package lt.inventi.wicket.component.repeater.expandable; import org.apache.wicket.Component; import org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget; import org.apache.wicket.ajax.markup.html.AjaxLink; import org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.Item; /** * Intended to be used together with ExpandableView. Fires special NewItem event once clicked, which * triggers ExpandableView to generate special ajax response and update view. */ public abstract class AddNewItemLink<T> extends AjaxLink<Void> { private ExpandableView<T> relatedView; public AddNewItemLink(String id) { super(id); } public AddNewItemLink(String id, ExpandableView<T> relatedView) { super(id); this.relatedView = relatedView; } public AddNewItemLink<T> setRelatedView(ExpandableView<T> relatedView) { this.relatedView = relatedView; return this; } /** * Return a new object to be placed in the backing collection. * <p> * Also use this method to notify listeners or to add extra components to * the ajax request if needed. * * @return */ protected abstract T createNewItem(AjaxRequestTarget target); /** * This method is called after the newly created item has been added to the * backing collection and the {@link ExpandableView} has been repopulated. * <p> * Also use this method to notify listeners or to add extra components to * the ajax request if needed. */ protected void onNewItemAdded(Item<T> newItem, AjaxRequestTarget target) { // do nothing } @Override public final void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) { T item = createNewItem(target); Item<T> newItem = relatedView.appendAndGetNewItem(item); onNewItemAdded(newItem, target); generateResponse(target, newItem); } private void generateResponse(AjaxRequestTarget target, Item<?> item) { item.setOutputMarkupId(true); target.prependJavaScript(generateAddElementScript(item)); target.add(item); Component formComponent = Repeaters.getFirstFormComponent(item); if (formComponent != null) { formComponent.setOutputMarkupId(true); target.focusComponent(formComponent); } } private String generateAddElementScript(Component itemComponent) { return String.format("var item=document.createElement('span');'%s';$('#%s').append(item);", itemComponent.getMarkupId(), relatedView.getParent().getMarkupId()); } }