package com.dozuki.ifixit.util.api; import android.accounts.Account; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.DialogInterface.OnCancelListener; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Build; import android.util.Log; import com.dozuki.ifixit.App; import com.dozuki.ifixit.BuildConfig; import com.dozuki.ifixit.R; import com.dozuki.ifixit.model.auth.Authenticator; import com.dozuki.ifixit.model.user.User; import com.dozuki.ifixit.ui.BaseActivity; import; import com.dozuki.ifixit.util.FileCache; import com.dozuki.ifixit.util.JSONHelper; import com.github.kevinsawicki.http.HttpRequest; import com.github.kevinsawicki.http.HttpRequest.HttpRequestException; import com.squareup.otto.DeadEvent; import com.squareup.otto.Subscribe; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; /** * Class that performs asynchronous API calls and posts the results to the * event bus. */ public class Api { private interface Responder { public void setResult(ApiEvent<?> result); } private static final int INVALID_LOGIN_CODE = 401; private static final String TAG = "Api"; /** * Pending API call. This is set when an authenticated request is performed * but the user is not logged in. This is then performed once the user has * authenticated. */ private static ApiCall sPendingApiCall; /** * List of events that have been sent but not received by any subscribers. */ private static List<ApiEvent<?>> sDeadApiEvents; /** * Returns true if the the user needs to be authenticated for the given site and endpoint. */ private static boolean requireAuthentication(ApiEndpoint endpoint) { return (endpoint.mAuthenticated || !App.get().getSite().mPublic) && !endpoint.mForcePublic; } /** * Performs the API call defined by the given Intent. This takes care of opening a * login dialog and saving the Intent if the user isn't authenticated but should be. */ public static void call(Activity activity, final ApiCall apiCall) { ApiEndpoint endpoint = apiCall.mEndpoint; if (activity != null) { apiCall.mActivityid = ((BaseActivity)activity).getActivityid(); } else if (apiCall.mActivityid == -1) { Log.w(TAG, "Missing activityid!", new Exception()); } apiCall.mSite = App.get().getSite(); User user = App.get().getUser(); apiCall.mUser = user; if (apiCall.mAuthToken == null && user != null) { // Set the auth token to the current user's auth token if one isn't // explicitly set. Originally added for logout and user info because a // user isn't associated with the auth token when the API call is performed. apiCall.mAuthToken = user.getAuthToken(); } // User needs to be logged in for an authenticated endpoint with the exception of login. if (requireAuthentication(endpoint) && !App.get().isUserLoggedIn()) { App.getBus().post(getUnauthorizedEvent(apiCall)); } else { performRequest(apiCall, new Responder() { public void setResult(ApiEvent<?> result) { if (apiCall.mEndpoint.mPostResults) { /** * Always post the result despite any errors. This actually sends it off * to BaseActivity which posts the underlying ApiEvent<?> if the ApiCall * was initiated by that Activity instance. */ App.getBus().post(new ApiEvent.ActivityProxy(result)); } } }); } } /** * Returns an ApiEvent that triggers a login dialog and sets up the ApiCall to be performed * once the user successfully logs in. */ private static ApiEvent<?> getUnauthorizedEvent(ApiCall apiCall) { sPendingApiCall = apiCall; // We aren't logged in anymore so lets make sure we don't think we are. // Note: This does _not_ remove the account from the AccountManager. The // user still has a chance to reauthenticate and salvage the account. App.get().shallowLogout(false); // The ApiError doesn't matter as long as one exists. return new ApiEvent.Unauthorized(). setCode(INVALID_LOGIN_CODE). setError(new ApiError("", "", ApiError.Type.UNAUTHORIZED)). setApiCall(apiCall); } /** * Returns the pending API call and sets it to null. Returns null if no pending API call. */ public static ApiCall getAndRemovePendingApiCall(Context context) { ApiCall pendingApiCall = sPendingApiCall; sPendingApiCall = null; if (pendingApiCall != null) { return pendingApiCall; } else { return null; } } /** * Parse the response in the given result with the given requestTarget. */ private static ApiEvent<?> parseResult(ApiEvent<?> result, ApiEndpoint endpoint) { ApiEvent<?> event; int code = result.mCode; String response = result.getResponse(); ApiError error = null; if (!isSuccess(code)) { error = JSONHelper.parseError(response, code); } if (error != null) { event = result.setError(error); } else { try { // We don't know the type of ApiEvent it is so we must let the endpoint's // parseResult return the correct one... event = endpoint.parseResult(response); // ... and then we can copy over the other values we need. event.mCode = code; event.mApiCall = result.mApiCall; event.mResponse = result.mResponse; event.mStoredResponse = result.mStoredResponse; } catch (Exception e) { // This is meant to catch JSON and GSON parse exceptions but enumerating // all different types of Exceptions and putting error handling code // in one place is tedious. Log.e(TAG, "API parse error", e); result.setError(new ApiError(ApiError.Type.PARSE)); event = result; } if (!isSuccess(code)) { event.setError(ApiError.getByStatusCode(code)); } } return event; } private static boolean isSuccess(int code) { return code >= 200 && code < 300; } public static AlertDialog getErrorDialog(final Activity activity, final ApiEvent<?