package com.temenos.interaction.commands.odata; /* * #%L * interaction-commands-odata * %% * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2013 Temenos Holdings N.V. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import org.odata4j.core.OEntities; import org.odata4j.core.OEntity; import org.odata4j.core.OEntityKey; import org.odata4j.core.OProperties; import org.odata4j.core.OProperty; import org.odata4j.edm.EdmDataServices; import org.odata4j.edm.EdmEntitySet; import org.odata4j.edm.EdmEntityType; import org.odata4j.edm.EdmProperty; import org.odata4j.edm.EdmSimpleType; import org.odata4j.producer.ODataProducer; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.temenos.interaction.core.command.InteractionContext; import com.temenos.interaction.core.command.InteractionException; import com.temenos.interaction.core.entity.Entity; import com.temenos.interaction.core.entity.EntityProperties; import com.temenos.interaction.core.entity.EntityProperty; import com.temenos.interaction.core.hypermedia.ActionPropertyReference; import com.temenos.interaction.core.resource.CollectionResource; import com.temenos.interaction.core.resource.EntityResource; import com.temenos.interaction.core.resource.MetaDataResource; import com.temenos.interaction.core.resource.ResourceTypeHelper; import com.temenos.interaction.odataext.ODataHelper; public class CommandHelper { private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CommandHelper.class); private static Pattern parameterPattern = Pattern.compile("\\{(.*?)\\}"); /** * To handle generic case where user do not know the type, here we will be looking for a type * and then generate EntityResource<E> * @param entity * @return EntityResource<E> */ public static<E> EntityResource<E> createEntityResource(E entity) { GenericEntity<E> ge = new GenericEntity<E>(entity) {}; Type t = com.temenos.interaction.core.command.CommandHelper.getEffectiveGenericType(ge.getType(), entity); if(ResourceTypeHelper.isType(ge.getRawType(), t, OEntity.class, OEntity.class)) { OEntity te = (OEntity) entity; String entityName = te != null && te.getEntityType() != null ? te.getEntityType().getName() : null; return com.temenos.interaction.core.command.CommandHelper.createEntityResource(entityName, entity, OEntity.class); } else if(ResourceTypeHelper.isType(ge.getRawType(), t, Entity.class, Entity.class)) { Entity te = (Entity) entity; String entityName = te != null ? te.getName() : null; return com.temenos.interaction.core.command.CommandHelper.createEntityResource(entityName, entity, Entity.class); } else { // Call the generic and lets see what happens return com.temenos.interaction.core.command.CommandHelper.createEntityResource(entity, null); } } /** * To help converting Entity object into EntityResource as we are no longer extending the core CommandHelper * @param entity * @return EntityResource<Entity> EntityResource of parameter type Entity */ public static EntityResource<Entity> createEntityResource(Entity entity) { return com.temenos.interaction.core.command.CommandHelper.createEntityResource(entity); } /** * Create an OData entity resource (entry) * @param e OEntity * @return entity resource EntityResource of parameter type OEntity */ public static EntityResource<OEntity> createEntityResource(OEntity e) { String entityName = e != null && e.getEntityType() != null ? e.getEntityType().getName() : null; return com.temenos.interaction.core.command.CommandHelper.createEntityResource(entityName, e, OEntity.class); } /** * Create an OData collection resource (feed) * @param entitySetName Entity set name * @param entities List of OData entities * @return collection resource */ public static CollectionResource<OEntity> createCollectionResource(String entitySetName, List<OEntity> entities) { List<EntityResource<OEntity>> subResources = new ArrayList<EntityResource<OEntity>>(); for (OEntity entity : entities) subResources.add(createEntityResource(entity)); return new CollectionResource<OEntity>(entitySetName, subResources) {}; } /** * Create an OData service document (atomsvc) * @param metadata Edmx * @return Service document */ public static