/* * reserved comment block * DO NOT REMOVE OR ALTER! */ /* * Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Id: ErrorMsg.java,v 2005/09/15 10:18:01 pvedula Exp $ */ package com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.compiler.util; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.compiler.Stylesheet; import com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.compiler.SyntaxTreeNode; /** * @author Jacek Ambroziak * @author Santiago Pericas-Geertsen * @author G. Todd Miller * @author Erwin Bolwidt <ejb@klomp.org> * @author Morten Jorgensen */ public final class ErrorMsg { private String _code; private int _line; private String _message = null; private String _url = null; Object[] _params = null; private boolean _isWarningError; // Compiler error messages public static final String MULTIPLE_STYLESHEET_ERR = "MULTIPLE_STYLESHEET_ERR"; public static final String TEMPLATE_REDEF_ERR = "TEMPLATE_REDEF_ERR"; public static final String TEMPLATE_UNDEF_ERR = "TEMPLATE_UNDEF_ERR"; public static final String VARIABLE_REDEF_ERR = "VARIABLE_REDEF_ERR"; public static final String VARIABLE_UNDEF_ERR = "VARIABLE_UNDEF_ERR"; public static final String CLASS_NOT_FOUND_ERR = "CLASS_NOT_FOUND_ERR"; public static final String METHOD_NOT_FOUND_ERR = "METHOD_NOT_FOUND_ERR"; public static final String ARGUMENT_CONVERSION_ERR = "ARGUMENT_CONVERSION_ERR"; public static final String FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR = "FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR"; public static final String INVALID_URI_ERR = "INVALID_URI_ERR"; public static final String FILE_ACCESS_ERR = "FILE_ACCESS_ERR"; public static final String MISSING_ROOT_ERR = "MISSING_ROOT_ERR"; public static final String NAMESPACE_UNDEF_ERR = "NAMESPACE_UNDEF_ERR"; public static final String FUNCTION_RESOLVE_ERR = "FUNCTION_RESOLVE_ERR"; public static final String NEED_LITERAL_ERR = "NEED_LITERAL_ERR"; public static final String XPATH_PARSER_ERR = "XPATH_PARSER_ERR"; public static final String REQUIRED_ATTR_ERR = "REQUIRED_ATTR_ERR"; public static final String ILLEGAL_CHAR_ERR = "ILLEGAL_CHAR_ERR"; public static final String ILLEGAL_PI_ERR = "ILLEGAL_PI_ERR"; public static final String STRAY_ATTRIBUTE_ERR = "STRAY_ATTRIBUTE_ERR"; public static final String ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_ERR = "ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_ERR"; public static final String CIRCULAR_INCLUDE_ERR = "CIRCULAR_INCLUDE_ERR"; public static final String RESULT_TREE_SORT_ERR = "RESULT_TREE_SORT_ERR"; public static final String SYMBOLS_REDEF_ERR = "SYMBOLS_REDEF_ERR"; public static final String XSL_VERSION_ERR = "XSL_VERSION_ERR"; public static final String CIRCULAR_VARIABLE_ERR = "CIRCULAR_VARIABLE_ERR"; public static final String ILLEGAL_BINARY_OP_ERR = "ILLEGAL_BINARY_OP_ERR"; public static final String ILLEGAL_ARG_ERR = "ILLEGAL_ARG_ERR"; public static final String DOCUMENT_ARG_ERR = "DOCUMENT_ARG_ERR"; public static final String MISSING_WHEN_ERR = "MISSING_WHEN_ERR"; public static final String MULTIPLE_OTHERWISE_ERR = "MULTIPLE_OTHERWISE_ERR"; public static final String STRAY_OTHERWISE_ERR = "STRAY_OTHERWISE_ERR"; public static final String STRAY_WHEN_ERR = "STRAY_WHEN_ERR"; public static final String WHEN_ELEMENT_ERR = "WHEN_ELEMENT_ERR"; public static final String UNNAMED_ATTRIBSET_ERR = "UNNAMED_ATTRIBSET_ERR"; public static final String ILLEGAL_CHILD_ERR = "ILLEGAL_CHILD_ERR"; public static final String ILLEGAL_ELEM_NAME_ERR = "ILLEGAL_ELEM_NAME_ERR"; public static final String ILLEGAL_ATTR_NAME_ERR = "ILLEGAL_ATTR_NAME_ERR"; public static final String ILLEGAL_TEXT_NODE_ERR = "ILLEGAL_TEXT_NODE_ERR"; public static final String SAX_PARSER_CONFIG_ERR = "SAX_PARSER_CONFIG_ERR"; public static final String INTERNAL_ERR = "INTERNAL_ERR"; public static final String UNSUPPORTED_XSL_ERR = "UNSUPPORTED_XSL_ERR"; public static final String UNSUPPORTED_EXT_ERR = "UNSUPPORTED_EXT_ERR"; public static final String MISSING_XSLT_URI_ERR = "MISSING_XSLT_URI_ERR"; public static final String MISSING_XSLT_TARGET_ERR = "MISSING_XSLT_TARGET_ERR"; public static final String NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR = "NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR"; public static final String NOT_STYLESHEET_ERR = "NOT_STYLESHEET_ERR"; public static final String ELEMENT_PARSE_ERR = "ELEMENT_PARSE_ERR"; public static final String KEY_USE_ATTR_ERR = "KEY_USE_ATTR_ERR"; public static final String OUTPUT_VERSION_ERR = "OUTPUT_VERSION_ERR"; public static final String ILLEGAL_RELAT_OP_ERR = "ILLEGAL_RELAT_OP_ERR"; public static final String ATTRIBSET_UNDEF_ERR = "ATTRIBSET_UNDEF_ERR"; public static final String ATTR_VAL_TEMPLATE_ERR = "ATTR_VAL_TEMPLATE_ERR"; public static final String UNKNOWN_SIG_TYPE_ERR = "UNKNOWN_SIG_TYPE_ERR"; public static final String DATA_CONVERSION_ERR = "DATA_CONVERSION_ERR"; // JAXP/TrAX error messages public static final String NO_TRANSLET_CLASS_ERR = "NO_TRANSLET_CLASS_ERR"; public static final String NO_MAIN_TRANSLET_ERR = "NO_MAIN_TRANSLET_ERR"; public static final String TRANSLET_CLASS_ERR = "TRANSLET_CLASS_ERR"; public static final String TRANSLET_OBJECT_ERR = "TRANSLET_OBJECT_ERR"; public static final String ERROR_LISTENER_NULL_ERR = "ERROR_LISTENER_NULL_ERR"; public static final String JAXP_UNKNOWN_SOURCE_ERR = "JAXP_UNKNOWN_SOURCE_ERR"; public static final String JAXP_NO_SOURCE_ERR = "JAXP_NO_SOURCE_ERR"; public static final String JAXP_COMPILE_ERR = "JAXP_COMPILE_ERR"; public static final String JAXP_INVALID_ATTR_ERR = "JAXP_INVALID_ATTR_ERR"; public static final String JAXP_SET_RESULT_ERR = "JAXP_SET_RESULT_ERR"; public static final String JAXP_NO_TRANSLET_ERR = "JAXP_NO_TRANSLET_ERR"; public static final String JAXP_NO_HANDLER_ERR = "JAXP_NO_HANDLER_ERR"; public static final String JAXP_NO_RESULT_ERR = "JAXP_NO_RESULT_ERR"; public static final String JAXP_UNKNOWN_PROP_ERR = "JAXP_UNKNOWN_PROP_ERR"; public static final String SAX2DOM_ADAPTER_ERR = "SAX2DOM_ADAPTER_ERR"; public static final String XSLTC_SOURCE_ERR = "XSLTC_SOURCE_ERR"; public static final String ER_RESULT_NULL = "ER_RESULT_NULL"; public static final String JAXP_INVALID_SET_PARAM_VALUE = "JAXP_INVALID_SET_PARAM_VALUE"; public static final String JAXP_SET_FEATURE_NULL_NAME = "JAXP_SET_FEATURE_NULL_NAME"; public static final String JAXP_GET_FEATURE_NULL_NAME = "JAXP_GET_FEATURE_NULL_NAME"; public static final String JAXP_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE = "JAXP_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE"; public static final String JAXP_SECUREPROCESSING_FEATURE = "JAXP_SECUREPROCESSING_FEATURE"; // Command-line error messages public static final String COMPILE_STDIN_ERR = "COMPILE_STDIN_ERR"; public static final String COMPILE_USAGE_STR = "COMPILE_USAGE_STR"; public static final String TRANSFORM_USAGE_STR = "TRANSFORM_USAGE_STR"; // Recently added error messages public static final String STRAY_SORT_ERR = "STRAY_SORT_ERR"; public static final String UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING = "UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING"; public static final String SYNTAX_ERR = "SYNTAX_ERR"; public static final String CONSTRUCTOR_NOT_FOUND = "CONSTRUCTOR_NOT_FOUND"; public static final String NO_JAVA_FUNCT_THIS_REF = "NO_JAVA_FUNCT_THIS_REF"; public static final String TYPE_CHECK_ERR = "TYPE_CHECK_ERR"; public static final String TYPE_CHECK_UNK_LOC_ERR = "TYPE_CHECK_UNK_LOC_ERR"; public static final String ILLEGAL_CMDLINE_OPTION_ERR = "ILLEGAL_CMDLINE_OPTION_ERR"; public static final String CMDLINE_OPT_MISSING_ARG_ERR = "CMDLINE_OPT_MISSING_ARG_ERR"; public static final String WARNING_PLUS_WRAPPED_MSG = "WARNING_PLUS_WRAPPED_MSG"; public static final String WARNING_MSG = "WARNING_MSG"; public static final String FATAL_ERR_PLUS_WRAPPED_MSG = "FATAL_ERR_PLUS_WRAPPED_MSG"; public static final String FATAL_ERR_MSG = "FATAL_ERR_MSG"; public static final String ERROR_PLUS_WRAPPED_MSG = "ERROR_PLUS_WRAPPED_MSG"; public static final String ERROR_MSG = "ERROR_MSG"; public static final String TRANSFORM_WITH_TRANSLET_STR = "TRANSFORM_WITH_TRANSLET_STR"; public static final String TRANSFORM_WITH_JAR_STR = "TRANSFORM_WITH_JAR_STR"; public static final String COULD_NOT_CREATE_TRANS_FACT = "COULD_NOT_CREATE_TRANS_FACT"; public static final String TRANSLET_NAME_JAVA_CONFLICT = "TRANSLET_NAME_JAVA_CONFLICT"; public