package com.dozuki.ifixit.util.api; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper; import android.util.Log; import com.dozuki.ifixit.App; import com.dozuki.ifixit.model.dozuki.Site; import; import; import com.dozuki.ifixit.model.user.User; import com.dozuki.ifixit.util.JSONHelper; import; import org.json.JSONException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; public class ApiDatabase extends SQLiteOpenHelper { public static final String TAG = "ApiDatabase"; private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1; private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "api"; private static ApiDatabase sDatabase; private final Context mContext; public static ApiDatabase get(Context context) { if (sDatabase == null) { sDatabase = new ApiDatabase(context.getApplicationContext()); } return sDatabase; } private ApiDatabase(Context context) { super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION); mContext = context; } @Override public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL(CREATE_OFFLINE_GUIDES_TABLE); } @Override public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE_OFFLINE_GUIDES); // Create tables again. // TODO: This isn't a viable solution when the DB is upgraded. onCreate(db); } /** * Stores the JSON for guides stored offline. */ private static final String TABLE_OFFLINE_GUIDES = "offline_guides"; private static final String KEY_ID = "_id"; private static final String KEY_SITEID = "siteid"; private static final String KEY_USERID = "userid"; private static final String KEY_GUIDEID = "guideid"; private static final String KEY_MODIFIED_DATE = "modified_date"; private static final String KEY_MEDIA_TOTAL = "media_total"; private static final String KEY_MEDIA_DOWNLOADED = "media_downloaded"; private static final String KEY_GUIDE_INFO_JSON = "guide_info_json"; private static final String KEY_GUIDE_JSON = "guide_json"; private static final String CREATE_OFFLINE_GUIDES_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE_OFFLINE_GUIDES + "(" + KEY_ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " + KEY_SITEID + " INTEGER, " + KEY_USERID + " INTEGER, " + KEY_GUIDEID + " INTEGER, " + KEY_MODIFIED_DATE + " REAL, " + KEY_MEDIA_TOTAL + " INTEGER, " + KEY_MEDIA_DOWNLOADED + " INTEGER, " + KEY_GUIDE_JSON + " TEXT, " + KEY_GUIDE_INFO_JSON + " TEXT, " + "UNIQUE (" + KEY_SITEID + ", " + KEY_USERID + ", " + KEY_GUIDEID + ") ON CONFLICT REPLACE " + ")"; public ArrayList<GuideMediaProgress> getOfflineGuides(Site site, User user) { final int GUIDE_JSON_INDEX = 0; final int TOTAL_MEDIA_INDEX = 1; final int MEDIA_DOWNLOADED_INDEX = 2; Cursor cursor = getReadableDatabase().query( TABLE_OFFLINE_GUIDES, new String[] {KEY_GUIDE_INFO_JSON, KEY_MEDIA_TOTAL, KEY_MEDIA_DOWNLOADED}, KEY_SITEID + " = ? AND " + KEY_USERID + " = ?", new String[] {site.mSiteid + "", user.getUserid() + ""}, null, null, KEY_ID + " DESC" ); ArrayList<GuideMediaProgress> guideMedia = new ArrayList<GuideMediaProgress>(); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { guideMedia.add(new GuideMediaProgress( getGuideInfoFromCursor(cursor, GUIDE_JSON_INDEX, false), cursor.getInt(TOTAL_MEDIA_INDEX), cursor.getInt(MEDIA_DOWNLOADED_INDEX) )); } cursor.close(); return guideMedia; } public Guide getOfflineGuide(Site site, User user, int guideid) { Cursor cursor = getReadableDatabase().query( TABLE_OFFLINE_GUIDES, new String[] {KEY_GUIDE_JSON}, KEY_SITEID + " = ? AND " + KEY_USERID + " = ? AND " + KEY_GUIDEID + " = ? ", new String[] {site.mSiteid + "", user.getUserid() + "", guideid + ""}, null, null, null ); cursor.moveToFirst(); return getGuideFromCursor(cursor, 0, true); } /** * Returns guides that have been downloaded but some of the images are missing. */ public ArrayList<Guide> getUncompleteGuides(Site site, User user) { SQLiteDatabase db = getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = db.query( TABLE_OFFLINE_GUIDES, new String[] {KEY_GUIDE_JSON}, KEY_SITEID + " = ? AND " + KEY_USERID + " = ? AND " + KEY_MEDIA_DOWNLOADED + " != " + KEY_MEDIA_TOTAL, new String[] {site.mSiteid + "", user.getUserid() + ""}, null, null, KEY_ID + " ASC"); return getGuidesFromCursor(cursor, 0); } /** * Returns