package; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.*; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.bouncycastle.tsp.TSPAlgorithms; import org.bouncycastle.tsp.TimeStampResponse; import*; import; import; /** * Factory class to handle verification of signatures and container * @author Veiko Sinivee */ public class DigiDocVerifyFactory { //private SignedDoc m_sdoc; private static Logger m_logger = Logger.getLogger(DigiDocVerifyFactory.class); private static boolean m_prvInited = false; public static void initProvider() { try { if(!m_prvInited) { // only need this if we must sign the requests Provider prv = (Provider)Class.forName(ConfigManager. instance().getProperty("DIGIDOC_SECURITY_PROVIDER")).newInstance(); //prv.list(System.out); Security.addProvider(prv); m_prvInited = true; } } catch(Exception ex) { m_logger.error("Error initting provider: " + ex); } } /** * Helper method for comparing * digest values * @param dig1 first digest value * @param dig2 second digest value * @return true if they are equal */ public static boolean compareDigests(byte[] dig1, byte[] dig2) { boolean ok = (dig1 != null) && (dig2 != null) && (dig1.length == dig2.length); for(int i = 0; ok && (i < dig1.length); i++) if(dig1[i] != dig2[i]) ok = false; return ok; } public static boolean verifyManifestEntries(SignedDoc sdoc, List lerrs) throws DigiDocException { boolean bOk = true; if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Verifying manifest entries"); if(sdoc != null && sdoc.getFormat() != null && sdoc.getFormat().equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_BDOC)) { // compare ManifestFileEntry-s and DataFile-s match for(int i = 0; i < sdoc.countDataFiles(); i++) { DataFile df = sdoc.getDataFile(i); boolean bF = false; String sFileName = df.getFileName(); File ft1 = new File(df.getFileName()); sFileName = ft1.getName(); if(sdoc.getManifest() != null) { for(int j = 0; j < sdoc.getManifest().getNumFileEntries(); j++) { ManifestFileEntry mfe = sdoc.getManifest().getFileEntry(j); if(mfe != null) { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Manifest entry: " + mfe.getFullPath() + " mime: " + mfe.getMediaType() + " df: " + df.getId() + " df-mime: " + df.getMimeType()); if(mfe.getFullPath() != null && mfe.getFullPath().equals(sFileName)) { if(bF) { lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_MANIFEST_ENTRY, "Duplicate ManifestFileEntry for: " + df.getFileName(), null)); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.error("Duplicate ManifestFileEntry for: " + df.getFileName()); bOk = false; } else { bF = true; } if(mfe.getMediaType() == null || df.getMimeType() == null || !mfe.getMediaType().equals(df.getMimeType())) { lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_MANIFEST_MIME_TYPE, "DataFile " + df.getFileName() + " mime-type: " + df.getMimeType() + " does not match manifest mime type: " + mfe.getMediaType(), null)); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.error("DataFile " + df.getFileName() + " mime-type: " + df.getMimeType() + " does not match manifest mime type: " + mfe.getMediaType()); bOk = false; } } } } // for j for(int s = 0; s < sdoc.countSignatures(); s++) { Signature sig = sdoc.getSignature(s); Reference dRef = sig.getSignedInfo().getReferenceForDataFile(df); if(dRef != null) { DataObjectFormat dof = sig.getSignedInfo().getDataObjectFormatForReference(dRef); if(dof != null) { if(df.getMimeType() != null && dof.getMimeType() != null && !dof.getMimeType().equals(df.getMimeType())) { lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_MANIFEST_MIME_TYPE, "DataFile " + df.getFileName() + " mime-type: " + df.getMimeType() + " does not match signature: " + sig.getId() + " mime type: " + dof.getMimeType(), null)); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.error("DataFile " + df.getFileName() + " mime-type: " + df.getMimeType() + " does not match signature: " + sig.getId() + " mime type: " + dof.getMimeType()); bOk = false; } } } } } // for s if(!bF) { lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_MANIFEST_ENTRY, "Missing ManifestFileEntry for: " + df.getFileName(), null)); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.error("Missing ManifestFileEntry1 for: " + sFileName); } } for(int j = 0; j < sdoc.getManifest().getNumFileEntries(); j++) { ManifestFileEntry mfe = sdoc.getManifest().getFileEntry(j); if(mfe == null) { m_logger.error("Invalid manifest entry"); continue; } if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Check manifest entry: " + mfe.getFullPath() + " mime: " + mfe.getMediaType()); if(mfe.getFullPath() != null && mfe.getFullPath().equals("/")) continue; // container root element boolean bF = false; for(int i = 0; i < sdoc.countDataFiles(); i++) { DataFile df = sdoc.getDataFile(i); String sFileName = df.getFileName(); File ft1 = new File(df.getFileName()); sFileName = ft1.getName(); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Manifest entry: " + mfe.getFullPath() + " mime: " + mfe.getMediaType() + " found df: " + df.getId() + " df-mime: " + df.getMimeType()); if(mfe.getFullPath() != null && mfe.getFullPath().equals(sFileName)) { if(bF) { lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_MANIFEST_ENTRY, "Duplicate DataFile: " + df.getId() + " with name: " + df.getFileName(), null)); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.error("Duplicate DataFile: " + df.getId() + " with name: " + df.getFileName()); bOk = false; } else { bF = true; } } } if(!bF) { lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_MANIFEST_ENTRY, "Missing DataFile for ManifestFileEntry: " + mfe.getFullPath(), null)); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.error("Missing DataFile for ManifestFileEntry: " + mfe.getFullPath()); } } } return bOk; } private static final String DIG_TYPE_WARNING = "The current BDoc container uses weaker encryption method than officialy accepted in Estonia. "+ "We do not recommend you to add signature to this document. There is an option to re-sign this document in a new container."; private static final String DIGIDOC_VERIFY_ALGORITHM = "RSA/NONE/PKCS1Padding"; /** * Verifies