static final String INVALID_QNAME_ERR = "INVALID_QNAME_ERR"; public static final String INVALID_NCNAME_ERR = "INVALID_NCNAME_ERR"; public static final String INVALID_METHOD_IN_OUTPUT = "INVALID_METHOD_IN_OUTPUT"; public static final String OUTLINE_ERR_TRY_CATCH = "OUTLINE_ERR_TRY_CATCH"; public static final String OUTLINE_ERR_UNBALANCED_MARKERS = "OUTLINE_ERR_UNBALANCED_MARKERS"; public static final String OUTLINE_ERR_DELETED_TARGET = "OUTLINE_ERR_DELETED_TARGET"; public static final String OUTLINE_ERR_METHOD_TOO_BIG = "OUTLINE_ERR_METHOD_TOO_BIG"; // All error messages are localized and are stored in resource bundles. // This array and the following 4 strings are read from that bundle. private static ResourceBundle _bundle; public final static String ERROR_MESSAGES_KEY = "ERROR_MESSAGES_KEY"; public final static String COMPILER_ERROR_KEY = "COMPILER_ERROR_KEY"; public final static String COMPILER_WARNING_KEY = "COMPILER_WARNING_KEY"; public final static String RUNTIME_ERROR_KEY = "RUNTIME_ERROR_KEY"; static { _bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle( "com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.compiler.util.ErrorMessages", Locale.getDefault()); } public ErrorMsg(String code) { _code = code; _line = 0; } public ErrorMsg(Throwable e) { _code = null; _message = e.getMessage(); _line = 0; } public ErrorMsg(String message, int line) { _code = null; _message = message; _line = line; } public ErrorMsg(String code, int line, Object param) { _code = code; _line = line; _params = new Object[] { param }; } public ErrorMsg(String code, Object param) { this(code); _params = new Object[1]; _params[0] = param; } public ErrorMsg(String code, Object param1, Object param2) { this(code); _params = new Object[2]; _params[0] = param1; _params[1] = param2; } public ErrorMsg(String code, SyntaxTreeNode node) { _code = code; _url = getFileName(node); _line = node.getLineNumber(); } public ErrorMsg(String code, Object param1, SyntaxTreeNode node) { _code = code; _url = getFileName(node); _line = node.getLineNumber(); _params = new Object[1]; _params[0] = param1; } public ErrorMsg(String code, Object param1, Object param2, SyntaxTreeNode node) { _code = code; _url = getFileName(node); _line = node.getLineNumber(); _params = new Object[2]; _params[0] = param1; _params[1] = param2; } private String getFileName(SyntaxTreeNode node) { Stylesheet stylesheet = node.getStylesheet(); if (stylesheet != null) return stylesheet.getSystemId(); else return null; } private String formatLine() { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); if (_url != null) { result.append(_url); result.append(": "); } if (_line > 0) { result.append("line "); result.append(Integer.toString(_line)); result.append(": "); } return result.toString(); } /** * This version of toString() uses the _params instance variable * to format the message. If the <code>_code</code> is negative * the use _message as the error string. */ public String toString() { String suffix = (_params == null) ? (null != _code ? getErrorMessage() : _message) : MessageFormat.format(getErrorMessage(), _params); return formatLine() + suffix; } public String toString(Object obj) { Object params[] = new Object[1]; params[0] = obj.toString(); String suffix = MessageFormat.format(getErrorMessage(), params); return formatLine() + suffix; } public String toString(Object obj0, Object obj1) { Object params[] = new Object[2]; params[0] = obj0.toString(); params[1] = obj1.toString(); String suffix = MessageFormat.format(getErrorMessage(), params); return formatLine() + suffix; } /** * Return an ErrorMessages string corresponding to the _code * This function is temporary until the three special-cased keys * below are moved into ErrorMessages * * @return ErrorMessages string */ private String getErrorMessage() { return _bundle.getString(_code); } // If the _isWarningError flag is true, the error is treated as // a warning by the compiler, but should be reported as an error // to the ErrorListener. This is a workaround for the TCK failure // ErrorListener.errorTests.error001. public void setWarningError(boolean flag) { _isWarningError = flag; } public boolean isWarningError() { return _isWarningError; } }