package org.javaee7.jaspic.common; import static java.lang.Boolean.getBoolean; import static java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE; import static org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.ShrinkWrap.create; import static org.jsoup.Jsoup.parse; import static org.jsoup.parser.Parser.xmlParser; import; import; import; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.jboss.arquillian.test.api.ArquillianResource; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.Archive; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.EnterpriseArchive; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.WebArchive; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.rules.TestWatcher; import org.junit.runner.Description; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.FailingHttpStatusCodeException; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebClient; /** * * @author Arjan Tijms * */ public class ArquillianBase { private static final String WEBAPP_SRC = "src/main/webapp"; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ArquillianBase.class.getName()); private WebClient webClient; private String response; @Rule public TestWatcher ruleExample = new TestWatcher() { @Override protected void failed(Throwable e, Description description) { super.failed(e, description); logger.log(SEVERE, "\n\nTest failed: " + description.getClassName() + "." + description.getMethodName() + "\nMessage: " + e.getMessage() + "\nLast response: " + "\n\n" + formatHTML(response) + "\n\n"); } }; public static String formatHTML(String html) { try { return parse(html, "", xmlParser()).toString(); } catch (Exception e) { return html; } } public static Archive<?> defaultArchive() { return tryWrapEAR(defaultWebArchive()); } public static WebArchive defaultWebArchive() { return create(WebArchive.class, "test.war") .addPackages(true, "org.javaee7.jaspic") .deleteClass(ArquillianBase.class) .addAsWebInfResource(resource("web.xml")) .addAsWebInfResource(resource("jboss-web.xml")) .addAsWebInfResource(resource("glassfish-web.xml")); } public static Archive<?> tryWrapEAR(WebArchive webArchive) { if (getBoolean("useEarForJaspic")) { return // EAR archive create(EnterpriseArchive.class, "test.ear") // Liberty needs to have the binding file in an ear. // TODO: this is no longer the case and this code can be removed (-bnd.xml // needs to be moved to correct place) .addAsManifestResource(resource("ibm-application-bnd.xml")) // Web module // This is needed to prevent Arquillian generating an illegal application.xml .addAsModule( webArchive ); } else { return webArchive; } } public static File resource(String name) { return new File(WEBAPP_SRC + "/WEB-INF", name); } public static File web(String name) { return new File(WEBAPP_SRC, name); } @ArquillianResource private URL base; @Before public void setUp() { webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.getOptions().setThrowExceptionOnFailingStatusCode(false); } @After public void tearDown() { webClient.getCookieManager().clearCookies(); webClient.closeAllWindows(); } protected WebClient getWebClient() { return webClient; } protected URL getBase() { return base; } /** * Gets content from the path that's relative to the base URL on which the Arquillian test * archive is deployed. * * @param path the path relative to the URL on which the Arquillian test is deployed * @return the raw content as a string as returned by the server */ protected String getFromServerPath(final String path) { response = null; for (int i=0; i<=3; i++) { try { response = webClient.getPage(base + path).getWebResponse().getContentAsString(); if (!response.contains("The response wrapper must wrap the response obtained from getResponse()")) { return response; } } catch (FailingHttpStatusCodeException | IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } return response; } }