/* * reserved comment block * DO NOT REMOVE OR ALTER! */ /* * Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Id: SyntaxTreeNode.java,v 1.6 2006/06/06 22:34:33 spericas Exp $ */ package com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.compiler; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; import com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.generic.ANEWARRAY; import com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.generic.BasicType; import com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.generic.CHECKCAST; import com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.generic.ConstantPoolGen; import com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.generic.DUP_X1; import com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.generic.GETFIELD; import com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.generic.ICONST; import com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.generic.INVOKEINTERFACE; import com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.generic.INVOKESPECIAL; import com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.generic.INVOKEVIRTUAL; import com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.generic.InstructionList; import com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.generic.NEW; import com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.generic.NEWARRAY; import com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.generic.PUSH; import com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.compiler.util.ClassGenerator; import com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.compiler.util.ErrorMsg; import com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.compiler.util.MethodGenerator; import com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.compiler.util.Type; import com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.compiler.util.TypeCheckError; import com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.DOM; import com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.compiler.util.Util; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl; /** * @author Jacek Ambroziak * @author Santiago Pericas-Geertsen * @author G. Todd Miller * @author Morten Jorensen * @author Erwin Bolwidt <ejb@klomp.org> * @author John Howard <JohnH@schemasoft.com> */ public abstract class SyntaxTreeNode implements Constants { // Reference to the AST parser private Parser _parser; // AST navigation pointers protected SyntaxTreeNode _parent; // Parent node private Stylesheet _stylesheet; // Stylesheet ancestor node private Template _template; // Template ancestor node private final Vector _contents = new Vector(2); // Child nodes // Element description data protected QName _qname; // The element QName private int _line; // Source file line number protected AttributesImpl _attributes = null; // Attributes of this element private Hashtable _prefixMapping = null; // Namespace declarations // Sentinel - used to denote unrecognised syntaxt tree nodes. protected static final SyntaxTreeNode Dummy = new AbsolutePathPattern(null); // These two are used for indenting nodes in the AST (debug output) protected static final int IndentIncrement = 4; private static final char[] _spaces = " ".toCharArray(); /** * Creates a new SyntaxTreeNode with a 'null' QName and no source file * line number reference. */ public SyntaxTreeNode() { _line = 0; _qname = null; } /** * Creates a new SyntaxTreeNode with a 'null' QName. * @param line Source file line number reference */ public SyntaxTreeNode(int line) { _line = line; _qname = null; } /** * Creates a new SyntaxTreeNode with no source file line number reference. * @param uri The element's namespace URI * @param prefix The element's namespace prefix * @param local The element's local name */ public SyntaxTreeNode(String uri, String prefix, String local) { _line = 0; setQName(uri, prefix, local); } /** * Set the source file line number for this element * @param line The source file line number. */ protected final void setLineNumber(int line) { _line = line; } /** * Get the source file line number for this element. If unavailable, lookup * in ancestors. * * @return The source file line number. */ public final int getLineNumber() { if (_line > 0) return _line; SyntaxTreeNode parent = getParent(); return (parent != null) ? parent.getLineNumber() : 0; } /** * Set the QName for the syntax tree node. * @param