package org.apache.blur.command; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import org.apache.blur.BlurConfiguration; import org.apache.blur.log.Log; import org.apache.blur.log.LogFactory; import org.apache.blur.server.LayoutFactory; import org.apache.blur.server.TableContext; import org.apache.blur.server.TableContextFactory; import org.apache.blur.thirdparty.thrift_0_9_0.TException; import org.apache.blur.thrift.BlurClientManager; import org.apache.blur.thrift.ClientPool; import org.apache.blur.thrift.Connection; import org.apache.blur.thrift.UserConverter; import org.apache.blur.thrift.generated.Arguments; import org.apache.blur.thrift.generated.Blur.Client; import org.apache.blur.thrift.generated.BlurException; import org.apache.blur.thrift.generated.CommandStatus; import org.apache.blur.thrift.generated.Response; import org.apache.blur.thrift.generated.TimeoutException; import org.apache.blur.thrift.generated.ValueObject; import org.apache.blur.trace.Tracer; import org.apache.blur.user.UserContext; /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this * work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF * licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ public class ControllerClusterContext extends ClusterContext implements Closeable { private final static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ControllerClusterContext.class); private final TableContextFactory _tableContextFactory; private final Map<Server, ClientWithConnection> _clientMap; private final ControllerCommandManager _manager; private final LayoutFactory _layoutFactory; private final BlurObjectSerDe _serDe = new BlurObjectSerDe(); static class ClientWithConnection { final Client _client; final Connection _connection; ClientWithConnection(Client client, Connection connection) { _client = client; _connection = connection; } } public ControllerClusterContext(TableContextFactory tableContextFactory, LayoutFactory layoutFactory, ControllerCommandManager manager) throws IOException { _tableContextFactory = tableContextFactory; _clientMap = getBlurClientsForCluster(layoutFactory.getServerConnections()); _manager = manager; _layoutFactory = layoutFactory; } private Map<Server, ClientWithConnection> getBlurClientsForCluster(Set<Connection> serverConnections) throws IOException { Map<Server, ClientWithConnection> clients = new HashMap<Server, ClientWithConnection>(); for (Connection serverConnection : serverConnections) { try { Client client = BlurClientManager.getClientPool().getClient(serverConnection); client.refresh(); ClientWithConnection clientWithConnection = new ClientWithConnection(client, serverConnection); clients.put(new Server(serverConnection.getHost() + ":" + serverConnection.getPort()), clientWithConnection); } catch (TException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } return clients; } @Override public TableContext getTableContext(String table) throws IOException { return _tableContextFactory.getTableContext(table); } @Override public <T> Map<Shard, T> readIndexes(IndexRead<T> command) throws IOException { Map<Shard, Future<T>> futures = readIndexesAsync(command); Map<Shard, T> result = new HashMap<Shard, T>(); return processFutures((Command<?>) command, futures, result); } @Override public <T> Map<Server, T> readServers(ServerRead<?, T> command) throws IOException { Map<Server, Future<T>> futures = readServersAsync(command); Map<Server, T> result = new HashMap<Server, T>(); return processFutures((Command<?>) command, futures, result); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { ClientPool clientPool = BlurClientManager.getClientPool(); Collection<ClientWithConnection> values = _clientMap.values(); _clientMap.clear(); for (ClientWithConnection clientWithConnection : values) { clientPool.returnClient(clientWithConnection._connection, clientWithConnection._client); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T> Map<Shard, Future<T>> readIndexesAsync(IndexRead<T> cmd) throws IOException { final Command<?> command = (Command<?>) cmd; _manager.validate(command); Map<Shard, Future<T>> futureMap = new HashMap<Shard, Future<T>>(); Set<String> tables = command.routeTables(this); Set<Shard> shards = command.routeShards(this, tables); Map<Server, Client> clientMap = getClientMap(command, tables, shards); final Arguments arguments = _manager.toArguments(command); CommandStatus originalCommandStatusObject = new CommandStatus(null, command.getName(), arguments, null, UserConverter.toThriftUser(UserContext.getUser())); for (Entry<Server, Client> e : clientMap.entrySet()) { Server server = e.getKey(); final Client client = e.getValue(); Future<Map<Shard, T>> future = _manager.submitToExecutorService(new Callable<Map<Shard, T>>() { @Override public Map<Shard, T> call() throws Exception { Response response = waitForResponse(client, command, arguments); Map<Shard, Object> shardToThriftValue = CommandUtil.fromThriftToObjectShard(response.getShardToValue()); Map<Shard, Object> shardToValue = CommandUtil.fromThriftSupportedObjects(shardToThriftValue, _serDe); return (Map<Shard, T>) shardToValue; } }, command, originalCommandStatusObject, new AtomicBoolean(true)); for (Shard shard : getShardsOnServer(server, tables, shards)) { futureMap.put(shard, new ShardResultFuture<T>(shard, future)); } } return futureMap; } private Map<Server, Client> getClientMap(Command<?