package org.apache.blur.thrift; /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import org.apache.blur.log.Log; import org.apache.blur.log.LogFactory; import org.apache.blur.thirdparty.thrift_0_9_0.TException; import org.apache.blur.thirdparty.thrift_0_9_0.transport.TFramedTransport; import org.apache.blur.thirdparty.thrift_0_9_0.transport.TSocket; import org.apache.blur.thirdparty.thrift_0_9_0.transport.TTransport; import org.apache.blur.thirdparty.thrift_0_9_0.transport.TTransportException; import org.apache.blur.thrift.generated.Blur; import org.apache.blur.thrift.generated.Blur.Client; import org.apache.blur.thrift.generated.BlurException; import org.apache.blur.thrift.generated.ErrorType; import org.apache.blur.thrift.generated.User; import org.apache.blur.trace.Trace; import org.apache.blur.trace.Trace.TraceId; import org.apache.blur.trace.Tracer; import org.apache.blur.user.UserContext; import org.apache.blur.utils.ThreadValue; public class BlurClientManager { private static final Object NULL = new Object(); private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(BlurClientManager.class); public static final int MAX_RETRIES = 5; public static final long BACK_OFF_TIME = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMillis(250); public static final long MAX_BACK_OFF_TIME = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(10); private static final long ONE_SECOND = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1); private static ClientPool _clientPool = new ClientPool(); private static Thread _daemon; private static AtomicBoolean _running = new AtomicBoolean(true); private static Map<Connection, Object> _badConnections = new ConcurrentHashMap<Connection, Object>(); static { startDaemon(); } public static void setClientPool(ClientPool clientPool) { _clientPool = clientPool; } public static ClientPool getClientPool() { return _clientPool; } private static void startDaemon() { _daemon = new Thread(new Runnable() { private Set<Connection> good = new HashSet<Connection>(); @Override public void run() { while (_running.get()) { good.clear(); Set<Connection> badConns = _badConnections.keySet(); for (Connection connection : badConns) { if (isConnectionGood(connection)) { good.add(connection); } } for (Connection connection : good) { _badConnections.remove(connection); } try { Thread.sleep(ONE_SECOND); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return; } } } }); _daemon.setDaemon(true); _daemon.setName("Blur-Client-Manager-Connection-Checker"); _daemon.start(); } protected static boolean isConnectionGood(Connection connection) { try { returnClient(connection, _clientPool.getClient(connection)); return true; } catch (TTransportException e) { LOG.debug("Connection [{0}] is still bad.", connection); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.debug("Connection [{0}] is still bad.", connection); } return false; } public static <CLIENT, T> T execute(Connection connection, AbstractCommand<CLIENT, T> command) throws BlurException, TException, IOException { return execute(connection, command, MAX_RETRIES, BACK_OFF_TIME, MAX_BACK_OFF_TIME); } public static <CLIENT, T> T execute(Connection connection, AbstractCommand<CLIENT, T> command, int maxRetries, long backOffTime, long maxBackOffTime) throws BlurException, TException, IOException { return execute(Arrays.asList(connection), command, maxRetries, backOffTime, maxBackOffTime); } public static <CLIENT, T> T execute(List<Connection> connections, AbstractCommand<CLIENT, T> command) throws BlurException, TException, IOException { return execute(connections, command, MAX_RETRIES, BACK_OFF_TIME, MAX_BACK_OFF_TIME); } private static class LocalResources { AtomicInteger retries = new AtomicInteger(); AtomicReference<Blur.Client> client = new AtomicReference<Client>(); List<Connection> shuffledConnections = new ArrayList<Connection>(); } private static ThreadValue<Random> _random = new ThreadValue<Random>() { @Override protected Random initialValue() { return new Random(); } }; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <CLIENT, T> T execute(List<Connection> connections, AbstractCommand<CLIENT, T> command, int maxRetries, long backOffTime, long maxBackOffTime) throws BlurException, TException, IOException { Tracer traceSetup = Trace.trace("execute - setup"); LocalResources localResources = new LocalResources(); AtomicReference<Client> client = localResources.client; AtomicInteger retries = localResources.retries; List<Connection> shuffledConnections = localResources.shuffledConnections; retries.set(0); shuffledConnections.addAll(connections); Collections.shuffle(shuffledConnections, _random.get()); boolean allBad = true; int connectionErrorCount = 0; traceSetup.done(); while (true) { for (Connection connection : shuffledConnections) { Tracer traceConnectionSetup = Trace.trace("execute - connection setup"); try { if (isBadConnection(connection)) { continue; } client.set(null); try { client.set(_clientPool.getClient(connection)); } catch (IOException e) { if (handleError(connection, client, retries, command, e, maxRetries, backOffTime, maxBackOffTime)) { throw e; } else { markBadConnection(connection); continue; } } } finally { traceConnectionSetup.done(); } Tracer trace = null; try { trace = setupClientPreCall(client.get()); T result = client.get(), connection); allBad = false; if (command.isDetachClient()) { // if the is detach client