qname The QName for the syntax tree node */ protected void setQName(QName qname) { _qname = qname; } /** * Set the QName for the SyntaxTreeNode * @param uri The element's namespace URI * @param prefix The element's namespace prefix * @param local The element's local name */ protected void setQName(String uri, String prefix, String localname) { _qname = new QName(uri, prefix, localname); } /** * Set the QName for the SyntaxTreeNode * @param qname The QName for the syntax tree node */ protected QName getQName() { return(_qname); } /** * Set the attributes for this SyntaxTreeNode. * @param attributes Attributes for the element. Must be passed in as an * implementation of org.xml.sax.Attributes. */ protected void setAttributes(AttributesImpl attributes) { _attributes = attributes; } /** * Returns a value for an attribute from the source element. * @param qname The QName of the attribute to return. * @return The value of the attribute of name 'qname'. */ protected String getAttribute(String qname) { if (_attributes == null) { return EMPTYSTRING; } final String value = _attributes.getValue(qname); return (value == null || value.equals(EMPTYSTRING)) ? EMPTYSTRING : value; } protected String getAttribute(String prefix, String localName) { return getAttribute(prefix + ':' + localName); } protected boolean hasAttribute(String qname) { return (_attributes != null && _attributes.getValue(qname) != null); } protected void addAttribute(String qname, String value) { int index = _attributes.getIndex(qname); if (index != -1) { _attributes.setAttribute(index, "", Util.getLocalName(qname), qname, "CDATA", value); } else { _attributes.addAttribute("", Util.getLocalName(qname), qname, "CDATA", value); } } /** * Returns a list of all attributes declared for the element represented by * this syntax tree node. * @return Attributes for this syntax tree node */ protected Attributes getAttributes() { return(_attributes); } /** * Sets the prefix mapping for the namespaces that were declared in this * element. This does not include all prefix mappings in scope, so one * may have to check ancestor elements to get all mappings that are in * in scope. The prefixes must be passed in as a Hashtable that maps * namespace prefixes (String objects) to namespace URIs (also String). * @param mapping The Hashtable containing the mappings. */ protected void setPrefixMapping(Hashtable mapping) { _prefixMapping = mapping; } /** * Returns a Hashtable containing the prefix mappings that were declared * for this element. This does not include all prefix mappings in scope, * so one may have to check ancestor elements to get all mappings that are * in in scope. * @return Prefix mappings (for this element only). */ protected Hashtable getPrefixMapping() { return _prefixMapping; } /** * Adds a single prefix mapping to this syntax tree node. * @param prefix Namespace prefix. * @param uri Namespace URI. */ protected void addPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri) { if (_prefixMapping == null) _prefixMapping = new Hashtable(); _prefixMapping.put(prefix, uri); } /** * Returns any namespace URI that is in scope for a given prefix. This * method checks namespace mappings for this element, and if necessary * for ancestor elements as well (ie. if the prefix maps to an URI in this * scope then you'll definately get the URI from this method). * @param prefix Namespace prefix. * @return Namespace URI. */ protected String lookupNamespace(String prefix) { // Initialise the output (default is 'null' for undefined) String uri = null; // First look up the prefix/uri mapping in our own hashtable... if (_prefixMapping != null) uri = (String)_prefixMapping.get(prefix); // ... but if we can't find it there we ask our parent for the mapping if ((uri == null) && (_parent != null)) { uri = _parent.lookupNamespace(prefix); if ((prefix == Constants.EMPTYSTRING) && (uri == null)) uri = Constants.EMPTYSTRING; } // ... and then we return whatever URI we've got. return(uri); } /** * Returns any namespace prefix that is mapped to a prefix in the current * scope. This method checks namespace mappings for this element, and if * necessary for ancestor elements as well (ie. if the URI is declared * within the current scope then you'll definately get the prefix from * this method). Note that this is a very slow method and consequentially * it should only be used strictly when needed. * @param uri Namespace URI. * @return