EntityResource<EdmDataServices> createServiceDocumentResource(EdmDataServices metadata) { return new EntityResource<EdmDataServices>(metadata) {}; } /** * Create an OData metadata document (edmx) * @param metadata Edmx * @return metadata resource */ public static MetaDataResource<EdmDataServices> createMetaDataResource(EdmDataServices metadata) { return new MetaDataResource<EdmDataServices>(metadata) {}; } /** * Create an OEntityKey instance for the specified entity id * @param edmDataServices edmDataServices * @param entity Entity set name * @param id Id * @return An OEntityKey instance * @throws Exception Error creating key */ public static OEntityKey createEntityKey(EdmDataServices edmDataServices, String entitySetName, String id) throws Exception { return createEntityKey(edmDataServices.getEdmEntitySet(entitySetName), id); } /** * Create an OEntityKey instance for the specified entity id * @param entitySet entitySet * @param id Id * @return An OEntityKey instance * @throws Exception Error creating key */ public static OEntityKey createEntityKey(EdmEntitySet entitySet, String id) throws Exception { //Lookup type of entity key (simple keys only) String keyType = null; if(entitySet != null) { EdmEntityType entityType = entitySet.getType(); List<String> keys = entityType.getKeys(); if(keys.size() == 1) { EdmProperty prop = entityType.findDeclaredProperty(keys.get(0)); if(prop != null && prop.getType() != null) { keyType = prop.getType().getFullyQualifiedTypeName(); } } } assert(keyType != null) : "Should not be possible to get this far and find no key type"; //Create an entity key OEntityKey key = null; try { if (keyType.equals("Edm.Int64")) { key = OEntityKey.parse(id); } else if(keyType.equals("Edm.Int32")) { key = OEntityKey.parse(id); } else if(keyType.equals("Edm.DateTime")) { key = OEntityKey.parse(id); } else if(keyType.equals("Edm.Time")) { key = OEntityKey.parse(id); } else if(keyType.equals("Edm.String")) { key = OEntityKey.parse(id); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Entity key type " + keyType + " is not supported by CommandHelper, trying OEntityKey.parse.",e); } // could not parse the key, have one last attempt with OEntityKey create if (key == null) { try { if (keyType.equals("Edm.Int64")) { key = OEntityKey.create(Long.parseLong(id)); } else if(keyType.equals("Edm.Int32")) { key = OEntityKey.create(Integer.parseInt(id)); } else { key = OEntityKey.create(id); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("OEntityKey.parse failed to parse id [" + id + "]", e); } } if (key == null) throw new Exception("Entity key type " + id + " is not supported."); return key; } /** * Returns the entity set holding the specified entity (type) name * @param entityName entity type name * @param edmDataServices metadata * @return entity set * @throws Exception if entity set cannot be found */ public static EdmEntitySet getEntitySet(String entityName, EdmDataServices edmDataServices) throws Exception { return ODataHelper.getEntitySet(entityName, edmDataServices); } /** * Returns a view action property * This method will try to replace template parameters "{param}" * with query parameters if available * @param ctx interaction context * @param property action property * @return property value */ public static String getViewActionProperty(InteractionContext ctx, String property) { String prop = null; if(ctx.getCurrentState().getViewAction() != null) { Properties properties = ctx.getCurrentState().getViewAction().getProperties(); if(properties != null && properties.containsKey(property)) { //Get the specified action property prop = getActionProperty(property, properties, ctx.getQueryParameters()); //Fill in template parameters if(prop != null) { Matcher m = parameterPattern.matcher(prop); while(m.find()) { String templateParam =; //e.g. code if(ctx.getQueryParameters().containsKey(templateParam)) { prop = prop.replace("{" + templateParam + "}", ctx.getQueryParameters().getFirst(templateParam)); } else if(ctx.getPathParameters().containsKey(templateParam)) { prop = prop.replace("{" + templateParam + "}", ctx.getPathParameters().getFirst(templateParam)); } } } } } return