package jelectrum; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import; import; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry; public abstract class JelectrumDB implements jelectrum.db.DBFace { protected Config conf; protected Map<Sha256Hash, SerializedTransaction> tx_map; //protected Map<String, HashSet<Sha256Hash> > address_to_tx_map; protected Map<Sha256Hash, StoredBlock> block_store_map; protected Map<String, StoredBlock> special_block_store_map; protected Map<Sha256Hash, SerializedBlock> block_map; //protected Map<Sha256Hash, HashSet<Sha256Hash> > tx_to_block_map; protected Map<Sha256Hash, String> block_rescan_map; protected Map<String, Object> special_object_map; protected Map<Integer, String> header_chunk_map; protected Map<String, UtxoTrieNode> utxo_trie_map; public JelectrumDB(Config conf) { this.conf = conf; } public void compact() { } public void commit() { } public void close() { } public void open() { } public abstract Map<Sha256Hash, StoredBlock> getBlockStoreMap(); public abstract Map<String, StoredBlock> getSpecialBlockStoreMap(); public abstract Map<Sha256Hash,SerializedTransaction> getTransactionMap(); public abstract Map<Sha256Hash, SerializedBlock> getBlockMap(); public abstract void addAddressToTxMap(String address, Sha256Hash hash); public final void addAddressesToTxMap(Collection<String> addresses, Sha256Hash hash) { LinkedList<Map.Entry<String, Sha256Hash>> lst = new LinkedList<>(); for(String a : addresses) { lst.add(new SimpleEntry<String, Sha256Hash>(a, hash)); } addAddressesToTxMap(lst); } /** * If the store has a bulk insert it is best to override this with that */ public void addAddressesToTxMap(Collection<Map.Entry<String, Sha256Hash> > lst) { for(Map.Entry<String, Sha256Hash> me : lst) { addAddressToTxMap(me.getKey(), me.getValue()); } } public abstract Set<Sha256Hash> getAddressToTxSet(String address); public abstract void addTxToBlockMap(Sha256Hash tx, Sha256Hash block); public final void addTxsToBlockMap(Collection<Sha256Hash> txs, Sha256Hash block) { LinkedList<Map.Entry<Sha256Hash, Sha256Hash>> lst = new LinkedList<>(); for(Sha256Hash tx : txs) { lst.add(new SimpleEntry<Sha256Hash, Sha256Hash>(tx, block)); addTxToBlockMap(tx, block); } addTxsToBlockMap(lst); } /** * If the store has a bulk insert it is best to override this with that */ public void addTxsToBlockMap(Collection<Map.Entry<Sha256Hash, Sha256Hash> > lst) { for(Map.Entry<Sha256Hash, Sha256Hash> me : lst) { addTxToBlockMap(me.getKey(), me.getValue()); } } public abstract Set<Sha256Hash> getTxToBlockMap(Sha256Hash tx); public abstract Map<Sha256Hash, String> getBlockRescanMap(); public abstract Map<String, Object> getSpecialObjectMap(); public abstract Map<Integer, String> getHeaderChunkMap(); public Map<String, UtxoTrieNode> getUtxoTrieMap() { return utxo_trie_map; } }