Namespace prefix. */ protected String lookupPrefix(String uri) { // Initialise the output (default is 'null' for undefined) String prefix = null; // First look up the prefix/uri mapping in our own hashtable... if ((_prefixMapping != null) && (_prefixMapping.contains(uri))) { Enumeration prefixes = _prefixMapping.keys(); while (prefixes.hasMoreElements()) { prefix = (String)prefixes.nextElement(); String mapsTo = (String)_prefixMapping.get(prefix); if (mapsTo.equals(uri)) return(prefix); } } // ... but if we can't find it there we ask our parent for the mapping else if (_parent != null) { prefix = _parent.lookupPrefix(uri); if ((uri == Constants.EMPTYSTRING) && (prefix == null)) prefix = Constants.EMPTYSTRING; } return(prefix); } /** * Set this node's parser. The parser (the XSLT parser) gives this * syntax tree node access to the symbol table and XPath parser. * @param parser The XSLT parser. */ protected void setParser(Parser parser) { _parser = parser; } /** * Returns this node's XSLT parser. * @return The XSLT parser. */ public final Parser getParser() { return _parser; } /** * Set this syntax tree node's parent node, if unset. For * re-parenting just use <code>node._parent = newparent</code>. * * @param parent The parent node. */ protected void setParent(SyntaxTreeNode parent) { if (_parent == null) _parent = parent; } /** * Returns this syntax tree node's parent node. * @return The parent syntax tree node. */ protected final SyntaxTreeNode getParent() { return _parent; } /** * Returns 'true' if this syntax tree node is the Sentinal node. * @return 'true' if this syntax tree node is the Sentinal node. */ protected final boolean isDummy() { return this == Dummy; } /** * Get the import precedence of this element. The import precedence equals * the import precedence of the stylesheet in which this element occured. * @return The import precedence of this syntax tree node. */ protected int getImportPrecedence() { Stylesheet stylesheet = getStylesheet(); if (stylesheet == null) return Integer.MIN_VALUE; return stylesheet.getImportPrecedence(); } /** * Get the Stylesheet node that represents the <xsl:stylesheet/> element * that this node occured under. * @return The Stylesheet ancestor node of this node. */ public Stylesheet getStylesheet() { if (_stylesheet == null) { SyntaxTreeNode parent = this; while (parent != null) { if (parent instanceof Stylesheet) return((Stylesheet)parent); parent = parent.getParent(); } _stylesheet = (Stylesheet)parent; } return(_stylesheet); } /** * Get the Template node that represents the <xsl:template/> element * that this node occured under. Note that this method will return 'null' * for nodes that represent top-level elements. * @return The Template ancestor node of this node or 'null'. */ protected Template getTemplate() { if (_template == null) { SyntaxTreeNode parent = this; while ((parent != null) && (!(parent instanceof Template))) parent = parent.getParent(); _template = (Template)parent; } return(_template); } /** * Returns a reference to the XSLTC (XSLT compiler) in use. * @return XSLTC - XSLT compiler. */ protected final XSLTC getXSLTC() { return _parser.getXSLTC(); } /** * Returns the XSLT parser's symbol table. * @return Symbol table. */ protected final SymbolTable getSymbolTable() { return (_parser == null) ? null : _parser.getSymbolTable(); } /** * Parse the contents of this syntax tree nodes (child nodes, XPath * expressions, patterns and functions). The default behaviour is to parser * the syntax tree node's children (since there are no common expressions, * patterns, etc. that can be handled in this base class. * @param parser reference to the XSLT parser */ public void parseContents(Parser parser) { parseChildren(parser); } /** * Parse all children of this syntax tree node. This method is normally * called by the parseContents() method. * @param parser reference to the XSLT parser */ protected final void parseChildren(Parser parser) { Vector locals = null; // only create when needed final int count = _contents.size(); for (int i=0; i<count; i++) { SyntaxTreeNode child = (SyntaxTreeNode)_contents.elementAt(i); parser.getSymbolTable().setCurrentNode(child); child.parseContents(parser); // if variable or parameter, add it to scope final QName varOrParamName = updateScope(parser, child); if (varOrParamName != null) { if (locals == null) { locals = new Vector(2); } locals.addElement(varOrParamName); } } parser.getSymbolTable().setCurrentNode(this); // after