("UtxoMgrThread"); setDaemon(true); block_chain_cache = jelly.getBlockChainCache(); } public void run() { recover(); while(true) { while(catchup()){} waitForBlocks(); } } private void recover() { UtxoStatus status = getUtxoState(); if (!status.isConsistent()) { Sha256Hash start = status.getPrevBlockHash(); Sha256Hash end = status.getBlockHash(); last_flush_block_hash = start; jelly.getEventLog().alarm("UTXO inconsistent, attempting recovery from " + start + " to " + end); LinkedList<Sha256Hash> recover_block_list = new LinkedList<Sha256Hash>(); Sha256Hash ptr = end; while(!ptr.equals(start)) { recover_block_list.addFirst(ptr); //System.out.println("Getting prev of : " + ptr); ptr = jelly.getDB().getBlockStoreMap().get(ptr).getHeader().getPrevBlockHash(); } recover_block_list.addFirst(start); jelly.getEventLog().alarm("UTXO attempting recovery of " + recover_block_list.size() + " blocks"); for(Sha256Hash blk_hash : recover_block_list) { Block b = jelly.getDB().getBlockMap().get(blk_hash).getBlock(jelly.getNetworkParameters()); addBlock(b); } flush(); } else { last_flush_block_hash = status.getBlockHash(); last_added_block_hash = status.getBlockHash(); } } int added_since_flush = 0; long last_flush = 0; private boolean catchup() { while(!block_chain_cache.isBlockInMainChain(last_added_block_hash)) { rollback(); } int curr_height = jelly.getDB().getBlockStoreMap().get(last_added_block_hash).getHeight(); int head_height = jelly.getDB().getBlockStoreMap().get( jelly.getBlockChainCache().getHead()).getHeight(); boolean near_caught_up=caught_up; for(int i=curr_height+1; i<=head_height; i++) { while(jelly.getSpaceLimited()) { try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch(Throwable t){} } Sha256Hash block_hash = jelly.getBlockChainCache().getBlockHashAtHeight(i); long t1=System.currentTimeMillis(); SerializedBlock sb = jelly.getDB().getBlockMap().get(block_hash); if (sb == null) { try{Thread.sleep(250); return true;}catch(Throwable t){} } caught_up=false; Block b = sb.getBlock(params); long t2=System.currentTimeMillis(); get_block_stat.addDataPoint(t2-t1); if (b.getPrevBlockHash().equals(last_added_block_hash)) { t1=System.currentTimeMillis(); addBlock(b); t2=System.currentTimeMillis(); add_block_stat.addDataPoint(t2-t1); Sha256Hash root_hash = getRootHash(null); synchronized(root_hash_cache) { root_hash_cache.put(block_hash, root_hash); } block_height=i; checkUtxoHash(i, block_hash, root_hash); if ((near_caught_up) && (jelly.isUpToDate())) { jelly.getEventLog().alarm("UTXO added block " + i + " - " + root_hash); } else { jelly.getEventLog().log("UTXO added block " + i + " - " + root_hash); } added_since_flush++; } else { return true; } int flush_mod = 1000; //After the blocks get bigger, flush more often if (block_height > 220000) flush_mod = 100; if (block_height > 320000) flush_mod = 10; if (i % flush_mod == 0) { flush(); added_since_flush=0; last_flush = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } synchronized(block_done_notify) { block_done_notify.notifyAll(); } if ((added_since_flush > 0) && (last_flush +15000L < System.currentTimeMillis())) { flush(); added_since_flush=0; last_flush = System.currentTimeMillis(); } return false; } private void rollback() { jelly.getEventLog().alarm("UTXO rolling back " + last_added_block_hash); Sha256Hash prev = jelly.getDB().getBlockStoreMap().get(last_added_block_hash).getHeader().getPrevBlockHash(); last_flush_block_hash = prev; Block b = jelly.getDB().getBlockMap().get(last_added_block_hash).getBlock(jelly.getNetworkParameters()); rollbackBlock(b); //Setting hashes such that it looks like we are doing prev -> last_added_block_hash //That way on recovery we will re-add the block and then roll back again