the hash of one data-file * @param df DataFile object * @param ref Reference object * @param lerrs list of errors * @return true if ok */ private static boolean verifyDataFileHash(SignedDoc sdoc, DataFile df, Reference ref, List lerrs) { boolean bOk = true; if(df != null) { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Check digest for DF: " + df.getId() + " ref: " + ((ref != null) ? ref.getUri() : "NULL")); String sDigType = null; if(ref != null) sDigType = ConfigManager.digAlg2Type(ref.getDigestAlgorithm()); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Check digest for DF: " + df.getId() + " type: " + sDigType); byte[] dfDig = null; try { if(sDigType != null) dfDig = df.getDigestValueOfType(sDigType); } catch(DigiDocException ex) { lerrs.add(ex); bOk = false; m_logger.error("Error calculating hash for df: " + df.getId() + " - " + ex); ex.printStackTrace(); if(ex.getNestedException() != null) ex.getNestedException().printStackTrace(); } if(ref != null) { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Compare digest: " + ((dfDig != null) ? Base64Util.encode(dfDig, 0) : "NONE") + " hex: " + ((dfDig != null) ? ConvertUtils.bin2hex(dfDig) : "NONE") + " alt digest: " + ((df.getAltDigest() != null) ? Base64Util.encode(df.getAltDigest(), 0) : "NONE") + " to: " + ((ref.getDigestValue() != null) ? Base64Util.encode(ref.getDigestValue()) : "NONE") + " hex: " + ((ref.getDigestValue() != null) ? ConvertUtils.bin2hex(ref.getDigestValue()) : "NONE")); DigiDocException exd = null; if(!SignedDoc.compareDigests(ref.getDigestValue(), dfDig)) { lerrs.add((exd = new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_DIGEST_COMPARE, "Bad digest for DataFile: " + df.getId(), null))); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("BAD DIGEST for DF: " + df.getId()); bOk = false; } if(!bOk && df.getAltDigest() != null) { if(SignedDoc.compareDigests(ref.getDigestValue(), df.getAltDigest())) { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { m_logger.debug("DF: " + df.getId() + " alternate digest matches!"); m_logger.debug("GOOD ALT DIGEST for DF: " + df.getId()); } if(exd != null) lerrs.remove(exd); ref.getSignedInfo().getSignature().setAltDigestMatch(true); if(!ref.getSignedInfo().getSignature().getSignedDoc().getFormat().equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_SK_XML)) lerrs.add((exd = new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_DF_INV_HASH_GOOD_ALT_HASH, "Bad digest for DataFile: " + df.getId() + " alternate digest matches!", null))); bOk = false; } } else if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("GOOD DIGEST"); } else { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("No Reference"); lerrs.add(new DigiDocException( DigiDocException.ERR_DATA_FILE_NOT_SIGNED, "No Reference element for DataFile: " + df.getId(), null)); bOk = false; } if(sdoc.getFormat().equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_BDOC)) { String sFile = df.getFileName(); if(sFile != null && (sFile.indexOf('/') != -1 || sFile.indexOf('\\') != -1)) { File fT = new File(sFile); sFile = fT.getName(); } ManifestFileEntry mfe = sdoc.getManifest().findFileEntryByPath(sFile); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { m_logger.debug("DF: " + df.getId() + " file: " + sFile + " manifest-entry: "+ ((mfe != null) ? "OK" : "NULL")); if(mfe == null) { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("No manifest.xml entry for: " + df.getFileName()); lerrs.add(new DigiDocException( DigiDocException.ERR_DATA_FILE_FILE_NAME, "No manifest.xml entry for: " + df.getFileName(), null)); bOk = false; } } } } else { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Invalid data-file"); bOk = false; } return bOk; } /** * Verifies SignedProperties digest * @param sig Signature object * @param lerrs list of errors * @return true if ok */ private static boolean verifySignedPropretiesHash(Signature sig, List lerrs) { boolean bOk = true; if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Verifying signed-props of: " + sig.getId()); SignedProperties sp = sig.getSignedProperties(); boolean bSha1Check = ConfigManager.instance().getBooleanProperty("BDOC_SHA1_CHECK", true); if(sp != null) { Reference ref2 = sig.getSignedInfo().getReferenceForSignedProperties(sp); if(ref2 != null && sig.getSignedDoc().getFormat().equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_BDOC) && // check digest type ref2.getDigestAlgorithm().equals(SignedDoc.SHA1_DIGEST_ALGORITHM) && ConfigManager.instance().getBooleanProperty("BDOC_SHA1_CHECK", true)) { lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.WARN_WEAK_DIGEST, DIG_TYPE_WARNING, null)); if(m_logger.isInfoEnabled())"SignedProperties for signature: " + sig.getId() + " has weak digest type: " + ref2.getDigestAlgorithm()); } if(ref2 != null) { byte[] spDig = null; try { spDig = sp.calculateDigest(); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("SignedProp real digest: " + Base64Util.encode(spDig, 0)); } catch(DigiDocException ex) { lerrs.add(ex); bOk = false; } if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Compare it to: " + Base64Util.encode(ref2.getDigestValue(), 0)); if(!SignedDoc.compareDigests(ref2.getDigestValue(), spDig)) { lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_DIGEST_COMPARE, "Bad digest for SignedProperties: " + sp.getId(), null)); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("BAD DIGEST for sig-prop"); bOk = false; } else if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("GOOD DIGEST"); } else { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("No Reference element for SignedProperties: " + sp.getId()); lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_SIG_PROP_NOT_SIGNED, "No Reference element for SignedProperties: " + sp.getId(), null)); bOk = false; } } else { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("No Reference element for SignedProperties of sig: " + sig.getId()); lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_SIG_PROP_NOT_SIGNED, "No Reference element for SignedProperties sig: " + sig.getId(), null)); bOk = false; } return