the last element, remove any locals from scope if (locals != null) { final int nLocals = locals.size(); for (int i = 0; i < nLocals; i++) { parser.removeVariable((QName)locals.elementAt(i)); } } } /** * Add a node to the current scope and return name of a variable or * parameter if the node represents a variable or a parameter. */ protected QName updateScope(Parser parser, SyntaxTreeNode node) { if (node instanceof Variable) { final Variable var = (Variable)node; parser.addVariable(var); return var.getName(); } else if (node instanceof Param) { final Param param = (Param)node; parser.addParameter(param); return param.getName(); } else { return null; } } /** * Type check the children of this node. The type check phase may add * coercions (CastExpr) to the AST. * @param stable The compiler/parser's symbol table */ public abstract Type typeCheck(SymbolTable stable) throws TypeCheckError; /** * Call typeCheck() on all child syntax tree nodes. * @param stable The compiler/parser's symbol table */ protected Type typeCheckContents(SymbolTable stable) throws TypeCheckError { final int n = elementCount(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { SyntaxTreeNode item = (SyntaxTreeNode)_contents.elementAt(i); item.typeCheck(stable); } return Type.Void; } /** * Translate this abstract syntax tree node into JVM bytecodes. * @param classGen BCEL Java class generator * @param methodGen BCEL Java method generator */ public abstract void translate(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen); /** * Call translate() on all child syntax tree nodes. * @param classGen BCEL Java class generator * @param methodGen BCEL Java method generator */ protected void translateContents(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen) { // Call translate() on all child nodes final int n = elementCount(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { methodGen.markChunkStart(); final SyntaxTreeNode item = (SyntaxTreeNode)_contents.elementAt(i); item.translate(classGen, methodGen); methodGen.markChunkEnd(); } // After translation, unmap any registers for any variables/parameters // that were declared in this scope. Performing this unmapping in the // same AST scope as the declaration deals with the problems of // references falling out-of-scope inside the for-each element. // (the cause of which being 'lazy' register allocation for references) for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if( _contents.elementAt(i) instanceof VariableBase) { final VariableBase var = (VariableBase)_contents.elementAt(i); var.unmapRegister(methodGen); } } } /** * Return true if the node represents a simple RTF. * * A node is a simple RTF if all children only produce Text value. * * @param node A node * @return true if the node content can be considered as a simple RTF. */ private boolean isSimpleRTF(SyntaxTreeNode node) { Vector contents = node.getContents(); for (int i = 0; i < contents.size(); i++) { SyntaxTreeNode item = (SyntaxTreeNode)contents.elementAt(i); if (!isTextElement(item, false)) return false; } return true; } /** * Return true if the node represents an adaptive RTF. * * A node is an adaptive RTF if each children is a Text element * or it is <xsl:call-template> or <xsl:apply-templates>. * * @param node A node * @return true if the node content can be considered as an adaptive RTF. */ private boolean isAdaptiveRTF(SyntaxTreeNode node) { Vector contents = node.getContents(); for (int i = 0; i < contents.size(); i++) { SyntaxTreeNode item = (SyntaxTreeNode)contents.elementAt(i); if (!isTextElement(item, true)) return false; } return true; } /** * Return true if the node only produces Text content. * * A node is a Text element if it is Text, xsl:value-of, xsl:number, * or a combination of these nested in a control instruction (xsl:if or * xsl:choose). * * If the doExtendedCheck flag is true, xsl:call-template and xsl:apply-templates * are also considered as Text elements. * * @param node A node * @param doExtendedCheck If this flag is true, <xsl:call-template> and * <xsl:apply-templates> are also considered as Text elements. * * @return true if the node of Text type */ private boolean isTextElement(SyntaxTreeNode node, boolean doExtendedCheck) { if (node instanceof ValueOf || node instanceof Number || node instanceof Text) { return true; } else if (node instanceof If) { return doExtendedCheck ? isAdaptiveRTF(node) : isSimpleRTF(node); } else