package; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import; import; public final class Helper { public static Date get_BuildDate() { SimpleDateFormat sdf; Date myDate; sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy h:mm:ss z"); myDate = null; try { myDate = sdf.parse(Helper.get_BuildDateString()); } catch (java.lang.Throwable __exc) { } return myDate; } /** * gets the hard coded build date */ public static String get_BuildDateString() { return "5.06.2006 8:08:57 UTC"; } /** * gets the hard coded compiler build date */ public static String get_CompilerBuildDateString() { return "5.06.2006 8:08:38 UTC"; } public static boolean IsVisibleChar(int p) { boolean bA; boolean aZ; boolean lA; boolean buA; boolean auZ; boolean uA; boolean b0; boolean a9; boolean uN; boolean x; boolean isAlpha; bA = !(p < 97); aZ = !(p > 122); lA = (bA && aZ); buA = !(p < 65); auZ = !(p > 90); uA = (buA && auZ); b0 = !(p < 48); a9 = !(p > 57); uN = (b0 && a9); x = ("\'\"=[]()<>+-;:.?\u0040/".indexOf(((char)p)) > -1); isAlpha = (lA || (uA || (uN || x))); return isAlpha; } public static Runtime get_CurrentRuntime() { return Runtime.getRuntime(); } public static String get_UsedMemoryPercentage() { return new Integer(Convert.ToInt16(((Helper.get_UsedMemory() * ((long)100)) / Helper.get_CurrentRuntime().totalMemory())))+ "%"; } public static long get_UsedMemory() { return (Helper.get_CurrentRuntime().totalMemory() - Helper.get_CurrentRuntime().freeMemory()); } public static String get_TotalMemoryString() { return Convert.BytesToHuman(Helper.get_CurrentRuntime().totalMemory()); } public static String get_MemoryUsageString() { Object[] objectArray1; objectArray1 = new Object[] { Helper.get_UsedMemoryPercentage(), " of ", Helper.get_TotalMemoryString(), " (", new Long(Helper.get_CurrentRuntime().totalMemory()), " bytes)" }; return StringImplementation.Concat(objectArray1); } }