package lt.inventi.wicket.component.bootstrap.form; import java.util.Arrays; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.IChoiceRenderer; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.RadioChoice; import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel; /** * Radio choice which creates two values for a boolean-backed model. * <p> * This control serves as an alternative to checkboxes, especially in * bootstrap's horizontal forms. See <a href= * "" * >this UX Stackexchange question</a> for more information and supporting * ideas. * <p> * You can localize the labels for true/false options by providing localization * properties for: * <ol> * <li>BooleanRadioChoice.TRUE</li> * <li>BooleanRadioChoice.FALSE</li> * </ol> * * @author vplatonov * */ public class BootstrapBooleanRadioChoice extends RadioChoice<Boolean> { public BootstrapBooleanRadioChoice(String id) { super(id, Arrays.asList(Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE), new BooleanRadioChoiceRenderer()); } public BootstrapBooleanRadioChoice(String id, IModel<Boolean> model) { super(id, model, Arrays.asList(Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE), new BooleanRadioChoiceRenderer()); } private static class BooleanRadioChoiceRenderer implements IChoiceRenderer<Boolean> { @Override public Object getDisplayValue(Boolean object) { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(object) ? "BooleanRadioChoice.TRUE" : "BooleanRadioChoice.FALSE"; } @Override public String getIdValue(Boolean object, int index) { return String.valueOf(object); } } public String getSuffix(){ return ""; } @Override protected boolean localizeDisplayValues() { return true; } }