package com.temenos.interaction.jdbc.producer.sql.builder; /* * #%L * interaction-jdbc-producer * %% * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2013 Temenos Holdings N.V. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.odata4j.expression.OrderByExpression; import com.temenos.interaction.jdbc.ServerMode; import com.temenos.interaction.jdbc.SqlRelation; import com.temenos.interaction.jdbc.producer.sql.ColumnTypesMap; import com.temenos.interaction.jdbc.producer.sql.SqlBuilder; import com.temenos.interaction.jdbc.producer.sql.SqlBuilderFactory; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Test SqlCommandBuilder class. */ public class TestOracleBuilder { private static final String TEST_TABLE_NAME = "testTable"; /** * Test a command with empty lists */ @Test public void testGetCommandEmpty() { // Build up an access profile RowFilters filters = new RowFilters(); Set<FieldName> selects = new HashSet<FieldName>(); AccessProfile accessProfile = new AccessProfile(filters, selects); // Build up some column metadata. Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); map.put("col1", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); ColumnTypesMap columnTypesMap = new ColumnTypesMap(map, "col1"); // Create the builder SqlBuilder builder = null; try { builder = SqlBuilderFactory.getSqlBuilder(TEST_TABLE_NAME, null, accessProfile, columnTypesMap, null, null, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { fail(); } // Get the command. String actualCommand = builder.getCommand(); assertEquals("SELECT * FROM \"" + TEST_TABLE_NAME + "\" ORDER BY \"col1\"", actualCommand); } /** * Test a command with empty lists and no primary key */ @Test public void testGetCommandEmptyNoKey() { // Build up an access profile RowFilters filters = new RowFilters(); Set<FieldName> selects = new HashSet<FieldName>(); AccessProfile accessProfile = new AccessProfile(filters, selects); // Build up some column metadata. Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); map.put("col1", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); ColumnTypesMap columnTypesMap = new ColumnTypesMap(map, null); // Create the builder SqlBuilder builder = null; try { builder = SqlBuilderFactory.getSqlBuilder(TEST_TABLE_NAME, null, accessProfile, columnTypesMap, null, null, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { fail(); } // Get the command. String actualCommand = builder.getCommand(); assertEquals("SELECT * FROM \"" + TEST_TABLE_NAME + "\"", actualCommand); } static class ComparableFieldName extends FieldName implements Comparable<FieldName> { public ComparableFieldName(String name) { super(name); } @Override public int compareTo(FieldName t) { return getName().compareTo(t.getName()); } } /** * Test a command with a key. */ @Test public void testGetCommandKey() { // Build up an access profile RowFilters filters = new RowFilters(); Set<FieldName> selects = new HashSet<FieldName>(); AccessProfile accessProfile = new AccessProfile(filters, selects); // Build up some column metadata with a primary key Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); map.put("col1", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); map.put("col2", java.sql.Types.INTEGER); ColumnTypesMap columnTypesMap = new ColumnTypesMap(map, "col1"); String keyValue = "aKeyValue"; // Create the builder SqlBuilder builder = null; try { builder = SqlBuilderFactory.getSqlBuilder(TEST_TABLE_NAME, keyValue, accessProfile, columnTypesMap, null, null, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { fail(); } // Get the command. String actualCommand = builder.getCommand(); assertEquals("SELECT * FROM \"" + TEST_TABLE_NAME + "\" WHERE \"col1\"" + "='" + keyValue + "'" + " ORDER BY \"col1\"", actualCommand); } /** * Test a command with $top, $skip and $orderby */ @Test public void testGetCommandComplex() { // Build up an access profile RowFilters filters = new RowFilters(); Set<FieldName> selects = new HashSet<FieldName>(); AccessProfile accessProfile = new AccessProfile(filters, selects); // Build up some column metadata with a primary key Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); map.put("col1", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); map.put("col2", java.sql.Types.INTEGER); ColumnTypesMap