is set then the command will return the // client to the pool. client.set(null); } return result; } catch (RuntimeException e) { Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if (cause instanceof TTransportException) { TTransportException t = (TTransportException) cause; if (handleError(connection, client, retries, command, t, maxRetries, backOffTime, maxBackOffTime)) { Throwable c = t.getCause(); if (cause instanceof SocketTimeoutException) { throw new BlurException(c.getMessage(), BException.toString(c), ErrorType.REQUEST_TIMEOUT); } throw t; } } else { throw e; } } catch (TTransportException e) { if (handleError(connection, client, retries, command, e, maxRetries, backOffTime, maxBackOffTime)) { Throwable c = e.getCause(); if (c instanceof SocketTimeoutException) { throw new BlurException(c.getMessage(), BException.toString(c), ErrorType.REQUEST_TIMEOUT); } throw e; } } finally { if (trace != null) { trace.done(); } if (client.get() != null) { returnClient(connection, client); } } } if (allBad) { connectionErrorCount++; LOG.error("All connections are bad [{0}] for [{1}].", connectionErrorCount, connections); if (connectionErrorCount >= maxRetries) { throw new BadConnectionException("Could not connect to controller/shard server [" + connections + "]. All connections are bad."); } try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new BException("Unknown error.", e); } } } } public static Tracer setupClientPreCall(Client client) throws TException { User user = UserConverter.toThriftUser(UserContext.getUser()); client.setUser(user); TraceId traceId = Trace.getTraceId(); if (traceId != null) { client.startTrace(traceId.getRootId(), traceId.getRequestId()); return Trace.trace("thrift client", Trace.param("connection", getConnectionStr(client))); } return null; } private static String getConnectionStr(Client client) { TTransport transport = client.getInputProtocol().getTransport(); if (transport instanceof TFramedTransport) { TFramedTransport framedTransport = (TFramedTransport) transport; transport = framedTransport.getTransport(); } if (transport instanceof TSocket) { TSocket tsocket = (TSocket) transport; Socket socket = tsocket.getSocket(); SocketAddress localSocketAddress = socket.getLocalSocketAddress(); SocketAddress remoteSocketAddress = socket.getRemoteSocketAddress(); return localSocketAddress.toString() + ":" + remoteSocketAddress.toString(); } return "unknown"; } private static void markBadConnection(Connection connection) {"Marking bad connection [{0}]", connection); _badConnections.put(connection, NULL); } public static boolean isBadConnection(Connection connection) { return _badConnections.containsKey(connection); } private static <CLIENT, T> boolean handleError(Connection connection, AtomicReference<Blur.Client> client, AtomicInteger retries, AbstractCommand<CLIENT, T> command, Exception e, int maxRetries, long backOffTime, long maxBackOffTime) { if (client.get() != null) { if (e != null) { LOG.debug("Error [{0}]", e, e.getMessage()); } trashConnections(connection, client); markBadConnection(connection); client.set(null); } if (retries.get() > maxRetries) { LOG.error("No more retries [{0}] out of [{1}]", retries, maxRetries); return true; } LOG.error("Retrying call [{0}] retry [{1}] out of [{2}] message [{3}]", command, retries.get(), maxRetries, e.getMessage()); sleep(backOffTime, maxBackOffTime, retries.get(), maxRetries); retries.incrementAndGet(); return false; } public static void sleep(long backOffTime, long maxBackOffTime, int retry, int maxRetries) { if (maxRetries == 0) { return; } long extra = (maxBackOffTime - backOffTime) / maxRetries; long sleep = backOffTime + (extra * retry);"Backing off call for [{0} ms]", sleep); try { Thread.sleep(sleep); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public static <CLIENT, T> T execute(String connectionStr, AbstractCommand<CLIENT, T> command, int maxRetries, long backOffTime, long maxBackOffTime) throws BlurException, TException, IOException { return execute(getConnections(connectionStr), command, maxRetries, backOffTime, maxBackOffTime); } public static List<Connection> getConnections(String connectionStr) { int start = 0; int index = connectionStr.indexOf(','); if (index >= 0) { List<Connection> connections = new ArrayList<Connection>(); while (index >= 0) { connections.add(new Connection(connectionStr.substring(start, index))); start = index + 1; index = connectionStr.indexOf(',', start); } connections.add(new Connection(connectionStr.substring(start))); return connections; } return Arrays.asList(new Connection(connectionStr)); } public static <CLIENT, T> T execute(String connectionStr, AbstractCommand<CLIENT, T> command) throws BlurException, TException, IOException { return execute(getConnections(connectionStr), command); } public static void returnClient(Connection connection, AtomicReference<Blur.Client> client) { returnClient(connection, client.get()); } private static void trashConnections(Connection connection, AtomicReference<Client> c) { _clientPool.trashConnections(connection, c.get()); } public static void returnClient(Connection connection, Blur.Client client) { _clientPool.returnClient(connection, client); } public static void close(Client client) { ClientPool.close(client); } public static Client newClient(Connection connection) throws TTransportException, IOException { return _clientPool.newClient(connection); } }