bOk; } /** * Verifies the siganture * @param digest input data digest * @param signature signature value * @param cert certificate to be used on verify * @param bSoftCert use Sun verificateion api instead * @return true if signature verifies */ public static boolean verify(byte[] digest, byte[] signature, X509Certificate cert, boolean bSoftCert, String sigMethod) throws DigiDocException { boolean rc = false; try { if(cert == null) throw new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_VERIFY, "Invalid or missing signers cert!", null); if(bSoftCert) { String sigType = ConfigManager.instance().sigMeth2SigType(sigMethod, true); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Verify xml:\n---\n" + new String(digest) + "\n---\n len: " + digest.length + " method: " + sigMethod + " sig-type: " + sigType + "\n---\n" + ConvertUtils.bin2hex(signature) + " sig-len: " + signature.length); if(sigType == null) throw new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_VERIFY, "Signature method: " + sigMethod + " not provided!", null); sig =, ConfigManager.addProvider()); sig.initVerify(cert.getPublicKey()); sig.update(digest); rc = sig.verify(signature); } else { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Verify sig: " + signature.length + " bytes, alg: " + DIGIDOC_VERIFY_ALGORITHM + " sig-alg: " + sigMethod); Cipher cryptoEngine = Cipher.getInstance(DIGIDOC_VERIFY_ALGORITHM, "BC"); cryptoEngine.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, cert); byte[] decdig = null; try { decdig = cryptoEngine.doFinal(signature); } catch(java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex2) { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Invalid signature value. Signers cert and signature value don't match! - " + ex2); throw new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_VERIFY, "Invalid signature value! Signers cert and signature value don't match!", ex2); } String digType2 = ConfigManager.sigMeth2Type(sigMethod); String digType1 = ConvertUtils.findDigType(decdig); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Decrypted digest: \'" + SignedDoc.bin2hex(decdig) + "\' len: " + decdig.length + " has-pref: " + digType1 + " must-have: " + digType2 + " alg: " + sigMethod); if(digType1 != null && digType1.equals(SignedDoc.SHA1_DIGEST_TYPE_BAD)) { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Invalid signature asn.1 prefix with 0x00 byte"); throw new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_SIGVAL_00, "Invalid signature asn.1 prefix with 0x00 byte", null); } if((digType1 == null) || (digType2 != null && digType1 != null && !digType2.equals(digType1))) { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Signature asn.1 prefix: " + digType1 + " does not match: " + digType2); throw new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_SIGVAL_ASN1, "Signature asn.1 prefix: " + digType1 + " does not match: " + digType2, null); } byte[] cdigest = ConvertUtils.removePrefix(decdig); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Signed digest: \'" + ((cdigest != null) ? SignedDoc.bin2hex(cdigest) : "NULL") + "\' calc-digest: \'" + SignedDoc.bin2hex(digest) + "\'"); if(decdig != null && cdigest != null && decdig.length == cdigest.length) { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Signature value decrypted len: " + decdig.length + " missing ASN.1 structure prefix"); throw new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_VERIFY, "Invalid signature value! Signature value decrypted len: " + decdig.length + " missing ASN.1 structure prefix", null); } rc = compareDigests(digest, cdigest); } if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Result: " + rc); if(!rc) throw new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_VERIFY, "Invalid signature value!", null); } catch(DigiDocException ex) { throw ex; // pass it on, but check other exceptions } catch(Exception ex) { DigiDocException.handleException(ex, DigiDocException.ERR_VERIFY); } return rc; } public static boolean verifySignatureValue(SignedDoc sdoc, Signature sig, List lerrs) { boolean bOk = true; if(sdoc == null) { m_logger.error("SignedDoc is null"); return false; } if(sig == null) { m_logger.error("Signature is null"); return false; } if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Verifying signature value of: " + sig.getId()); // verify signature value try { byte[] dig = sig.getSignedInfo().calculateDigest(); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("SignedInfo real digest: " + Base64Util.encode(dig, 0) + " hex: " + SignedDoc.bin2hex(dig) + " sig: " + ConvertUtils.bin2hex(sig.getSignatureValue().getValue()) + " len: " + sig.getSignatureValue().getValue().length); if(sdoc.getFormat().equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_BDOC) && // check digest type (sig.getSignedInfo().getSignatureMethod().equals(SignedDoc.RSA_SHA1_SIGNATURE_METHOD) || sig.getSignedInfo().getSignatureMethod().equals(SignedDoc.ECDSA_SHA1_SIGNATURE_METHOD)) && ConfigManager.instance().getBooleanProperty("BDOC_SHA1_CHECK", true)) { lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.WARN_WEAK_DIGEST, DIG_TYPE_WARNING, null)); if(m_logger.isInfoEnabled())"Signature: " + sig.getId() + " has weak signature method: " + sig.getSignedInfo().getSignatureMethod()); } if(sig.getSignatureValue() != null && sig.getSignatureValue().getValue() != null && dig != null) { if(sdoc.getFormat().equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_BDOC) && sig.isEllipticCurveSiganture()) { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Verify sdoc: " + sdoc.getFormat() + "/" + sdoc.getVersion() + " prefs: " + sdoc.getXmlDsigNs() + "/" + sdoc.getAsicNs() + "/" + sdoc.getXadesNs()); //DigiDocXmlGenFactory genFac = new DigiDocXmlGenFactory(sdoc); byte[] xml = sig.getSignedInfo().getOrigXml(); //genFac.signedInfoToXML(sig, sig.getSignedInfo()); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Verify xml:\n---\n" + new String(xml) + "\n---\n"); bOk = verify(xml, sig.getSignatureValue().getValue(), sig.getKeyInfo().getSignersCertificate(), true, sig.getSignedInfo().getSignatureMethod()); } else { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Verify sig: " + ConvertUtils.bin2hex(sig.getSignatureValue().getValue()) + " len: " + sig.getSignatureValue().getValue().length + " hlen: " + ConvertUtils.bin2hex(sig.getSignatureValue().getValue()).length()); bOk = verify(dig, sig.getSignatureValue().getValue(), sig.getKeyInfo().getSignersCertificate(), false, sig.getSignedInfo().getSignatureMethod()); } if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("GOOD DIGEST"); } else { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Missing signature value!"); lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_SIGNATURE_VALUE_VALUE, "Missing signature value!", null)); bOk = false; } } catch(DigiDocException ex) { lerrs.add(ex); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { m_logger.debug("BAD DIGEST for sig-inf: " + sig.getId() + " - " + ex.toString()); m_logger.debug("TRACE: " + ConvertUtils.getTrace(ex)); //ex.printStackTrace(); m_logger.debug("sig-val-len: " + ((sig.getSignatureValue() != null && sig.getSignatureValue().getValue() != null) ? sig.getSignatureValue().getValue().length : 0)); m_logger.debug("signer: " + ((sig.getKeyInfo() != null && sig.getKeyInfo().getSignersCertificate() != null) ? sig.getKeyInfo().getSignersCertificate().getSubjectDN().getName() : "NULL")); } bOk = false; } return bOk; } /** * Verifies that the signers cert * has been signed by at least one * of the known root certs * @param cert certificate to check */ public static boolean verifyCertificate(X509Certificate cert, X509Certificate caCert) throws DigiDocException { boolean rc = false; try { if (caCert != null) { cert.verify(caCert.getPublicKey()); rc = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { DigiDocException.handleException(ex, DigiDocException.ERR_UNKNOWN_CA_CERT); } return rc; } /** * Verifies signers cerificate by a trusted CA cert * @param sig Signature object * @param lerrs list for errors * @return */ public static boolean verifySignersCerificate(Signature sig, List lerrs) { boolean bOk = true; try { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Verifying CA of signature: " + sig.getId() + " signed-at: " + ConvertUtils.date2string(sig.getSignedProperties().getSigningTime(), sig.getSignedDoc()) + " produced: " + ConvertUtils.date2string(sig.getSignatureProducedAtTime(), sig.getSignedDoc())); TrustServiceFactory tslFac = ConfigManager.instance().getTslFactory(); if(sig.getKeyInfo().getSignersCertificate() == null) { lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_SIGNERS_CERT, "Signers cert missing!", null)); return false; } X509Certificate caCert = tslFac.findCaForCert(sig.getKeyInfo().getSignersCertificate(), true, sig.getSignatureProducedAtTime()); X509Certificate cert = sig.getKeyInfo().getSignersCertificate(); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Check signer: " + cert.getSubjectDN().getName() + " issued by: " + cert.getIssuerDN().getName() + " SUB from: " + ConvertUtils.date2string(cert.getNotBefore(), sig.getSignedDoc()) + " to: " + ConvertUtils.date2string(cert.getNotAfter(), sig.getSignedDoc()) + " by CA: " + ((caCert != null) ? caCert.getSubjectDN().getName() : "NOT FOUND") + " CA from: " + ((caCert != null) ? ConvertUtils.date2string(caCert.getNotBefore(), sig.getSignedDoc()) : "?") + " to: " + ((caCert != null) ? ConvertUtils.date2string(caCert.getNotAfter(), sig.getSignedDoc()) : "?") + " ca-ahel: " + (DigiDocGenFactory.isTestCard(cert) ? "TEST" : "LIVE")); if(caCert != null) { bOk = verifyCertificate(cert, caCert); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Signer: " + ConvertUtils.getCommonName(sig.getKeyInfo().getSignersCertificate().getSubjectDN().getName()) + " is issued by trusted CA: " + ConvertUtils.getCommonName(caCert.getSubjectDN().getName())); } else { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("CA not found for: " + ConvertUtils.getCommonName(cert.getSubjectDN().getName())); lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_SIGNERS_CERT, "Signers cert not trusted, missing CA cert!", null)); bOk = false; } if(!ConfigManager.isSignatureKey(cert)) { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Signers cert does not have non-repudiation bit set!"); lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_SIGNERS_CERT_NONREPUD, "Signers cert does not have non-repudiation bit set!", null)); bOk = false; } CertID cid = sig.getCertIdOfType(CertID.CERTID_TYPE_SIGNER); if(cert != null && cid != null) { // verify DN using RDN boolean bMatch = true; List aCertRdns = parseDN(ConvertUtils.convX509Name(cert.getIssuerX500Principal())); List aCertIdRdns = parseDN(cid.getIssuer()); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Signed: " + cid.getIssuer() + " cert: " + ConvertUtils.convX509Name(cert.getIssuerX500Principal()) + " cert rdn-s: " + aCertRdns.size() + " signed rdn-s: " + aCertIdRdns.size()); // don't have to match all RDN entries in cert. Just the signed ones agains the cert. Not opposite for(int i = 0; i < aCertIdRdns.size(); i++) { Rdn r1 = (Rdn)aCertIdRdns.get(i); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Signed RDN: " + r1.getId() + "/" + r1.getValue()); boolean bF = false; for(int j = 0; j < aCertRdns.size(); j++) { Rdn r2 = (Rdn)aCertRdns.get(j); if(r1.getId() != null && r2.getId() != null && r1.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(r2.getId()) && r1.getValue() != null && r2.getValue() != null && r1.