> command, Set<String> tables, Set<Shard> shards) throws IOException { Map<Server, Client> result = new HashMap<Server, Client>(); for (Entry<Server, ClientWithConnection> e : _clientMap.entrySet()) { Server server = e.getKey(); if (_layoutFactory.isValidServer(server, tables, shards)) { result.put(server, e.getValue()._client); } } return result; } protected static Response waitForResponse(Client client, Command<?> command, Arguments arguments) throws TException { // TODO This should likely be changed to run of a AtomicBoolean used for // the status of commands. Long executionId = null; while (true) { Tracer tracer = BlurClientManager.setupClientPreCall(client); try { if (executionId == null) { return client.execute(command.getName(), arguments); } else { return client.reconnect(executionId); } } catch (BlurException e) { throw e; } catch (TimeoutException e) { executionId = e.getInstanceExecutionId();"Execution fetch timed out, reconnecting using [{0}].", executionId); } catch (TException e) { throw e; } finally { if (tracer != null) { tracer.done(); } } } } private Set<Shard> getShardsOnServer(Server server, Set<String> tables, Set<Shard> shards) throws IOException { Set<Shard> serverLayout = _layoutFactory.getServerLayout(server); Set<Shard> result = new HashSet<Shard>(); for (Shard shard : serverLayout) { if (isValid(shard, tables, shards)) { result.add(shard); } } return result; } private boolean isValid(Shard shard, Set<String> tables, Set<Shard> shards) { String table = shard.getTable(); if (!tables.contains(table)) { return false; } if (shards.isEmpty()) { return true; } else { return shards.contains(shard); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T> Map<Server, Future<T>> readServersAsync(ServerRead<?, T> cmd) throws IOException { final Command<?> command = (Command<?>) cmd; _manager.validate(command); Map<Server, Future<T>> futureMap = new HashMap<Server, Future<T>>(); Set<String> tables = command.routeTables(this); Set<Shard> shards = command.routeShards(this, tables); Map<Server, Client> clientMap = getClientMap(command, tables, shards); final Arguments arguments = _manager.toArguments(command); CommandStatus originalCommandStatusObject = new CommandStatus(null, command.getName(), arguments, null, UserConverter.toThriftUser(UserContext.getUser())); for (Entry<Server, Client> e : clientMap.entrySet()) { Server server = e.getKey(); final Client client = e.getValue(); Future<T> future = _manager.submitToExecutorService(new Callable<T>() { @Override public T call() throws Exception { Response response = waitForResponse(client, command, arguments); ValueObject valueObject = response.getValue(); Object thriftObject = CommandUtil.toObject(valueObject); return (T) _serDe.fromSupportedThriftObject(thriftObject); } }, command, originalCommandStatusObject, new AtomicBoolean(true)); futureMap.put(server, future); } return futureMap; } private <K, T> Map<K, T> processFutures(Command<?> command, Map<K, Future<T>> futures, Map<K, T> result) throws IOException { Throwable firstError = null; for (Entry<K, Future<T>> e : futures.entrySet()) { K key = e.getKey(); Future<T> future = e.getValue(); T value; try { value = future.get(); result.put(key, value); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { throw new IOException(ex); } catch (ExecutionException ex) { Throwable cause = ex.getCause(); if (firstError == null) { firstError = cause; } LOG.error("Unknown call while executing command [{0}] on server or shard [{1}]", command, key); } } if (firstError != null) { throw new IOException(firstError); } return result; } @Override public BlurConfiguration getBlurConfiguration(String table) throws IOException { return _tableContextFactory.getTableContext(table).getBlurConfiguration(); } @Override public <T> T readIndex(IndexRead<T> command) throws IOException { Future<T> future = readIndexAsync(command); try { return future.get(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IOException(e); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw new IOException(e.getCause()); } } @Override public <T> Future<T> readIndexAsync(IndexRead<T> command) throws IOException { throw new RuntimeException("Not Implemented."); } }