a list of Guides from the cursor with json at the provided index. */ private ArrayList<Guide> getGuidesFromCursor(Cursor cursor, int jsonIndex) { ArrayList<Guide> guides = new ArrayList<Guide>(); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { guides.add(getGuideFromCursor(cursor, jsonIndex, false)); } cursor.close(); return guides; } /** * Creates a guide from the cursor with JSON found at the provided index. */ private Guide getGuideFromCursor(Cursor cursor, int jsonIndex, boolean closeCursor) { try { // Invalid cursor position. if (cursor.isBeforeFirst() || cursor.isAfterLast()) { return null; } String guideJson = cursor.getString(jsonIndex); return JSONHelper.parseGuide(guideJson); } catch (JSONException e) { App.sendException(TAG, "Cannot parse stored guide!", e); return null; } finally { if (closeCursor) { cursor.close(); } } } /** * Creates a GuideInfo from the cursor with JSON found at the provided index. */ private GuideInfo getGuideInfoFromCursor(Cursor cursor, int jsonIndex, boolean closeCursor) { try { // Invalid cursor position. if (cursor.isBeforeFirst() || cursor.isAfterLast()) { return null; } String guideJson = cursor.getString(jsonIndex); return new Gson().fromJson(guideJson, GuideInfo.class); } catch (Exception e) { App.sendException(TAG, "Cannot parse stored guide!", e); return null; } finally { if (closeCursor) { cursor.close(); } } } /** * Returns a map of guideid to modified date for all of the user's offline guides. */ public Map<Integer, Double> getGuideModifiedDates(Site site, User user) { final int GUIDEID_INDEX = 0; final int MODIFIED_DATE_INDEX = 1; SQLiteDatabase db = getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = db.query( TABLE_OFFLINE_GUIDES, new String[] {KEY_GUIDEID, KEY_MODIFIED_DATE}, KEY_SITEID + " = ? AND " + KEY_USERID + " = ?", new String[] {site.mSiteid + "", user.getUserid() + ""}, null, null, null); Map<Integer, Double> modifiedDates = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { modifiedDates.put( cursor.getInt(GUIDEID_INDEX), cursor.getDouble(MODIFIED_DATE_INDEX) ); } cursor.close(); return modifiedDates; } public void deleteGuides(Site site, User user, Set<Integer> guideids) { if (guideids.isEmpty()) { return; } StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder( KEY_SITEID + " = ? AND " + KEY_USERID + " = ? AND " + KEY_GUIDEID + " IN ("); final int NUM_NON_GUIDE_PARAMS = 2; int i = NUM_NON_GUIDE_PARAMS; String[] params = new String[guideids.size() + NUM_NON_GUIDE_PARAMS]; params[0] = site.mSiteid + ""; params[1] = user.getUserid() + ""; for (Integer guideid : guideids) { params[i] = guideid.toString(); where.append("?,"); i++; } where.deleteCharAt(where.length() - 1); // Delete trailing comma. where.append(")"); getWritableDatabase().delete( TABLE_OFFLINE_GUIDES, where.toString(), params ); } public void saveGuide(Site site, User user, ApiEvent<Guide> guideEvent, GuideInfo guideInfo, int imagesTotal, int imagesDownloaded) { if (guideEvent == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ApiEvent<Guide> guideEvent"); } SQLiteDatabase db = getWritableDatabase(); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); Guide guide = guideEvent.getResult(); values.put(KEY_SITEID, site.mSiteid); values.put(KEY_USERID, user.getUserid()); values.put(KEY_GUIDEID, guide.getGuideid()); values.put(KEY_MODIFIED_DATE, guide.getAbsoluteModifiedDate()); values.put(KEY_MEDIA_TOTAL, imagesTotal); values.put(KEY_MEDIA_DOWNLOADED, imagesDownloaded); values.put(KEY_GUIDE_INFO_JSON, new Gson().toJson(guideInfo)); values.put(KEY_GUIDE_JSON, guideEvent.getResponse()); db.insertWithOnConflict(TABLE_OFFLINE_GUIDES, null, values, SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_REPLACE); } public void updateGuideProgress(Site site, User user, int guideid, int imagesTotal, int imagesDownloaded) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(KEY_MEDIA_TOTAL, imagesTotal); values.put(KEY_MEDIA_DOWNLOADED, imagesDownloaded); getWritableDatabase().update( TABLE_OFFLINE_GUIDES, values, KEY_SITEID + " = ? AND " + KEY_USERID + " = ? AND " + KEY_GUIDEID + " = ?", new String[] {site.mSiteid + "", user.getUserid() + "", guideid + ""} ); } }