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(r2.getValue())) { bF = true; } } if(!bF) { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Different for signed: " + r1.getId() + "/" + r1.getValue()); } if(!bF && r1.getId() != null && (r1.getId().equals("CN") || r1.getId().equals("LT") || r1.getId().equals("ST") || r1.getId().equals("O") || r1.getId().equals("OU") || r1.getId().equals("C") || r1.getId().equals("STREET") || r1.getId().equals("DC") || r1.getId().equals("UID")) ) { m_logger.error("No match for signed: " + r1.getId() + "/" + r1.getValue()); bMatch = false; } } if(!bMatch) { m_logger.error("Signers cert issuer DN: " + ConvertUtils.convX509Name(cert.getIssuerX500Principal()) + " and signed Issuername: " + cid.getIssuer() + " don't match"); lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_VERIFY, "Signing certificate issuer information does not match", null)); } // verify cer issuer serial if(cid.getSerial() != null) { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Signed IssuerSerial: " + cid.getSerial().toString() + " cert serial: " + cert.getSerialNumber().toString()); if(!cid.getSerial().equals(cert.getSerialNumber())) { m_logger.error("Signers cert issuer serial: " + cert.getSerialNumber().toString() + " and signed IssuerSerial: " + cid.getSerial().toString() + " don't match"); lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_VERIFY, "Signing certificate issuer information does not match", null)); } } } } catch(DigiDocException ex) { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Signers certificate not trusted for: " + sig.getId()); lerrs.add(ex); bOk = false; } return bOk; } /** * Verifies signing time of signature (as stored in signed properties) * @param sig Signature object * @param lerrs list of errors * @return true if ok */ public static boolean verifySigningTime(Signature sig, List lerrs) { boolean bOk = true; if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Verifying signing time signature: " + sig.getId()); try { Date dProdAt = null; if(sig != null && sig.getUnsignedProperties() != null && sig.getUnsignedProperties().getNotary() != null) dProdAt = sig.getUnsignedProperties().getNotary().getProducedAt(); if(dProdAt != null) sig.getKeyInfo().getSignersCertificate().checkValidity(dProdAt); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Signers cert: " + ConvertUtils.getCommonName(sig.getKeyInfo().getSignersCertificate().getSubjectDN().getName()) + " was valid on: " + ConvertUtils.date2string(dProdAt, sig.getSignedDoc())); } catch(Exception ex) { m_logger.error("Signers certificate has expired for: " + sig.getId()); lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_CERT_EXPIRED, "Signers certificate has expired!", null)); bOk = false; } return bOk; } public static boolean verifySignatureFromLiveAndOcspFromTest(Signature sig, List lerrs) { boolean bOk = true; if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Verifying live/test for signature: " + sig.getId()); X509Certificate cert = null, rCert = null; if(sig != null) { CertValue cvOcsp = sig.getCertValueOfType(CertValue.CERTVAL_TYPE_RESPONDER); if(sig.getKeyInfo() != null && cvOcsp != null) { cert = sig.getKeyInfo().getSignersCertificate(); rCert = cvOcsp.getCert(); if(cert != null && rCert != null && DigiDocGenFactory.isTestCard(rCert) && !DigiDocGenFactory.isTestCard(cert)) { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Signer from LIVE CA-chain but OCSP from TEST CA-chain!"); lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_TEST_SIGNATURE, "Signer from LIVE CA-chain but OCSP from TEST CA-chain!", null)); bOk = false; } } } return bOk; } /** * Verifies OCSP confirmation for signature * @param sig Signature object * @param lerrs list of errors * @return true if ok */ public static boolean verifySignatureOCSP(Signature sig, List lerrs) { boolean bOk = true; if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Verifying OCSP for signature: " + sig.getId()); try { if(sig.getUnsignedProperties() != null && sig.getUnsignedProperties().countNotaries() > 0) { CertValue cvOcsp = sig.getCertValueOfType(CertValue.CERTVAL_TYPE_RESPONDER); CertID cidOcsp = sig.getCertIdOfType(CertID.CERTID_TYPE_RESPONDER); X509Certificate rCert = null; String sIssuer = null; BigInteger sSerial = null; byte [] cHash = null; if(cvOcsp != null) rCert = cvOcsp.getCert(); //if(cidOcsp == null) // cidOcsp = sig.getCertIdOfType(CertID.CERTID_TYPE_SIGNER); if(cidOcsp != null) { sIssuer = cidOcsp.getIssuer(); sSerial = cidOcsp.getSerial(); cHash = cidOcsp.getDigestValue(); } X509Certificate cert = sig.getKeyInfo().getSignersCertificate(); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Responders cert: " + ((rCert != null) ? rCert.getSerialNumber().toString() : "NULL") + " - " + ((rCert != null) ? rCert.getSubjectDN().getName() : "NULL") + " complete cert refs nr: " + sSerial + " - " + sIssuer + " ca-ahel: " + ((rCert != null) ? (DigiDocGenFactory.isTestCard(rCert) ? "TEST" : "LIVE") : "?")); // signer/ocsp live/test verification moved to utility if(rCert != null && !rCert.getSerialNumber().equals(sSerial) && !sig.getSignedDoc().getFormat().equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_BDOC)) { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Wrong notarys certificate: " + rCert.getSerialNumber() + " ref: " + sSerial); lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_RESPONDERS_CERT, "Wrong notarys certificate: " + rCert.getSerialNumber() + " ref: " + sSerial, null)); bOk = false; } // verify notary certs digest using CompleteCertificateRefs try { if(!sig.getSignedDoc().getFormat().equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_BDOC)) { byte[] digest = SignedDoc.digestOfType(rCert.getEncoded(), (sig.getSignedDoc().getFormat(). equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_BDOC) ? SignedDoc.SHA256_DIGEST_TYPE : SignedDoc.SHA1_DIGEST_TYPE)); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Not cert calc hash: " + Base64Util.encode(digest, 0) + " cert-ref hash: " + Base64Util.encode(sig.getUnsignedProperties().getCompleteCertificateRefs().getCertDigestValue(), 0)); if(!compareDigests(digest, sig.getUnsignedProperties().getCompleteCertificateRefs().getCertDigestValue())) { lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_RESPONDERS_CERT, "Notary certificates digest doesn't match!", null)); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Notary certificates digest doesn't match!"); bOk = false; } if(sig.getSignedDoc().getFormat().equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_BDOC) && // check digest type sig.getUnsignedProperties().getCompleteCertificateRefs().getCertDigestAlgorithm().equals(SignedDoc.SHA1_DIGEST_ALGORITHM) && ConfigManager.instance().getBooleanProperty("BDOC_SHA1_CHECK", true)) { lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.WARN_WEAK_DIGEST, DIG_TYPE_WARNING, null)); if(m_logger.isInfoEnabled())"CompleteCertificateRefs