package com.knowledgebooks.rdf; import com.franz.agraph.repository.*; import org.openrdf.model.Literal; import org.openrdf.model.Statement; import org.openrdf.model.URI; import org.openrdf.model.Value; import org.openrdf.query.BindingSet; import org.openrdf.query.QueryLanguage; import org.openrdf.query.TupleQuery; import org.openrdf.query.TupleQueryResult; import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryResult; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: markw * Date: Jan 12, 2010 */ public class AllegroGraphServerProxy implements RdfServiceProxy { public AllegroGraphServerProxy() throws Exception { if (System.getenv("ALLEGROGRAPH_SERVER") == null) System.err.println("ERROR: must set environment variable 'ALLEGROGRAPH_SERVER'"); if (System.getenv("ALLEGROGRAPH_PORT") == null) System.err.println("ERROR: must set environment variable 'ALLEGROGRAPH_PORT'"); if (System.getenv("ALLEGROGRAPH_USERNAME") == null) System.err.println("ERROR: must set environment variable 'ALLEGROGRAPH_USERNAME'"); if (System.getenv("ALLEGROGRAPH_PASSWD") == null) System.err.println("ERROR: must set environment variable 'ALLEGROGRAPH_PASSWD'"); init(System.getenv("ALLEGROGRAPH_USERNAME"), System.getenv("ALLEGROGRAPH_PASSWD"), System.getenv("ALLEGROGRAPH_SERVER"), Integer.parseInt(System.getenv("ALLEGROGRAPH_PORT"))); // "localhost", 10035); // 4567 for AG 3.2, 10035 for AG 4 } public AllegroGraphServerProxy(String userName, String password, String host, int port) throws Exception { init(userName, password, host, port); } private void init(String userName, String password, String host, int port) throws Exception { server = new AGServer("http://" + host + ":" + port, userName, password); // throw away code: just to get the libraries right: System.out.println("Available catalogs: " + server.listCatalogs()); rootCatalog = server.getRootCatalog(); // open rootCatalog List<String> repos = rootCatalog.listRepositories(); for (String repo : repos) System.out.println("Existing repository: " + repo); } private AGRepositoryConnection conn; private AGServer server; private AGCatalog rootCatalog; private AGRepository currentRepository = null; AGValueFactory valueFactory; public void close() { try { conn.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } public List<String> getCatalogNames() throws Exception { return server.listCatalogs(); } // Franz specific public void deleteRepository(String name) throws Exception { rootCatalog.deleteRepository(name); } public void createRepository(String name) throws Exception { currentRepository = rootCatalog.createRepository(name); System.out.println("Created repository: " + currentRepository); currentRepository.initialize(); conn = currentRepository.getConnection(); valueFactory = conn.getRepository().getValueFactory(); } public void setCurrentRepository(String name) throws Exception { currentRepository = rootCatalog.createRepository(name); valueFactory = conn.getRepository().getValueFactory(); } public void addTriple(String subject, String predicate, String object) throws Exception { System.out.println(" --- addTriple(String subject, String predicate, String object) object = " + object); URI s = valueFactory.createURI(subject); URI p = valueFactory.createURI(predicate); if (object.startsWith("http://") || object.startsWith("https://")) { conn.add(s, p, valueFactory.createURI(object)); } else { conn.add(s, p, valueFactory.createLiteral(object)); } } public void addTriple(String subject, URI predicate, String object) throws Exception { System.out.println(" --- addTriple(String subject, URI predicate, String object) object = " + object); URI s = valueFactory.createURI(subject); if (object.startsWith("http://") || object.startsWith("https://")) { conn.add(s, predicate, valueFactory.createURI(object)); } else { conn.add(s, predicate, valueFactory.createLiteral(object)); } } public void addTriple(String subject, String predicate, Literal object) throws Exception { System.out.println(" --- addTriple(String subject, String predicate, Literal object) object = " + object); URI s = valueFactory.createURI(subject); URI p = valueFactory.createURI(predicate); conn.add(s, p, object); } public void addTriple(String subject, URI predicate, Literal object) throws Exception { System.out.println(" --- addTriple(String subject, URI predicate, Literal object) object = " + object); URI s = valueFactory.createURI(subject); System.out.println("**** " + predicate + " " + object); conn.add(s, predicate, object); } public List<List<String>> textSearch(String text) throws Exception { return query("SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . ?s fti:match '" + text + "' . }"); } public List<String> textSearch_scala(String text) throws Exception { return query_scala("SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . ?s fti:match '" + text + "' . }"); } public List<List<String>> query(String sparql) throws Exception { List<List<String>> ret = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); TupleQuery tupleQuery = conn.