import; import; import; import java.util.*; import com.knowledgebooks.nlp.AutoTagger; import com.knowledgebooks.nlp.util.NameValue; import com.knowledgebooks.nlp.ExtractNames; import com.knowledgebooks.nlp.util.ScoredList; import com.knowledgebooks.info_spiders.WebSpider; import; /** * Copyright Mark Watson 2008-2010. All Rights Reserved. * License: LGPL version 3 ( */ public class KnowledgeBooksNlpGenerateRdfPropertiesFromWebPages { public KnowledgeBooksNlpGenerateRdfPropertiesFromWebPages(String config_file_path, PrintWriter out) throws IOException { this.out = out; extractNames = new ExtractNames(); autoTagger = new AutoTagger(); List<String> lines = (List<String>) FileUtils.readLines(new File(config_file_path)); for (String line : lines) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(line); scanner.useDelimiter(" "); try { String starting_url =; int spider_depth = Integer.parseInt(; spider(starting_url, spider_depth); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } this.out.close(); } private void spider(String starting_url, int spider_depth) throws Exception { System.out.println("** spider(" + starting_url + ", " + spider_depth + ")"); WebSpider ws = new WebSpider(starting_url, spider_depth); for (List<String> ls : ws.url_content_lists) { String url = ls.get(0); String text = ls.get(1); HashSet<String> hs = new HashSet<String>(); System.out.println("\n\n\n----URL:\n" + url + "\n content:\n" + text); ScoredList[] names = extractNames.getProperNames(text); ScoredList people = names[0]; ScoredList places = names[1]; List<NameValue<String, Float>> tags = autoTagger.getTags(text); out.println("<" + url + "> <> <> ."); out.println("<" + url + "> <> \"" + text.trim().replaceAll("\"", "'") + "\" ."); for (String person : people.getStrings()) { out.println("<" + url + "> <> \"" + person.replaceAll("\"", "'") + "\" ."); } for (String place : places.getStrings()) { out.println("<" + url + "> <> \"" + place.replaceAll("\"", "'") + "\" ."); } for (NameValue nv : tags) { out.println("<" + url + "> <" + nv.getName() + "> \"" + ("" + nv.getValue()) + "\" ."); hs.add("" + nv.getName()); } inter_webpage_shared_tags.put(url, hs); } process_interpage_shared_properties(); } private void process_interpage_shared_properties() throws Exception { Set<String> unique_urls = inter_webpage_shared_tags.keySet(); for (String url_1 : unique_urls) { for (String url_2 : unique_urls) { if (url_1.equals(url_2) == false) { System.out.println("\n\n^^^^^^^^^ " + url_1 + " : " + url_2 + "\n"); float url_similarity = score_mapset(inter_webpage_shared_tags.get(url_1), inter_webpage_shared_tags.get(url_2)); if (url_similarity > 12f) { out.println("<" + url_1 + "> <> <" + url_2 + "> ."); } else if (url_similarity > 5f) { out.println("<" + url_1 + "> <> <" + url_2 + "> ."); } else if (url_similarity > 5f) { out.println("<" + url_1 + "> <> <" + url_2 + "> ."); } } } } } private float score_mapset(Set<String> set_1, Set<String> set_2) { set_1.retainAll(set_2); // replace contents of set_1 with intersection of set_1 and set_2 return set_1.size(); } private PrintWriter out = null; private Map<String, Set<String>> inter_webpage_shared_tags = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); ; private ExtractNames extractNames = null; private AutoTagger autoTagger = null; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new KnowledgeBooksNlpGenerateRdfPropertiesFromWebPages("testdata/websites.txt", new PrintWriter("tempdata/gen_rdf.nt")); } }