for signature: " + sig.getId() + " has weak digest type: " + sig.getUnsignedProperties().getCompleteCertificateRefs().getCertDigestAlgorithm()); } } // TODO: in bdoc verify responders ca hash - verify all hashes in certrefs } catch(DigiDocException ex) { lerrs.add(ex); bOk = false; } catch(Exception ex) { bOk = false; lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_RESPONDERS_CERT, "Error calculating notary certificate digest!", null)); } // we support only 1 ocsp per signature if(sig.getUnsignedProperties().countNotaries() > 1) { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Currently supports only one OCSP"); lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_OCSP_VERIFY, "Currently supports only one OCSP", null)); bOk = false; } // verify notarys digest using CompleteRevocationRefs if(!sig.getSignedDoc().getFormat().equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_BDOC)) { try { for(int i = 0; i < sig.getUnsignedProperties().countNotaries(); i++) { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Signature: " + sig.getId() + " not: " + i + " notaries: " + sig.getUnsignedProperties().countNotaries()); Notary not = sig.getUnsignedProperties().getNotaryById(i); byte[] ocspData = not.getOcspResponseData(); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("OCSP value: " + not.getId() + " data: " + ((ocspData != null) ? ocspData.length : 0) + " bytes"); if(ocspData == null || ocspData.length == 0) { lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_NOTARY_DIGEST, "OCSP value is empty!", null)); bOk = false; continue; } OcspRef orf = sig.getUnsignedProperties().getCompleteRevocationRefs().getOcspRefByUri("#" + not.getId()); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("OCSP ref: " + ((orf != null) ? orf.getUri() : "NULL")); if(orf == null) { lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_NOTARY_DIGEST, "No OCSP ref for uri: #" + not.getId(), null)); bOk = false; continue; } if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("OCSP data len: " + ocspData.length); byte[] digest1 = SignedDoc.digestOfType(ocspData, ((sig.getSignedDoc().getFormat(). equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_BDOC) && (orf.getDigestAlgorithm().equals(SignedDoc.SHA256_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_1) || orf.getDigestAlgorithm().equals(SignedDoc.SHA256_DIGEST_ALGORITHM_2))) ? SignedDoc.SHA256_DIGEST_TYPE : SignedDoc.SHA1_DIGEST_TYPE)); //if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) // m_logger.debug("Calculated digest: " + Base64Util.encode(digest1, 0)); byte[] digest2 = orf.getDigestValue(); //if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) // m_logger.debug("Real digest: " + Base64Util.encode(digest2, 0)); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Check ocsp: " + not.getId() + " calc hash: " + Base64Util.encode(digest1, 0) + " refs-hash: " + Base64Util.encode(digest2, 0)); if(!sig.getSignedDoc().getFormat().equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_SK_XML) && !compareDigests(digest1, digest2)) { lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_NOTARY_DIGEST, "Notarys digest doesn't match!", null)); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Notarys digest doesn't match!"); bOk = false; } if(sig.getSignedDoc().getFormat().equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_BDOC) && // check digest type orf.getDigestAlgorithm().equals(SignedDoc.SHA1_DIGEST_ALGORITHM) && ConfigManager.instance().getBooleanProperty("BDOC_SHA1_CHECK", true)) { lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.WARN_WEAK_DIGEST, DIG_TYPE_WARNING, null)); if(m_logger.isInfoEnabled())"CompleteRevocationRefs for signature: " + sig.getId() + " has weak digest type: " + orf.getDigestAlgorithm()); } if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Check ocsp: " + not.getId() + " prodAt: " + ((not.getProducedAt() != null) ? ConvertUtils.date2string(not.getProducedAt(), sig.getSignedDoc()) : "NULL") + " orf prodAt: " + ((orf.getProducedAt() != null) ? ConvertUtils.date2string(orf.getProducedAt(), sig.getSignedDoc()) : "NULL")); //if(!sig.getSignedDoc().getFormat().equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_SK_XML)) { if(not.getProducedAt() != null && orf.getProducedAt() != null && !ConvertUtils.date2string(not.getProducedAt(), sig.getSignedDoc()). equals(ConvertUtils.date2string(orf.getProducedAt(), sig.getSignedDoc()))) { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Notary: " + not.getId() + " producedAt: " + ((not.getProducedAt() != null) ? ConvertUtils.date2string(not.getProducedAt(), sig.getSignedDoc()) : "NULL") + " does not match OcpsRef-s producedAt: " + ((orf.getProducedAt() != null) ? ConvertUtils.date2string(orf.getProducedAt(), sig.getSignedDoc()) : "NULL")); lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_OCSP_VERIFY, "Notary: " + not.getId() + " producedAt: " + ((not.getProducedAt() != null) ? ConvertUtils.date2string(not.getProducedAt(), sig.getSignedDoc()) : "NULL") + " does not match OcpsRef-s producedAt: " + ((orf.getProducedAt() != null) ? ConvertUtils.date2string(orf.getProducedAt(), sig.getSignedDoc()) : "NULL"), null)); } //} } } catch(DigiDocException ex) { lerrs.add(ex); bOk = false; } } // don't verify complete revocation refs in bdoc // verify notary status try { NotaryFactory notFac = ConfigManager.instance().getNotaryFactory(); for(int i = 0; i < sig.getUnsignedProperties().countNotaries(); i++) { Notary not = sig.getUnsignedProperties().getNotaryById(i); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Verify notary: " + not.getId() + " ocsp: " + ((not.getOcspResponseData() != null) ? not.getOcspResponseData().length : 0) + " responder: " + not.getResponderId()); notFac.parseAndVerifyResponse(sig, not); } } catch(DigiDocException ex) { lerrs.add(ex); bOk = false; } } else { bOk = false; if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Signature has no OCSP confirmation!"); lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_NO_CONFIRMATION, "Signature