columnTypesMap = new ColumnTypesMap(map, "col1"); String keyValue = "aKeyValue"; // Create order by list List<OrderBy> orderBy = new ArrayList<OrderBy>(); OrderBy expected1 = new OrderBy("col1", OrderByExpression.Direction.ASCENDING); orderBy.add(expected1); OrderBy expected2 = new OrderBy("col2", OrderByExpression.Direction.DESCENDING); orderBy.add(expected2); // Create the builder OracleBuilder builder = null; try { builder = new OracleBuilder(TEST_TABLE_NAME, keyValue, accessProfile, columnTypesMap, "2", "3", orderBy); } catch (Exception e) { fail(); } // Get the command. String actualCommand = builder.getCommand(); assertEquals("SELECT * FROM ( SELECT inner_tab.*, ROWNUM \"rn\" FROM (" + " SELECT * FROM \"" + TEST_TABLE_NAME + "\" WHERE \"col1\"='aKeyValue' ORDER BY \"col1\", \"col2\" DESC ) inner_tab )" + " WHERE \"rn\" > 3 AND \"rn\" <= 5", actualCommand); } /** * Test a command with bracketed $filter */ @Test public void testGetCommandBracketed() { // Build up an access profile RowFilters filters = new RowFilters("(a " + Relation.EQ.getoDataString() + " b) " + Relation.AND.getoDataString() + " (c " + Relation.NE.getoDataString() + " d)"); Set<FieldName> selects = new HashSet<FieldName>(); AccessProfile accessProfile = new AccessProfile(filters, selects); // Build up some column metadata with a primary key Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); map.put("col1", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); map.put("col2", java.sql.Types.INTEGER); ColumnTypesMap columnTypesMap = new ColumnTypesMap(map, "col1"); // Create the builder SqlBuilder builder = null; try { builder = SqlBuilderFactory.getSqlBuilder(TEST_TABLE_NAME, null, accessProfile, columnTypesMap, null, null, null, ServerMode.ORACLE); } catch (Exception e) { fail(); } // Get the command. String actualCommand = builder.getCommand(); assertEquals("SELECT * FROM \"" + TEST_TABLE_NAME + "\" WHERE (\"a\"=\"b\") AND (\"c\"<>\"d\") ORDER BY \"col1\"", actualCommand); } /** * Test failure if a key value is given but no primary key column is * present. */ @Test(expected = SecurityException.class) public void testGetCommandNullKey() throws Exception { // Build up an access profile RowFilters filters = new RowFilters(); Set<FieldName> selects = new HashSet<FieldName>(); AccessProfile accessProfile = new AccessProfile(filters, selects); // Build up some column metadata with a primary key Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); map.put("col1", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); map.put("col2", java.sql.Types.INTEGER); ColumnTypesMap columnTypesMap = new ColumnTypesMap(map, null); String keyValue = "aKeyValue"; // Create the builder SqlBuilder builder = null; try { builder = SqlBuilderFactory.getSqlBuilder(TEST_TABLE_NAME, keyValue, accessProfile, columnTypesMap, null, null, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { fail(); } // Get the command. Should throw. builder.getCommand(); } /** * Test failure with null filter. */ @Test(expected = Exception.class) public void testGetCommandNullFilter() throws Exception { // Build up an access profile Set<FieldName> selects = new HashSet<FieldName>(); RowFilters nullFilters = null; AccessProfile accessProfile = new AccessProfile(nullFilters, selects); // Create the builder SqlBuilder builder = null; try { builder = SqlBuilderFactory.getSqlBuilder(TEST_TABLE_NAME, null, accessProfile, mock(ColumnTypesMap.class), null, null, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { fail(); } // Get the command. Should throw. builder.getCommand(); } /** * Test failure with null select. */ @Test(expected = Exception.class) public void testGetCommandNullSelect() throws Exception { // Build up an access profile RowFilters filters = new RowFilters(); AccessProfile accessProfile = new AccessProfile(filters, null); // Create the builder SqlBuilder builder = null; try { builder = SqlBuilderFactory.getSqlBuilder(TEST_TABLE_NAME, null, accessProfile, mock(ColumnTypesMap.class), null, null, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { fail(); } // Get the command. Should throw. builder.getCommand(); } /** * Test failure with bad filter column name. */ @Test(expected = SecurityException.class) /* * Since we no longer check the column name list at command build time this * will no longer work. However the command will fail when it is executed. */ @Ignore public void testBadColumnName() { // Build up an access profile. RowFilters filters = new RowFilters("badName " + SqlRelation.EQ.getoDataString() + " 'value1'"); // Build up some column metadata which does not match. Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); map.put("goodName", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); ColumnTypesMap columnTypesMap = new ColumnTypesMap(map, null); Set<FieldName> selects = new HashSet<FieldName>(); selects.add(new FieldName("goodName")); AccessProfile accessProfile = new AccessProfile(filters, selects); // Create the builder SqlBuilder builder = null; try { builder = SqlBuilderFactory.getSqlBuilder(TEST_TABLE_NAME, null, accessProfile, columnTypesMap, null, null, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { fail(); } // Get the command. Should throw builder.getCommand(); } /** * Test a simple command where the reserved row number column is present. */ @Test public void testReservedRnCommand() { // Build column metadata containing the reserved column.. Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); map.put(SqlBuilder.getRnName(), java.sql.Types.INTEGER); ColumnTypesMap columnTypesMap = new ColumnTypesMap(map, "col1"); // Create the builder try { SqlBuilderFactory.getSqlBuilder(TEST_TABLE_NAME, null, null, columnTypesMap, null, null, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { fail(); } // For now this should work. Maybe one day it will be changed to throw. } /** * Test operators */ @Test public void testGetCommandOperands() { for (SqlRelation rel : SqlRelation.values()) { if (!rel.isFunctionCall()) { testOperator(rel); } } } private void testOperator(SqlRelation rel) { RowFilters filters = null; String expectedCommand = null; if (rel.isBoolean()) { if (2 == rel.getExpectedArgumentCount()) { filters = new RowFilters("true " + rel.getoDataString() + " true"); expectedCommand = "SELECT \"col1\" FROM \"" + TEST_TABLE_NAME + "\"" + " WHERE true " + rel.getSqlSymbol() + " true ORDER BY \"col1\""; } else { filters = new RowFilters(rel.getoDataString() + " true"); expectedCommand = "SELECT \"col1\" FROM \"" + TEST_TABLE_NAME + "\"" + " WHERE " + rel.getSqlSymbol() + " true ORDER BY \"col1\""; } } else { if (rel.isNumeric()) { filters = new RowFilters("col1 eq 1 " + rel.getoDataString() + " 2"); expectedCommand = "SELECT \"col1\" FROM \"" + TEST_TABLE_NAME + "\"" + " WHERE \"col1\"" + SqlRelation.EQ.getSqlSymbol() + "1" + rel.getSqlSymbol() + "2 ORDER BY \"col1\""; } else { filters = new RowFilters("col1 " + rel.getoDataString() + " 'value1'"); expectedCommand = "SELECT \"col1\" FROM \"" + TEST_TABLE_NAME + "\"" + " WHERE \"col1\"" + rel.getSqlSymbol() + "'value1' ORDER BY \"col1\""; } } // Build up some column metadata matching the above columns. The correct // fields must be numeric of textual. Map<String, Integer> map = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); map.put("col1", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); ColumnTypesMap columnTypesMap = new ColumnTypesMap(map, "col1") { public Map<String, Integer> readColumnTypes(DatabaseMetaData dsMetaData, String tableName) throws SQLException { return new TreeMap<String, Integer>(super.readColumnTypes(dsMetaData, tableName)); } }; // adding as TreeSet to ensure iteration order matches on all JVMs // however FieldName does not implement comparable - thus helper class // created inhering from Field name and implementing Comparable usign // names Set<FieldName> selects = new TreeSet<FieldName>(); selects.add(new ComparableFieldName("col1")); AccessProfile accessProfile = new AccessProfile(filters, selects); // Create the builder SqlBuilder builder = null; try { builder = SqlBuilderFactory.getSqlBuilder(TEST_TABLE_NAME, null, accessProfile, columnTypesMap, null, null, null, ServerMode.ORACLE); } catch (Exception e) { fail(); } // Get the command. String actualCommand = null; boolean threw = false; try { actualCommand = builder.getCommand(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { threw = true; } if (null == rel.getSqlSymbol()) { // Unsupported operand ... should throw. assertTrue(threw); } else { // Supported operand ... should return correct output. assertEquals(expectedCommand, actualCommand); } } /** * Test functions */ @Test public void testGetCommandFunctions() { for (SqlRelation rel : SqlRelation.values()) { // ISOF requires quoted args ... skip it. if (rel.isFunctionCall() && (SqlRelation.ISOF != rel)) { testFunction(rel); } } } private void testFunction(SqlRelation rel) { StringBuffer filterStr = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer expectedCommand = new StringBuffer(); filterStr.append("col1 " + SqlRelation.EQ.getoDataString() + " "); expectedCommand.append("SELECT \"col1\" FROM \"" + TEST_TABLE_NAME + "\"" + " WHERE \"col1\"" + SqlRelation.EQ.getSqlSymbol()); filterStr.append(rel.getoDataString() + "("); if ((null != rel.getSqlSymbol()) && (!rel.getSqlSymbol().contains("%s"))) { // A regular bracket function expectedCommand.append(rel.getSqlSymbol() + "("); addFunctionArgumentList(filterStr, expectedCommand, rel); expectedCommand.append(")"); } else { // A formated string function. // Build up the arg list boolean first = true; List<String> arguments = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < rel.getExpectedArgumentCount(); i++) { if (first) { first = false; } else { filterStr.append(", "); } filterStr.append(i); arguments.add(Integer.toString(i)); } if (null != rel.getSqlSymbol()) { String fnString = String.format(rel.getSqlSymbol(), arguments.toArray()); expectedCommand.append(fnString); } } filterStr.append(")"); expectedCommand.append(" ORDER BY \"col1\""); RowFilters filters = new RowFilters(filterStr.toString()); // Build up some column metadata matching the above columns. The correct // fields must be numeric of textual. Map<String, Integer> map = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); map.put("col1", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); ColumnTypesMap columnTypesMap = new ColumnTypesMap(map, "col1") { public Map<String, Integer> readColumnTypes(DatabaseMetaData dsMetaData, String tableName) throws SQLException { return new TreeMap<String, Integer>(super.readColumnTypes(dsMetaData, tableName)); } }; // adding as TreeSet to ensure iteration order matches on all JVMs // however FieldName does not implement comparable - thus helper class // created inhering from Field name and implementing Comparable usign // names Set<FieldName> selects = new TreeSet<FieldName>(); selects.add(new ComparableFieldName("col1")); AccessProfile accessProfile = new AccessProfile(filters, selects); // Create the builder SqlBuilder builder = null; try { builder = SqlBuilderFactory.getSqlBuilder(TEST_TABLE_NAME, null, accessProfile, columnTypesMap, null, null, null, ServerMode.ORACLE); } catch (Exception e) { fail(); } // Get the command. String actualCommand = null; boolean threw = false; try { actualCommand = builder.getCommand(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { threw = true; } if (null == rel.getSqlSymbol()) { // Unsupported operand ... should throw. assertTrue(threw); } else { // Supported operand ... should return correct output. assertEquals(expectedCommand.toString(), actualCommand); } } /* * Utility to add a functions arg list */ private void addFunctionArgumentList(StringBuffer filterStr, StringBuffer expectedCommand, SqlRelation rel) { boolean first = true; if (null == rel.getArgumentSequence()) { // Add arguments in order. for (int i = 0; i < rel.getExpectedArgumentCount(); i++) { if (first) { first = false; } else { filterStr.append(","); expectedCommand.append(", "); } filterStr.append(i); expectedCommand.append(i); } } else { // Add arguments in specified order. int count = 0; for (Integer i : rel.getArgumentSequence()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { filterStr.append(","); expectedCommand.append(", "); } filterStr.append(count); expectedCommand.append(i); count ++; } } } /** * Test the differing SQL data types. */ @Test public void