if (node instanceof Choose) { Vector contents = node.getContents(); for (int i = 0; i < contents.size(); i++) { SyntaxTreeNode item = (SyntaxTreeNode)contents.elementAt(i); if (item instanceof Text || ((item instanceof When || item instanceof Otherwise) && ((doExtendedCheck && isAdaptiveRTF(item)) || (!doExtendedCheck && isSimpleRTF(item))))) continue; else return false; } return true; } else if (doExtendedCheck && (node instanceof CallTemplate || node instanceof ApplyTemplates)) return true; else return false; } /** * Utility method used by parameters and variables to store result trees * @param classGen BCEL Java class generator * @param methodGen BCEL Java method generator */ protected void compileResultTree(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen) { final ConstantPoolGen cpg = classGen.getConstantPool(); final InstructionList il = methodGen.getInstructionList(); final Stylesheet stylesheet = classGen.getStylesheet(); boolean isSimple = isSimpleRTF(this); boolean isAdaptive = false; if (!isSimple) { isAdaptive = isAdaptiveRTF(this); } int rtfType = isSimple ? DOM.SIMPLE_RTF : (isAdaptive ? DOM.ADAPTIVE_RTF : DOM.TREE_RTF); // Save the current handler base on the stack il.append(methodGen.loadHandler()); final String DOM_CLASS = classGen.getDOMClass(); // Create new instance of DOM class (with RTF_INITIAL_SIZE nodes) //int index = cpg.addMethodref(DOM_IMPL, "<init>", "(I)V"); //il.append(new NEW(cpg.addClass(DOM_IMPL))); il.append(methodGen.loadDOM()); int index = cpg.addInterfaceMethodref(DOM_INTF, "getResultTreeFrag", "(IIZ)" + DOM_INTF_SIG); il.append(new PUSH(cpg, RTF_INITIAL_SIZE)); il.append(new PUSH(cpg, rtfType)); il.append(new PUSH(cpg, stylesheet.callsNodeset())); il.append(new INVOKEINTERFACE(index,4)); il.append(DUP); // Overwrite old handler with DOM handler index = cpg.addInterfaceMethodref(DOM_INTF, "getOutputDomBuilder", "()" + TRANSLET_OUTPUT_SIG); il.append(new INVOKEINTERFACE(index,1)); il.append(DUP); il.append(methodGen.storeHandler()); // Call startDocument on the new handler il.append(methodGen.startDocument()); // Instantiate result tree fragment translateContents(classGen, methodGen); // Call endDocument on the new handler il.append(methodGen.loadHandler()); il.append(methodGen.endDocument()); // Check if we need to wrap the DOMImpl object in a DOMAdapter object. // DOMAdapter is not needed if the RTF is a simple RTF and the nodeset() // function is not used. if (stylesheet.callsNodeset() && !DOM_CLASS.equals(DOM_IMPL_CLASS)) { // new com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.dom.DOMAdapter(DOMImpl,String[]); index = cpg.addMethodref(DOM_ADAPTER_CLASS, "<init>", "("+DOM_INTF_SIG+ "["+STRING_SIG+ "["+STRING_SIG+ "[I"+ "["+STRING_SIG+")V"); il.append(new NEW(cpg.addClass(DOM_ADAPTER_CLASS))); il.append(new DUP_X1()); il.append(SWAP); /* * Give the DOM adapter an empty type mapping if the nodeset * extension function is never called. */ if (!stylesheet.callsNodeset()) { il.append(new ICONST(0)); il.append(new ANEWARRAY(cpg.addClass(STRING))); il.append(DUP); il.append(DUP); il.append(new ICONST(0)); il.append(new NEWARRAY(BasicType.INT)); il.append(SWAP); il.append(new INVOKESPECIAL(index)); } else { // Push name arrays on the stack il.append(ALOAD_0); il.append(new GETFIELD(cpg.addFieldref(TRANSLET_CLASS, NAMES_INDEX, NAMES_INDEX_SIG))); il.append(ALOAD_0); il.append(new GETFIELD(cpg.addFieldref(TRANSLET_CLASS, URIS_INDEX, URIS_INDEX_SIG))); il.append(ALOAD_0); il.append(new GETFIELD(cpg.addFieldref(TRANSLET_CLASS, TYPES_INDEX, TYPES_INDEX_SIG))); il.append(ALOAD_0); il.append(new GETFIELD(cpg.addFieldref(TRANSLET_CLASS, NAMESPACE_INDEX, NAMESPACE_INDEX_SIG))); // Initialized DOM adapter il.append(new INVOKESPECIAL(index)); // Add DOM adapter to MultiDOM class by calling addDOMAdapter() il.append(DUP); il.append(methodGen.loadDOM()); il.append(new CHECKCAST(cpg.addClass(classGen.getDOMClass()))); il.append(SWAP); index = cpg.addMethodref(MULTI_DOM_CLASS, "addDOMAdapter", "(" + DOM_ADAPTER_SIG + ")I"); il.append(new INVOKEVIRTUAL(index)); il.append(POP); // ignore mask returned by addDOMAdapter } } // Restore old handler base from stack il.append(SWAP); il.append(methodGen.storeHandler()); } /** * Returns true if this expression/instruction depends on the context. By * default, every expression/instruction depends on the context unless it * overrides this method. Currently used to determine if result