has no OCSP confirmation!", null)); } } catch(Exception ex) { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Failed to verify OCSP for: " + sig.getId()); lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_CERT_EXPIRED, "Failed to verify OCSP for: " + sig.getId(), null)); bOk = false; } return bOk; } /** * Verifies signature * @param sdoc SignedDoc object * @param sig Signature object * @param lerrs list of errors * @return true if ok */ public static boolean verifySignature(SignedDoc sdoc, Signature sig, List lerrs) { boolean bOk = true, b = false; initProvider(); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Verifying signature: " + sig.getId() + " profile: " + sig.getProfile()); if(sig.getProfile() != null && (sig.getProfile().equals(SignedDoc.BDOC_PROFILE_T) || sig.getProfile().equals(SignedDoc.BDOC_PROFILE_TS) || sig.getProfile().equals(SignedDoc.BDOC_PROFILE_TSA))) { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("T, TS and TSA profiles are currently not supported!"); lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_VERIFY, "T, TS and TSA profiles are currently not supported!", null)); } // verify DataFile hashes for(int i = 0; i < sdoc.countDataFiles(); i++) { DataFile df = sdoc.getDataFile(i); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Verifying DF: " + df.getId() + " file: " + df.getFileName()); Reference ref = sig.getSignedInfo().getReferenceForDataFile(df); if(ref != null && ref.getDigestAlgorithm() != null && sdoc.getFormat().equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_BDOC) && // check digest type ref.getDigestAlgorithm().equals(SignedDoc.SHA1_DIGEST_ALGORITHM) && ConfigManager.instance().getBooleanProperty("BDOC_SHA1_CHECK", true)) { lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.WARN_WEAK_DIGEST, DIG_TYPE_WARNING, null)); if(m_logger.isInfoEnabled())"DataFile: " + df.getId() + " has weak digest type: " + ref.getDigestAlgorithm()); } // kontrolli kas on Referencet millele ei ole andmefaili if(ref != null) { b = verifyDataFileHash(sdoc, df, ref, lerrs); } else { b = false; lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_VERIFY, "Missing Reference for file: " + df.getFileName(), null)); } if(!b) bOk = false; } // check DF/Ref for(int i = 0; i < sdoc.countSignatures(); i++) { Signature sig1 = sdoc.getSignature(i); for(int j = 0; j < sig.getSignedInfo().countReferences(); j++) { Reference ref1 = sig.getSignedInfo().getReference(j); if(ref1.getType() != null || (sdoc.getFormat().equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_BDOC) && // bdoc 2.0-s ei ole manifest.xml-i r��si! ref1.getUri().indexOf("META-INF/manifest.xml") != -1)) continue; if((sdoc.getFormat().equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_DIGIDOC_XML) || sdoc.getFormat().equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_SK_XML)) && // ddoc 1.0 formaadis erijuhtumid (ref1.getUri().indexOf("-MIME") != -1 || ref1.getUri().indexOf("-SignedProperties") != -1)) continue; boolean bFound = false; for(int l = 0; l < sdoc.countDataFiles(); l++) { DataFile df = sdoc.getDataFile(l); String sFile = df.getFileName(); if(sFile != null && sFile.indexOf('/') != -1 || sFile.indexOf('\\') != -1) { File fT = new File(sFile); sFile = fT.getName(); } if(ref1.getUri() != null) { if((sdoc.getFormat().equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_DIGIDOC_XML) || sdoc.getFormat().equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_SK_XML)) && ref1.getUri().startsWith("#") && df.getId().equals(ref1.getUri().substring(1))) bFound = true; if(sdoc.getFormat().equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_BDOC) && ref1.getUri().indexOf(sFile) != -1) bFound = true; } } if(!bFound) { if(m_logger.isInfoEnabled())"Missing DataFile for signature: " + sig.getId() + " reference " +ref1.getUri()); lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_VERIFY, "Missing DataFile for signature: " + sig.getId() + " reference " +ref1.getUri(), null)); } } } // verify mime-type hashes if(sdoc.getFormat().equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_BDOC)) { for(int i = 0; i < sig.getSignedInfo().countReferences(); i++) { Reference ref = sig.getSignedInfo().getReference(i); if(!ref.getUri().startsWith("#")) { DataObjectFormat dof = sig.getSignedInfo().getDataObjectFormatForReference(ref); if(dof == null) { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("No DataObjectFormat element for Reference: " + ref.getId()); lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_DATA_FILE_MIME_TYPE, "No DataObjectFormat element for Reference: " + ref.getId(), null)); } } } } // verify <SignedProperties> if(!sdoc.getFormat().equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_SK_XML)) b = verifySignedPropretiesHash(sig, lerrs); if(!b) bOk = false; // verify signature value b = verifySignatureValue(sdoc, sig, lerrs); if(!b) bOk = false; // verify signers cert... // check the certs validity dates b = verifySigningTime(sig, lerrs); if(!b) bOk = false; // check certificates CA b = verifySignersCerificate(sig, lerrs); if(!b) bOk = false; // TODO: Profile T & CL verify Timestamp T0 if(sdoc.getFormat().equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_BDOC)) { b = verifySignaturePolicies(sdoc, sig, lerrs); if(!b) bOk = false; } // verify OCSP if(sdoc.getFormat().equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_SK_XML) || sdoc.getFormat().equals(SignedDoc.FORMAT_DIGIDOC_XML) || (sig.getProfile() != null && (sig.getProfile().equals(SignedDoc.BDOC_PROFILE_TM) || sig.getProfile().equals(SignedDoc.BDOC_PROFILE_TMA) || sig.getProfile().equals(SignedDoc.BDOC_PROFILE_TS) || sig.getProfile().equals(SignedDoc.BDOC_PROFILE_TSA)))) { b = verifySignatureOCSP(sig, lerrs); if(!b) bOk = false; } // verify timestamps /*ArrayList tsaCerts = findTSACerts(); if(m_timestamps != null && m_timestamps.size() > 0) { TimestampFactory tsFac = null; try { tsFac = ConfigManager.instance().getTimestampFactory(); } catch(DigiDocException ex) { //m_logger.error("Failed to get TimestampFactory: " + ex); errs.add(ex); } ArrayList