testGetDataTypes() { // Build up an access profile. Use a mixture of relations and // numeric/text fields. RowFilters filters = new RowFilters("col1 " + SqlRelation.EQ.getoDataString() + " 'value1'"); filters.addFilters("col2 " + SqlRelation.NE.getoDataString() + " 2"); filters.addFilters("col3 " + SqlRelation.LT.getoDataString() + " 'value3'"); filters.addFilters("col4 " + SqlRelation.GT.getoDataString() + " 4"); filters.addFilters("col5 " + SqlRelation.LE.getoDataString() + " 'value5'"); filters.addFilters("col6 " + SqlRelation.GE.getoDataString() + " 'value6'"); // Build up some column metadata matching the above columns. The correct // fields must be numeric of textual. Map<String, Integer> map = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); map.put("col1", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); map.put("col2", java.sql.Types.INTEGER); map.put("col3", java.sql.Types.NVARCHAR); map.put("col4", java.sql.Types.DOUBLE); map.put("col5", java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP); map.put("col6", java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); ColumnTypesMap columnTypesMap = new ColumnTypesMap(map, "col1") { public Map<String, Integer> readColumnTypes(DatabaseMetaData dsMetaData, String tableName) throws SQLException { return new TreeMap<String, Integer>(super.readColumnTypes(dsMetaData, tableName)); } }; // adding as TreeSet to ensure iteration order matches on all JVMs // however FieldName does not implement comparable - thus helper class // created inhering from Field name and implementing Comparable usign // names Set<FieldName> selects = new TreeSet<FieldName>(); selects.add(new ComparableFieldName("col1")); selects.add(new ComparableFieldName("col2")); AccessProfile accessProfile = new AccessProfile(filters, selects); // Create the builder SqlBuilder builder = null; try { builder = SqlBuilderFactory.getSqlBuilder(TEST_TABLE_NAME, null, accessProfile, columnTypesMap, null, null, null, ServerMode.ORACLE); } catch (Exception e) { fail(); } // Get the command. String actualCommand = builder.getCommand(); assertEquals("SELECT \"col1\", \"col2\" FROM \"" + TEST_TABLE_NAME + "\"" + " WHERE \"col1\"='value1' AND \"col2\"<>2 AND \"col3\"<'value3' AND \"col4\">4 AND " + "\"col5\"<='value5' AND \"col6\">='value6' ORDER BY \"col1\"", actualCommand); } /** * Test the time types. */ @Test public void testTimeTypes() { // Build up an access profile. Use a mixture of relations and // numeric/text fields. RowFilters filters = new RowFilters("col1 " + SqlRelation.EQ.getoDataString() + " '13:20:00'"); filters.addFilters("col2 " + SqlRelation.NE.getoDataString() + " datetime'2000-12-12T12:00'"); // Build up some column metadata matching the above columns. The correct // fields must be numeric of textual. Map<String, Integer> map = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); map.put("col1", java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP); map.put("col2", java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP); ColumnTypesMap columnTypesMap = new ColumnTypesMap(map, "col1") { public Map<String, Integer> readColumnTypes(DatabaseMetaData dsMetaData, String tableName) throws SQLException { return new TreeMap<String, Integer>(super.readColumnTypes(dsMetaData, tableName)); } }; // adding as TreeSet to ensure iteration order matches on all JVMs // however FieldName does not implement comparable - thus helper class // created inhering from Field name and implementing Comparable usign // names Set<FieldName> selects = new TreeSet<FieldName>(); selects.add(new ComparableFieldName("col1")); selects.add(new ComparableFieldName("col2")); AccessProfile accessProfile = new AccessProfile(filters, selects); // Create the builder SqlBuilder builder = null; try { builder = SqlBuilderFactory.getSqlBuilder(TEST_TABLE_NAME, null, accessProfile, columnTypesMap, null, null, null, ServerMode.ORACLE); } catch (Exception e) { fail(); } // Get the command. String actualCommand = builder.getCommand(); assertEquals("SELECT \"col1\", \"col2\" FROM \"" + TEST_TABLE_NAME + "\"" + " WHERE \"col1\"='13:20:00' AND \"col2\"<>'2000-12-12 12:00:00.0' ORDER BY \"col1\"", actualCommand); } }