prop != null && !prop.equals(property) ? prop : null; } /** * Obtain the specified action property. * An action property can either contain a simple value or reference a link property. * If it is the latter it will obtain the referenced value stored in the link property. * e.g. GetEntities filter=myfilter and myfilter="CreditAcctNo eq '{Acc}'", Acc="CreditAcctNo" * => filter=CreditAcctNo eq '{CreditAcctNo}' * @param propertyName Action property name * @param actionProperties Action properties * @param queryParameters Query parameters (keys) * @return Action property string */ protected static String getActionProperty(String propertyName, Properties actionProperties, MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParameters) { Object propObj = actionProperties.get(propertyName); if(propObj != null && propObj instanceof ActionPropertyReference) { ActionPropertyReference propRef = (ActionPropertyReference) propObj; Set<String> queryParamKeys = queryParameters.keySet(); if (queryParameters.containsKey(propRef.getKey())) { return queryParameters.getFirst(propRef.getKey()); } String key = "_"; for(String queryParamKey : queryParamKeys) { if(!queryParamKey.startsWith("$")) { //Do not consider $filter, $select, etc. key += "_" + queryParamKey; } } return propRef.getProperty(key); } else { return actionProperties.get(propertyName).toString(); //e.g. fld eq '{code}' } } /** * Create a map containing the values we wish to pass as custom options to the OData producer * * @param ctx interaction context * * @return Map containing the values we wish to pass as custom options to the OData producer */ static Map<String, String> populateCustomOptionsMap(InteractionContext ctx) { Map<String, String> customOptions = new HashMap<String,String>(); // Capture all path parameters MultivaluedMap<String, String> pathParams = ctx.getPathParameters(); if(pathParams != null) { for(Map.Entry<String,List<String>> entry: pathParams.entrySet()) { String parmName = entry.getKey(); List<String> paramValues = entry.getValue(); if(!paramValues.isEmpty()) { customOptions.put(parmName, paramValues.get(0)); } } } // Capture all query parameters MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParams = ctx.getQueryParameters(); if(queryParams != null) { for(Map.Entry<String,List<String>> entry: queryParams.entrySet()) { String parmName = entry.getKey(); List<String> paramValues = entry.getValue(); if(!paramValues.isEmpty()) { customOptions.put(parmName, paramValues.get(0)); } } } return customOptions; } // TODO move this transformation up to where we have all the metadata, note the hacked hardcoded "Id" protected static OEntity createOEntityFromEntity(AbstractODataCommand command, ODataProducer producer, Entity entity, OEntityKey key) throws InteractionException { try { assert(entity != null); assert(entity.getName() != null); EdmEntitySet entitySet = command.getEdmEntitySet(entity.getName()); EdmEntityType entityType = entitySet.getType(); String id = null; EntityProperties entityProps = entity.getProperties(); List<OProperty<?>> eProps = new ArrayList<OProperty<?>>(); for (String propKey : entityProps.getProperties().keySet()) { EntityProperty prop = entityProps.getProperty(propKey); if (prop.getName().equals("Id")) { id = prop.getValue().toString(); } if (entityType.findProperty(prop.getName()) != null) { EdmProperty eProp = entityType.findProperty(prop.getName()); if (eProp.getType().equals(EdmSimpleType.STRING)) { eProps.add(OProperties.string(prop.getName(), prop.getValue().toString())); } else if (eProp.getType().equals(EdmSimpleType.INT32)) { eProps.add(OProperties.int32(prop.getName(), new Integer(prop.getValue().toString()))); } } } if (id != null) { OEntityKey eKey = CommandHelper.createEntityKey(producer.getMetadata(), entity.getName(), id); return OEntities.create(entitySet, eKey, eProps, null); } else if (key != null) { return OEntities.create(entitySet, key, eProps, null); } else { return OEntities.createRequest(entitySet, eProps, null); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new InteractionException(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e); } } }