/* * EnhancedMenuItem.java - Menu item with user-specified accelerator string * :tabSize=4:indentSize=4:noTabs=false: * :folding=explicit:collapseFolds=1: * * Copyright (C) 1999, 2003 Slava Pestov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package org.gjt.sp.jedit.menu; //{{{ Imports import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; import org.gjt.sp.jedit.*; import org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.KeyEventTranslator; import org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.StatusBar; import org.jedit.keymap.Keymap; //}}} /** * jEdit's custom menu item. It adds support for multi-key shortcuts. */ public class EnhancedMenuItem extends JMenuItem { //{{{ EnhancedMenuItem constructor /** * Creates a new menu item. Most plugins should call * GUIUtilities.loadMenuItem() instead. * @param label The menu item label * @param action The edit action * @param context An action context * @since jEdit 4.2pre1 */ public EnhancedMenuItem(String label, String action, ActionContext context) { this.action = action; this.shortcut = GUIUtilities.getShortcutLabel(action, true); String toolTip = jEdit.getProperty(action+ ".tooltip"); if (toolTip != null) { setToolTipText(toolTip); } if (OperatingSystem.hasScreenMenuBar() && shortcut != null) { if (jEdit.getBooleanProperty("menu.multiShortcut", false)) { setText(label + " ( " + shortcut + " )"); } else { setText(label); Keymap keymap = jEdit.getKeymapManager().getKeymap(); String rawShortcut = keymap.getShortcut(action + ".shortcut"); KeyStroke key = KeyEventTranslator.parseKeyStroke(rawShortcut); if (key != null) setAccelerator(key); } shortcut = null; } else setText(label); if(action != null) { setEnabled(true); addActionListener(new EditAction.Wrapper(context,action)); addMouseListener(new MouseHandler()); } else setEnabled(false); } //}}} //{{{ getPreferredSize() method public Dimension getPreferredSize() { Dimension d = super.getPreferredSize(); if(shortcut != null) { d.width += (getFontMetrics(acceleratorFont) .stringWidth(shortcut) + 15); } return d; } //}}} //{{{ paint() method public void paint(Graphics g) { super.paint(g); if(shortcut != null) { g.setFont(acceleratorFont); g.setColor(getModel().isArmed() ? acceleratorSelectionForeground : acceleratorForeground); FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); Insets insets = getInsets(); g.drawString(shortcut,getWidth() - (fm.stringWidth( shortcut) + insets.right + insets.left + 5), getFont().getSize() + (insets.top - (OperatingSystem.isMacOSLF() ? 0 : 1)) /* XXX magic number */); } } //}}} //{{{ Package-private members static Font acceleratorFont; static Color acceleratorForeground; static Color acceleratorSelectionForeground; //}}} //{{{ Private members //{{{ Instance variables private String shortcut; private String action; //}}} //{{{ Class initializer static { String shortcutFont; if (OperatingSystem.isMacOSLF()) { shortcutFont = "Lucida Grande"; } else { shortcutFont = "Monospaced"; } acceleratorFont = UIManager.getFont("MenuItem.acceleratorFont"); if(acceleratorFont == null) { acceleratorFont = new Font(shortcutFont,Font.PLAIN,12); } acceleratorForeground = UIManager .getColor("MenuItem.acceleratorForeground"); if(acceleratorForeground == null) { acceleratorForeground = Color.black; } acceleratorSelectionForeground = UIManager .getColor("MenuItem.acceleratorSelectionForeground"); if(acceleratorSelectionForeground == null) { acceleratorSelectionForeground = Color.black; } } //}}} //}}} //{{{ MouseHandler class class MouseHandler extends MouseAdapter { boolean msgSet = false; private String msg; public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt) { cleanupStatusBar(evt); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent evt) { msg = jEdit.getProperty(action + ".mouse-over"); if(msg != null) { GUIUtilities.getView((Component)evt.getSource()) .getStatus().setMessage(msg); msgSet = true; } } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent evt) { cleanupStatusBar(evt); } private void cleanupStatusBar(MouseEvent evt) { if(msgSet) { StatusBar statusBar = GUIUtilities.getView((Component) evt.getSource()) .getStatus(); if (msg == statusBar.getMessage()) { statusBar.setMessage(null); } msgSet = false; msg = null; } } } //}}} }