> event) { ApiError error = event.getError(); int positiveButton = error.mType.mTryAgain ? R.string.try_again : R.string.error_confirm; AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity); builder.setTitle(error.mTitle) .setMessage(error.mMessage) .setPositiveButton(positiveButton, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { // Try performing the request again. if (event.mError.mType.mTryAgain) { call(activity, event.mApiCall); } dialog.dismiss(); if (event.mError.mType.mFinishActivity) { activity.finish(); } } }); // Add an "Offline Guides" button so the user can always get to the OfflineGuidesActivity. if (error.mType == ApiError.Type.CONNECTION) { builder.setNeutralButton(R.string.offline_guides, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { activity.startActivity(OfflineGuidesActivity.view(activity)); activity.finish(); } }); } AlertDialog dialog = builder.create(); dialog.setOnCancelListener(new OnCancelListener() { @Override public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) { activity.finish(); } }); return dialog; } public static void init() { sDeadApiEvents = new LinkedList<ApiEvent<?>>(); App.getBus().register(new Object() { @Subscribe public void onDeadEvent(DeadEvent deadEvent) { Object event = deadEvent.event; if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.i(TAG, "onDeadEvent: " + event.getClass().getName()); } if (event instanceof ApiEvent<?>) { addDeadApiEvent((ApiEvent<?>)event); } else if (event instanceof ApiEvent.ActivityProxy) { addDeadApiEvent(((ApiEvent.ActivityProxy)event).getApiEvent()); } } }); } private static void addDeadApiEvent(ApiEvent<?> apiEvent) { synchronized (sDeadApiEvents) { sDeadApiEvents.add(apiEvent); } } public static void retryDeadEvents(BaseActivity activity) { synchronized (sDeadApiEvents) { if (sDeadApiEvents.isEmpty()) { return; } List<ApiEvent<?>> deadApiEvents = sDeadApiEvents; sDeadApiEvents = new LinkedList<ApiEvent<?>>(); int activityid = activity.getActivityid(); // Iterate over all the dead events, firing off each one. If it fails, // it is recaught by the @Subscribe onDeadEvent, and added back to the list. for (ApiEvent<?> apiEvent : deadApiEvents) { // Fire the event If the activityids match, otherwise add it back // to the list of dead events so we can try it again later. if (activityid == apiEvent.mApiCall.mActivityid) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.i(TAG, "Retrying dead event: " + apiEvent.getClass().getName()); } App.getBus().post(apiEvent); } else { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.i(TAG, "Adding dead event: " + apiEvent.getClass().toString()); } sDeadApiEvents.add(apiEvent); } } if (BuildConfig.DEBUG && sDeadApiEvents.size() > 0) { Log.i(TAG, "Skipped " + sDeadApiEvents.size() + " dead events"); } } } private static void performRequest(final ApiCall apiCall, final Responder responder) { AsyncTask<String, Void, ApiEvent<?>> as = new AsyncTask<String, Void, ApiEvent<?>>() { @Override protected ApiEvent<?> doInBackground(String... dummy) { return performAndParseApiCall(apiCall); } @Override protected void onPostExecute(ApiEvent<?> result) { responder.setResult(result); } }; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB_MR1) { as.execute(); } else { as.executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR); } } protected static ApiEvent<?> performAndParseApiCall(ApiCall apiCall) { ApiEndpoint endpoint = apiCall.mEndpoint; final String url = endpoint.getUrl(apiCall.mSite, apiCall.mQuery); ApiEvent<?> event = endpoint.getEvent(); event.setApiCall(apiCall); if (App.inDebug()) { Log.i(TAG, "Performing API call: " + endpoint.mMethod + " " + url); Log.i(TAG, "Request body: " + apiCall.mRequestBody); } try { ApiEvent<?> response = getResponse(url, event, apiCall); if (!response.hasError()) { response = parseResult(response, endpoint); } if (!response.hasError() && endpoint.mMethod.equals("GET") && !response.mStoredResponse) { storeResponse(url, apiCall, response.getResponse()); } return response; } catch (HttpRequestException e) { Log.e(TAG, "API error", e); return event.setError(new ApiError(ApiError.Type.PARSE)); } } private static ApiEvent<?> getResponse(String url, ApiEvent<?