trees are * compiled using procedures or little DOMs (result tree fragments). * @return 'true' if this node depends on the context. */ protected boolean contextDependent() { return true; } /** * Return true if any of the expressions/instructions in the contents of * this node is context dependent. * @return 'true' if the contents of this node is context dependent. */ protected boolean dependentContents() { final int n = elementCount(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { final SyntaxTreeNode item = (SyntaxTreeNode)_contents.elementAt(i); if (item.contextDependent()) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Adds a child node to this syntax tree node. * @param element is the new child node. */ protected final void addElement(SyntaxTreeNode element) { _contents.addElement(element); element.setParent(this); } /** * Inserts the first child node of this syntax tree node. The existing * children are shifted back one position. * @param element is the new child node. */ protected final void setFirstElement(SyntaxTreeNode element) { _contents.insertElementAt(element,0); element.setParent(this); } /** * Removed a child node of this syntax tree node. * @param element is the child node to remove. */ protected final void removeElement(SyntaxTreeNode element) { _contents.remove(element); element.setParent(null); } /** * Returns a Vector containing all the child nodes of this node. * @return A Vector containing all the child nodes of this node. */ protected final Vector getContents() { return _contents; } /** * Tells you if this node has any child nodes. * @return 'true' if this node has any children. */ protected final boolean hasContents() { return elementCount() > 0; } /** * Returns the number of children this node has. * @return Number of child nodes. */ protected final int elementCount() { return _contents.size(); } /** * Returns an Enumeration of all child nodes of this node. * @return An Enumeration of all child nodes of this node. */ protected final Enumeration elements() { return _contents.elements(); } /** * Returns a child node at a given position. * @param pos The child node's position. * @return The child node. */ protected final Object elementAt(int pos) { return _contents.elementAt(pos); } /** * Returns this element's last child * @return The child node. */ protected final SyntaxTreeNode lastChild() { if (_contents.size() == 0) return null; return (SyntaxTreeNode)_contents.lastElement(); } /** * Displays the contents of this syntax tree node (to stdout). * This method is intended for debugging _only_, and should be overridden * by all syntax tree node implementations. * @param indent Indentation level for syntax tree levels. */ public void display(int indent) { displayContents(indent); } /** * Displays the contents of this syntax tree node (to stdout). * This method is intended for debugging _only_ !!! * @param indent Indentation level for syntax tree levels. */ protected void displayContents(int indent) { final int n = elementCount(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { SyntaxTreeNode item = (SyntaxTreeNode)_contents.elementAt(i); item.display(indent); } } /** * Set the indentation level for debug output. * @param indent Indentation level for syntax tree levels. */ protected final void indent(int indent) { System.out.print(new String(_spaces, 0, indent)); } /** * Report an error to the parser. * @param element The element in which the error occured (normally 'this' * but it could also be an expression/pattern/etc.) * @param parser The XSLT parser to report the error to. * @param error The error code (from util/ErrorMsg). * @param message Any additional error message. */ protected void reportError(SyntaxTreeNode element, Parser parser, String errorCode, String message) { final ErrorMsg error = new ErrorMsg(errorCode, message, element); parser.reportError(Constants.ERROR, error); } /** * Report a recoverable error to the parser. * @param element The element in which the error occured (normally 'this' * but it could also be an expression/pattern/etc.) * @param parser The XSLT parser to report the error to. * @param error The error code (from util/ErrorMsg). * @param message Any additional error message. */ protected void reportWarning(SyntaxTreeNode element, Parser parser, String errorCode, String message) { final ErrorMsg error = new ErrorMsg(errorCode, message, element); parser.reportError(Constants.WARNING, error); } }