flush(); last_added_block_hash = prev; } private void waitForBlocks() { caught_up=true; synchronized(block_done_notify) { block_done_notify.notifyAll(); } synchronized(block_notify) { try { block_notify.wait(10000); } catch(InterruptedException e){} } } } private LinkedBlockingQueue<UtxoCheckEntry> check_queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<UtxoCheckEntry>(4); public class UtxoCheckEntry { int height; Sha256Hash block; Sha256Hash utxo_root; public UtxoCheckEntry(int height, Sha256Hash block, Sha256Hash utxo_root) { this.height = height; this.block = block; this.utxo_root = utxo_root; } } public class UtxoCheckThread extends Thread { String client_name; public UtxoCheckThread() { setName("UtxoCheckThread"); setDaemon(true); client_name = "j_" + StratumConnection.JELECTRUM_VERSION + "_"; if (jelly.getConfig().isSet("irc_advertise_host")) { client_name += jelly.getConfig().get("irc_advertise_host"); } else { client_name += new java.util.Random().nextInt(); } //client_name = "check_file"; } public void run() { while(true) { try { UtxoCheckEntry e = check_queue.take(); String url = "" + "block=" + e.block.toString() + "&utxo=" + e.utxo_root.toString() + "&client="+ client_name; URL u = new URL(url); Scanner scan =new Scanner(u.openStream()); String line = scan.nextLine(); scan.close(); StringTokenizer stok = new StringTokenizer(line, ","); String root_str = stok.nextToken(); if (!root_str.equals("undetermined")) { Sha256Hash concur_root = new Sha256Hash(root_str); int matching = Integer.parseInt(stok.nextToken()); int total = Integer.parseInt(stok.nextToken()); if (!concur_root.equals(e.utxo_root)) { jelly.getEventLog().alarm("UTXO check mismatch at " + e.height + " - me:" + e.utxo_root + " others:" + concur_root + " agreement " + + matching + " of " + total); } else { jelly.getEventLog().log("UTXO check at " + e.height + " - " + concur_root + " - matching " + matching + " of " + total); } } else { jelly.getEventLog().log("UTXO check at " + e.height + " - " + root_str); } } catch(Throwable t) { jelly.getEventLog().alarm("UtxoCheckThread: " + t); t.printStackTrace(); } } } } public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { String config_path = args[0]; Jelectrum jelly = new Jelectrum(new Config(config_path)); int block_number = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); Sha256Hash block_hash = jelly.getBlockChainCache().getBlockHashAtHeight(block_number); System.out.println("Block hash: " + block_hash); Block b = jelly.getDB().getBlockMap().get(block_hash).getBlock(jelly.getNetworkParameters()); System.out.println("Inspecting " + block_number + " - " + block_hash); int tx_count =0; int out_count =0; for(Transaction tx : b.getTransactions()) { int idx=0; for(TransactionOutput tx_out : tx.getOutputs()) { byte[] pub_key_bytes=getPublicKeyForTxOut(tx_out, jelly.getNetworkParameters()); String public_key = null; if (pub_key_bytes != null) public_key = Hex.encodeHexString(pub_key_bytes); else public_key = "None"; String script_bytes = Hex.encodeHexString(tx_out.getScriptBytes()); String[] cmd=new String[3]; cmd[0]="python"; cmd[1]=jelly.getConfig().get("utxo_check_tool"); cmd[2]=script_bytes; //System.out.println(script_bytes); Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); Scanner scan = new Scanner(p.getInputStream()); String ele_key = scan.nextLine(); if (!ele_key.equals(public_key)) { System.out.println("Mismatch on " + tx_out.getParentTransaction().getHash() + ":" + idx); System.out.println(" Script: " + script_bytes); System.out.println(" Jelectrum: " + public_key); System.out.println(" Electrum: " + ele_key); } out_count++; idx++; } tx_count++; } System.out.println("TX Count: " + tx_count); System.out.println("Out Count: " + out_count); } }