> event, ApiCall apiCall) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (!App.get().isConnected()) { if (apiCall.mEndpoint.mMethod.equals("GET")) { String response = getStoredResponse(url, apiCall); if (response != null) { if (App.inDebug()) { Log.i(TAG, "Using stored API response"); } // All GETs will be 200's if they're valid. return event.setCode(200).setResponse(response).setStoredResponse(true); } } return event.setError(new ApiError(ApiError.Type.CONNECTION)); } /** * Unfortunately we must split the creation of the HttpRequest * object and the appropriate actions to take for a GET vs. a POST * request. The request headers and trustAllCerts calls must be * made before any data is sent. However, we must have an HttpRequest * object already. */ HttpRequest request; if (apiCall.mEndpoint.mMethod.equals("GET")) { request = HttpRequest.get(url); } else { /** * For all methods other than get we actually perform a POST but send * a header indicating the actual request we are performing. This is * because http-request's underlying HTTPRequest library doesn't * support PATCH requests. */ request =; request.header("X-HTTP-Method-Override", apiCall.mEndpoint.mMethod); } /** * Send along the auth token if we have one. */ if (apiCall.mAuthToken != null) { request.header("Authorization", "api " + apiCall.mAuthToken); } request.userAgent(App.get().getUserAgent()); request.header("X-App-Id", BuildConfig.APP_ID); request.followRedirects(false); /** * Continue with constructing the request body. */ if (apiCall.mFilePath != null) { // POST the file if present. request.send(new File(apiCall.mFilePath)); } else if (apiCall.mRequestBody != null) { request.send(apiCall.mRequestBody); } /** * The order is important here. If the code() is called first an IOException * is thrown in some cases (invalid login for one, maybe more). */ String responseBody = request.body(); int code = request.code(); if (App.inDebug()) { long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Log.d(TAG, "Response code: " + code); Log.d(TAG, "Response body: " + responseBody); Log.d(TAG, "Request time: " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms"); } /** * If the server responds with a 401, the user is logged out even though we * think that they are logged in. Return an Unauthorized event to prompt the * user to log in. Don't do this if we are logging in because the login dialog * will automatically handle these errors. */ if (code == INVALID_LOGIN_CODE && !App.get().isLoggingIn()) { String newAuthToken = null; // If mAuthToken is null that means that this is resulting from reauthenticating // in which case the user's password has expired. Fall through to presenting // a login dialog so the user can reenter credentials. Upon success, the account // will be updated. If the user doesn't sign in then it will eventually be // removed. if (apiCall.mAuthToken != null) { newAuthToken = attemptReauthentication(apiCall); } if (newAuthToken != null) { // Try again with the new auth token. apiCall.mAuthToken = newAuthToken; return getResponse(url, event, apiCall); } else { return getUnauthorizedEvent(apiCall); } } else { return event.setCode(code).setResponse(responseBody); } } /** * Attempts to reauthenticate the user with the stored credentials. Returns * a fresh authToken if successful, null otherwise. */ private static String attemptReauthentication(ApiCall attemptedApiCall) { if (!attemptedApiCall.mSite.reauthenticateOnLogout()) { return null; } Authenticator authenticator = new Authenticator(App.get()); authenticator.invalidateAuthToken(attemptedApiCall.mAuthToken); Account account = authenticator.getAccountForSite(attemptedApiCall.mSite); // We can't reauthenticate if the account doesn't exist. if (account == null) { return null; } String email = attemptedApiCall.mUser.mEmail; String password = authenticator.getPassword(account); ApiCall loginApiCall = ApiCall.login(email, password); loginApiCall.mSite = attemptedApiCall.mSite; ApiEvent<?> result = performAndParseApiCall(loginApiCall); if (result.hasError()) { Log.w(TAG, "Reauthentication failed"); return null; } Object resultObject = result.getResult(); if (resultObject instanceof User) { User user = (User)resultObject; // Don't notify because this is on a different thread and Otto fails. App.get().login(user, email, password, false); return user.getAuthToken(); } else { Log.w(TAG, "Reauthentication result isn't a User"); return null; } } private static String getStoredResponse(String url, ApiCall apiCall) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); String response = FileCache.get(getCacheKey(url, apiCall.mUser)); if (App.inDebug()) { long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Log.i(TAG, "Retrieved response in " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms"); } return response; } private static void storeResponse(String url, ApiCall apiCall, String response) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); FileCache.set(getCacheKey(url, apiCall.mUser), response); if (App.inDebug()) { long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Log.i(TAG, "Stored response in " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms"); } } private static String getCacheKey(String url, User user) { String key = "api_responses_" + url; if (user != null) { key += "_" + user.getUserid(); } return key; } }