e = tsFac.verifySignaturesTimestamps(this); if(!e.isEmpty()) errs.addAll(e); for(int i = 0; i < m_timestamps.size(); i++) { TimestampInfo ts = (TimestampInfo)m_timestamps.get(i); if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("TS: " + ts.getId() + " type: " + ts.getType() + " time: " + ts.getTime()); if(ts.getType() == TimestampInfo.TIMESTAMP_TYPE_SIGNATURE) dt1 = ts.getTime(); if(ts.getType() == TimestampInfo.TIMESTAMP_TYPE_SIG_AND_REFS) dt2 = ts.getTime(); } int nMaxTsTimeErrSecs = ConfigManager.instance().getIntProperty("MAX_TSA_TIME_ERR_SECS", 0); if(dt1 != null && dt2 != null) { dt1 = new Date(dt1.getTime() - (nMaxTsTimeErrSecs * 1000)); dt2 = new Date(dt2.getTime() + (nMaxTsTimeErrSecs * 1000)); if(dt2.before(dt1)) errs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_TIMESTAMP_VERIFY, "SignAndRefsTimeStamp is before SignatureTimeStamp", null)); if(do1.before(dt1) || do1.after(dt2)) errs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_TIMESTAMP_VERIFY, "OCSP time is not between SignAndRefsTimeStamp and SignatureTimeStamp", null)); } } } // profiles T/C/TM/TS */ return bOk; } /** * Verifies signature policies * @param sdoc SignedDoc object * @param sig Signature object * @param lerrs list of errors * @return true if signature declares valid bdoc 2.0 nonce policy */ public static boolean verifySignaturePolicies(SignedDoc sdoc, Signature sig, List lerrs) { boolean bOk = false; if(m_logger.isInfoEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Check signature: " + sig.getId() + " profile: " + sig.getProfile() + " format: " + sdoc.getFormat() + " policies"); try { if(sig.getSignedProperties() != null && sig.getSignedProperties().getSignaturePolicyIdentifier() != null && sig.getSignedProperties().getSignaturePolicyIdentifier().getSignaturePolicyId() != null && sig.getSignedProperties().getSignaturePolicyIdentifier().getSignaturePolicyId().getSigPolicyId() != null && sig.getSignedProperties().getSignaturePolicyIdentifier().getSignaturePolicyId().getSigPolicyId().getIdentifier() != null) { Identifier id = sig.getSignedProperties().getSignaturePolicyIdentifier().getSignaturePolicyId().getSigPolicyId().getIdentifier(); if(m_logger.isInfoEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Signature: " + sig.getId() + " has policy: " + id.getQualifier() + " uri: " + id.getUri() + " hash: " + Base64Util.encode(sig.getSignedProperties().getSignaturePolicyIdentifier().getSignaturePolicyId().getDigestValue())); if(id.getQualifier().equals(Identifier.OIDAsURN) && id.getUri().equals(DigiDocGenFactory.BDOC_210_OID)) { // has bdoc 2.0 nonce policy bOk = true; // check policy hash if(sig.getSignedProperties().getSignaturePolicyIdentifier().getSignaturePolicyId().getDigestValue() == null || sig.getSignedProperties().getSignaturePolicyIdentifier().getSignaturePolicyId().getDigestValue().length == 0) { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Signature: " + sig.getId() + " has no signature policy hash"); lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_NONCE_POLICY_HASH, "Signature: " + sig.getId() + " has invalid signature policy hash", null)); } // check policy uri boolean bUriOk = false; for(int i = 0; i < sig.getSignedProperties().getSignaturePolicyIdentifier().getSignaturePolicyId().countSigPolicyQualifiers(); i++) { SigPolicyQualifier spq = sig.getSignedProperties().getSignaturePolicyIdentifier().getSignaturePolicyId().getSigPolicyQualifier(i); if(spq instanceof SpUri) { SpUri sna = (SpUri)spq; if(sna.getUri() != null && sna.getUri().trim().length() > 0) { bUriOk = true; } } } if(!bUriOk) { // invalid uri bOk = false; if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Signature: " + sig.getId() + " has no signature policy uri!"); lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_NONCE_POLICY_URL, "Signature: " + sig.getId() + " has no nonce policy uri!", null)); } } else { // unknown policy if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Signature: " + sig.getId() + " has unknown policy: " + id.getQualifier() + " uri: " + id.getUri()); lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_NONCE_POLICY_OID, "Signature: " + sig.getId() + " has unknown policy: " + id.getQualifier() + " uri: " + id.getUri(), null)); } } else { // no policy if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("No signature policy for sig: " + sig.getId()); lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_POLICY_NONE, "Signature: " + sig.getId() + " has no policy!", null)); } } catch(Exception ex) { if(m_logger.isDebugEnabled()) m_logger.debug("Failed to verify sig policies: " + sig.getId() + " - " + ex); lerrs.add(new DigiDocException(DigiDocException.ERR_POLICY_NONE, "Failed to verify sig policies: " + sig.getId() + " - " + ex, null)); bOk = false; } return bOk; } /** * Helper method to parse DN * @param dn certificate DN * @param chSep separator used * @return list of RDN entries */ private static List findRdns(String dn, char chSep) { List lrdn = new ArrayList(); StringBuffer sbId = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer sbVal = new StringBuffer(); boolean bId = true; // parsing stage - id or value for(int i = 0; (dn != null) && (i < dn.length()); i++) { char ch = dn.charAt(i); // RDN end found if(( (ch == chSep) && (i == 0 || dn.charAt(i-1) != '\\')) || (i == dn.length()-1)) { if(i == dn.length()-1 && !bId) sbVal.append(ch); if(sbId.length() > 0 && sbVal.length() > 0) lrdn.add(new Rdn(sbId.toString().trim(), null, sbVal.toString().trim())); sbId = new StringBuffer(); sbVal = new StringBuffer(); bId = true; } else if(ch == '=' && (i == 0 || dn.charAt(i-1) != '\\')) { bId = false; } else { // handle content if(bId) sbId.append(ch); else sbVal.append(ch); } } return lrdn; } /** * Parses a DN normalized by rules of RFC2253 and returns a set of * Rdn objects containing RDN-s and values found in this DN * @param dn normalized DN string * @return array of Rdn objects */ public static List parseDN(String dn) { // try first according to RFC2253 List al = findRdns( dn, ','); if(al.size() < 3) // if not successfull try RFC1770 al = findRdns( dn, '/'); return al; } }