package org.javaee7.jaspic.registersession; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import org.javaee7.jaspic.common.ArquillianBase; import org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.Deployment; import org.jboss.arquillian.junit.Arquillian; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.Archive; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; @RunWith(Arquillian.class) public class RegisterSessionTest extends ArquillianBase { @Deployment(testable = false) public static Archive<?> createDeployment() { return defaultArchive(); } @Test public void testRemembersSession() throws IOException, SAXException { // -------------------- Request 1 --------------------------- // Accessing protected page without login String response = getFromServerPath("protected/servlet"); // Not logged-in thus should not be accessible. assertFalse(response.contains("This is a protected servlet")); // -------------------- Request 2 --------------------------- // We access the protected page again and now login response = getFromServerPath("protected/servlet?doLogin=true"); // Now has to be logged-in so page is accessible assertTrue( "Could not access protected page, but should be able to. " + "Did the container remember the previously set 'unauthenticated identity'?", response.contains("This is a protected servlet") ); // Check principal has right name and right type and roles are available checkAuthenticatedIdentity(response); // -------------------- Request 3 --------------------------- // JASPIC is normally stateless, but for this test the SAM uses the register session feature so now // we should be logged-in when doing a call without explicitly logging in again. response = getFromServerPath("protected/servlet?continueSession=true"); // Logged-in thus should be accessible. assertTrue( "Could not access protected page, but should be able to. " + "Did the container not remember the authenticated identity via 'javax.servlet.http.registerSession'?", response.contains("This is a protected servlet") ); // Both the user name and roles/groups have to be restored // *** NOTE ***: The JASPIC 1.1 spec is NOT clear about remembering roles, but spec lead Ron Monzillo clarified that // this should indeed be the case. The next JASPIC revision of the spec will have to mention this explicitly. // Intuitively it should make sense though that the authenticated identity is fully restored and not partially, // but again the spec should make this clear to avoid ambiguity. // Check principal has right name and right type and roles are available checkAuthenticatedIdentity(response); // -------------------- Request 4 --------------------------- // The session should also be remembered for other resources, including public ones response = getFromServerPath("public/servlet?continueSession=true"); // This test almost can't fail, but include for clarity assertTrue(response.contains("This is a public servlet")); // When accessing the public page, the username and roles should be restored and be available // just as on protected pages // Check principal has right name and right type and roles are available checkAuthenticatedIdentity(response); } @Test public void testJoinSessionIsOptional() throws IOException, SAXException { // -------------------- Request 1 --------------------------- // We access a protected page and login // String response = getFromServerPath("protected/servlet?doLogin=true"); // Now has to be logged-in so page is accessible assertTrue( "Could not access protected page, but should be able to. " + "Did the container remember the previously set 'unauthenticated identity'?", response.contains("This is a protected servlet") ); // -------------------- Request 2 --------------------------- // JASPIC is normally stateless, but for this test the SAM uses the register session feature so now // we should be logged-in when doing a call without explicitly logging in again. response = getFromServerPath("protected/servlet?continueSession=true"); // Logged-in thus should be accessible. assertTrue( "Could not access protected page, but should be able to. " + "Did the container not remember the authenticated identity via 'javax.servlet.http.registerSession'?", response.contains("This is a protected servlet") ); // Both the user name and roles/groups have to be restored // *** NOTE ***: The JASPIC 1.1 spec is NOT clear about remembering roles, but spec lead Ron Monzillo clarified that // this should indeed be the case. The next JASPIC revision of the spec will have to mention this explicitly. // Intuitively it should make sense though that the authenticated identity is fully restored and not partially, // but again the spec should make this clear to avoid ambiguity. // Check principal has right name and right type and roles are available checkAuthenticatedIdentity(response); // -------------------- Request 3 --------------------------- // Although the container remembers the authentication session, the SAM needs to OPT-IN to it. // If the SAM instead "does nothing", we should not have access to the protected resource anymore // even within the same HTTP session. response = getFromServerPath("protected/servlet"); assertFalse(response.contains("This is a protected servlet")); // -------------------- Request 4 --------------------------- // Access to a public page is unaffected by joining or not joining the session, but if we do not join the // session we shouldn't see the user's name and roles. response = getFromServerPath("public/servlet"); assertTrue( "Could not access public page, but should be able to. " + "Does the container have an automatic session fixation prevention?", response.contains("This is a public servlet") ); assertFalse( "SAM did not join authentication session and should be anonymous, but username is name of session identity.", response.contains("web username: test") ); assertFalse( "SAM did not join authentication session and should be anonymous without roles, but has role of session identity.", response.contains("web user has role \"architect\": true") ); } private void checkAuthenticatedIdentity(String response) { // Has to be logged-in with the right principal assertTrue( "Authenticated but username is not the expected one 'test'", response.contains("web username: test") ); assertTrue( "Authentication succeeded and username is correct, but the expected role 'architect' is not present.", response.contains("web user has role \"architect\": true")); // Note, for this test if the following fails if would be most likely be an error in the test setup code assertTrue( "Authentication succeeded and username and roles are correct, but principal type should not be the custom one", response.contains("isCustomPrincipal: false") ); } }