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, sparql); TupleQueryResult result = tupleQuery.evaluate(); try { List<String> bindingNames = result.getBindingNames(); while (result.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSet =; int size2 = bindingSet.size(); ArrayList<String> vals = new ArrayList<String>(size2); for (int i = 0; i < size2; i++) vals.add(bindingSet.getValue(bindingNames.get(i)).stringValue()); ret.add(vals); } } finally { result.close(); } return ret; } public List<String> query_scala(String sparql) throws Exception { List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(); TupleQuery tupleQuery = conn.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, sparql); TupleQueryResult result = tupleQuery.evaluate(); boolean save_return_size = true; try { while (result.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSet =; int size2 = bindingSet.size(); List<String> bindingNames = result.getBindingNames(); if (save_return_size) { save_return_size = false; ret.add("" + size2); ret.addAll(bindingNames); } for (String name : bindingNames) { ret.add(bindingSet.getValue(name).stringValue()); } } } finally { result.close(); } return ret; } public void registerFreetextPredicate(String predicate) throws Exception { //conn.registerFreetextPredicate(valueFactory.createURI(predicate)); // NOTE: you would want to change this in any sort of production code: conn.createFreetextIndex("index"+System.currentTimeMillis(), new URI[]{valueFactory.createURI(predicate)}); //if (Triple.RDF_LOCATION == null) Triple.RDF_LOCATION = location; } public void initializeGeoLocation(Double strip_width_in_miles) throws Exception { //initializeGeoLocation(strip_width_in_miles.floatValue()); Triple.RDF_LOCATION = location = valueFactory.createURI(""); sphericalSystemDegree = conn.registerSphericalType(strip_width_in_miles.floatValue(), "degree"); } public void initializeGeoLocation(float strip_width_in_miles) throws Exception { //initializeGeoLocation(strip_width_in_miles); Triple.RDF_LOCATION = location = valueFactory.createURI(""); sphericalSystemDegree = conn.registerSphericalType(strip_width_in_miles, "degree"); } public List<List<String>> getLocations(double latitude, double longitude, double radius_in_km) throws Exception { return getLocations((float) latitude, (float) longitude, (float) radius_in_km); } public List<List<String>> getLocations(Double latitude, Double longitude, Double radius_in_km) throws Exception { return getLocations(latitude.floatValue(), longitude.floatValue(), radius_in_km.floatValue()); } public List<List<String>> getLocations(float latitude, float longitude, float radius_in_km) throws Exception { List<List<String>> ret = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); RepositoryResult<Statement> result = conn.getGeoHaversine(sphericalSystemDegree, location, latitude, longitude, radius_in_km, "km", 0, false); System.out.println(" ## getLocations: result = " + result); try { while (result.hasNext()) { Statement statement =; System.out.println(" ## getLocations: statement = " + statement); Value s = statement.getSubject(); Value p = statement.getPredicate(); Value o = statement.getObject(); List<String> sl = new ArrayList<String>(3); sl.add(s.stringValue()); sl.add(p.stringValue()); sl.add(o.stringValue()); ret.add(sl); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("***** error: " + ex); } finally { result.close(); } return ret; } public List<String> getLocations_scala(Double latitude, Double longitude, Double radius_in_km) throws Exception { List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(); RepositoryResult<Statement> result = conn.getGeoHaversine(sphericalSystemDegree, location, latitude.floatValue(), longitude.floatValue(), radius_in_km.floatValue(), "km", 0, false); try { ret.add("3"); ret.add("s"); ret.add("p"); ret.add("o"); while (result.hasNext()) { Statement statement =; Value s = statement.getSubject(); Value p = statement.getPredicate(); Value o = statement.getObject(); ret.add(s.stringValue()); ret.add(p.stringValue()); ret.add(o.stringValue()); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("** ERROR: " + ex); ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { result.close(); } return ret; } public Literal latLonToLiteral(double lat, double lon) { return latLonToLiteral((float) lat, (float) lon); } public Literal latLonToLiteral(float lat, float lon) { String slat, slon; if (lat < 0) slat = "" + lat; else slat = "+" + lat; if (lon < 0) slon = "" + lon; else slon = "+" + lon; System.out.println("******* sphericalSystemDegree = " + sphericalSystemDegree); return valueFactory.createLiteral(slat + slon, sphericalSystemDegree); } private URI sphericalSystemDegree; private URI location; }