package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import; import; import; import; import; public class HuPuDBAdapter { // Database open/upgrade helper private HuPuDBHelp dbHelper; Context context; final int DATABASE_VERSION = 8; static final int MAX_RECORD = 20; public HuPuDBAdapter(Context _context) { context = _context; dbHelper = new HuPuDBHelp(context, DATABASE_VERSION); } SQLiteDatabase db; public SQLiteDatabase open() { if (db != null && db.isOpen()) return db; try { db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return db; } public void close() { if (db != null && db.isOpen()) db.close(); } public long insertTeam(int teamId, String teamName) { open(); ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_TEAM_ID, teamId); if (teamName != null) contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_TEAM_NAME, teamName); long l = db.insert(HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_TEAM_FOLLOW, null, contentValues); db.close(); return l; } public void insertTeams(LinkedList<Integer> list) { open(); db.beginTransaction(); // 手动设置开始事务 // 数据插入操作循环 for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_TEAM_ID, list.get(i)); db.insert(HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_TEAM_FOLLOW, null, contentValues); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); // 设置事务处理成功,不设置会自动回滚不提交 db.endTransaction(); // 处理完成 db.close(); } /** * 插入新用户联赛数据 * * @param list */ public void insertLeagueFrist(LinkedList<LeaguesEntity> list) { open(); db.beginTransaction(); String[] order = SharedPreferencesMgr.getString("league_order", "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9").split(","); for (int i = 0; i < order.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) { if (list.get(j).lid == Integer.parseInt(order[i])) { ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_PRIMARY_ID, list.get(j).lid + "_" + list.get(j).en); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_LID, list.get(j).lid); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_EN_NAME, list.get(j).en); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_NAME, list.get(j).name); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_LOGO, list.get(j).logo); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_IS_FOLLOW, list.get(j).is_follow); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_TEMPLATE, list.get(j).template); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_DEL_TAB, list.get(j).show_default_tab); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_GAME_TYPY, list.get(j).game_type); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_SHOW_NEW, list.get(j).is_new); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_SHOW_STANDINGS_TYPE, list.get(j).showStandings); db.insert(HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_LEAGUE02, null, contentValues); break; } } } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); // 设置事务处理成功,不设置会自动回滚不提交 db.endTransaction(); // 处理完成 db.close(); } /** * 插入联赛数据 * * @param list */ public void insertLeague(LinkedList<LeaguesEntity> list) { open(); db.beginTransaction(); for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) { ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_PRIMARY_ID, list.get(j).lid + "_" + list.get(j).en); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_LID, list.get(j).lid); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_EN_NAME, list.get(j).en); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_NAME, list.get(j).name); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_LOGO, list.get(j).logo); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_IS_FOLLOW, list.get(j).is_follow); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_TEMPLATE, list.get(j).template); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_DEL_TAB, list.get(j).show_default_tab); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_GAME_TYPY, list.get(j).game_type); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_SHOW_NEW, list.get(j).is_new); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_SHOW_STANDINGS_TYPE, list.get(j).showStandings); db.insert(HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_LEAGUE02, null, contentValues); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); // 设置事务处理成功,不设置会自动回滚不提交 db.endTransaction(); // 处理完成 db.close(); } public void delLeagues() { open(); db.execSQL("DELETE FROM " + HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_LEAGUE02); close(); } /** * 插入球队数据 * * @param list */ public void insertTeam(LinkedList<TeamsEntity> list, int lid) { open(); db.beginTransaction(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_PRIMARY_ID, lid + "_" + list.get(i).tid); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_TEAM_ID, list.get(i).tid); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_LID, lid); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_EN_NAME, list.get(i).enName); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_NAME, list.get(i).name); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_LOGO, list.get(i).logo); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_COLOR, list.get(i).color); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_IS_FOLLOW, list.get(i).is_follow); db.insert(HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_TEAM, null, contentValues); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); // 设置事务处理成功,不设置会自动回滚不提交 db.endTransaction(); // 处理完成 db.close(); } /** * 插入发现数据 * * @param list */ public void insertDiscoveryData( ArrayList<ArrayList<DiscoveryEntity>> discoverList) { if (discoverList == null) return; open(); db.beginTransaction(); int size = discoverList.size(); ArrayList<DiscoveryEntity> list; DiscoveryEntity entity; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { list = discoverList.get(i); int size2 = list.size(); for (int j = 0; j < size2; j++) { entity = list.get(j); ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_BLOCK, i); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_LID, entity.mLid); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_EN_NAME, entity.mEn); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_NAME, entity.mName); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_LOGO, entity.mLogo); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_TEMPLATE, entity.mTemplate); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_DEFAULT_TAB, entity.mDefaultTab); HupuLog.d("discovery insert=" + entity.mName); db.insert(HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_DISCOVERY, null, contentValues); } } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); // 设置事务处理成功,不设置会自动回滚不提交 db.endTransaction(); // 处理完成 db.close(); } /** * 插入发现数据 * * @param list */ public ArrayList<ArrayList<DiscoveryEntity>> loadDiscoveryData() { ArrayList<ArrayList<DiscoveryEntity>> discoverList = new ArrayList<ArrayList<DiscoveryEntity>>(); open(); Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("select * from " + HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_DISCOVERY + " order by " + HuPuDBHelp.KEY_BLOCK + "," + HuPuDBHelp.KEY_ID, null); try { if (cursor.getCount() > 0) { HupuLog.d("discovery count=" + cursor.getCount()); DiscoveryEntity entity; ArrayList<DiscoveryEntity> list = new ArrayList<DiscoveryEntity>(); int block = 0; int lastBlock = -1; while (cursor.moveToNext()) { entity = new DiscoveryEntity(); entity.mLid = cursor.getInt(cursor .getColumnIndex(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_LID)); entity.mEn = cursor.getString(cursor .getColumnIndex(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_EN_NAME)); entity.mName = cursor.getString(cursor .getColumnIndex(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_NAME)); entity.mLogo = cursor.getString(cursor .getColumnIndex(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_LOGO)); entity.mTemplate = cursor.getString(cursor .getColumnIndex(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_TEMPLATE)); entity.mDefaultTab = cursor.getString(cursor .getColumnIndex(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_DEFAULT_TAB)); block = cursor.getInt(cursor .getColumnIndex(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_BLOCK)); if (lastBlock != block) { list = new ArrayList<DiscoveryEntity>(); discoverList.add(list); lastBlock = block; } list.add(entity); HupuLog.d("discovery load=" + entity.mName); } cursor.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); cursor.close(); } close(); return discoverList; } /** * 删除球队表 */ public void delTeam() { open(); db.execSQL("DELETE FROM " + HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_TEAM); close(); } /** * 删除球队表 */ public void delDiscovery() { open(); db.execSQL("DELETE FROM " + HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_DISCOVERY); close(); } public LinkedList<LeaguesEntity> getAllLeagues() { LinkedList<LeaguesEntity> leagues = new LinkedList<LeaguesEntity>(); open(); Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("select * from " + HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_LEAGUE02, null); if (cursor.getCount() > 0) { LeaguesEntity league; LeaguesEntity discovery = null; while (cursor.moveToNext()) { league = new LeaguesEntity(); league.lid = cursor.getInt(0); league.en = cursor.getString(1); = cursor.getString(2); league.logo = cursor.getString(3); league.is_follow = cursor.getInt(4); league.template = cursor.getString(5); league.show_default_tab = cursor.getString(6); league.game_type = cursor.getString(7); league.is_new = cursor.getInt(8); league.showStandings = cursor.getString(cursor .getColumnIndex(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_SHOW_STANDINGS_TYPE)); if (league.en.equals("discovery")) { discovery = league; } leagues.add(league); } cursor.close(); if (discovery != null) { discovery.mDiscoverList = loadDiscoveryData(); } } close(); return leagues; } public int getIsRead(int nid) { int isRead = 0; open(); Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("select * from " + HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_READ_NEWS + " where nid = " + nid, null); try { if (cursor.getCount() > 0) { while (cursor.moveToNext()) { isRead = cursor.getInt(1); } cursor.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception cursor.close(); } close(); return isRead; } public void insertIsRead(int nid) { open(); db.beginTransaction(); ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_NEWS_ID, nid); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_IS_READ, 1); db.insert(HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_READ_NEWS, null, contentValues); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); // 设置事务处理成功,不设置会自动回滚不提交 db.endTransaction(); // 处理完成 db.close(); } public LinkedList<TeamsEntity> getTeamsByLid(int lid) { LinkedList<TeamsEntity> teams = new LinkedList<TeamsEntity>(); open(); Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("select * from " + HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_TEAM + " where lid = " + lid, null); try { if (cursor.getCount() > 0) { TeamsEntity team; while (cursor.moveToNext()) { team = new TeamsEntity(); team.tid = cursor.getInt(1); team.enName = cursor.getString(3); = cursor.getString(4); team.logo = cursor.getString(5); team.color = cursor.getString(6); team.is_follow = cursor.getInt(7); teams.add(team); } cursor.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception cursor.close(); } close(); return teams; } public long insertGame(String gId, String startTime) { open(); ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_GAME_ID, gId); contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_GAME_START_TIME, startTime); long l = db.insert(HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_GAME_FOLLOW, null, contentValues); db.close(); return l; } // public void insertIsFirst() { // open(); // ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); // contentValues.put(HuPuDBHelp.KEY_IS_FIRST, 1); // db.insert(HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_VERSION, null, contentValues); // db.close(); // } // public boolean isFirst() // { // open(); // Cursor cs=getAllEntries(HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_VERSION) ; // int size=cs.getCount(); // db.close(); // return size==0; // } // 得到所有记录 public Cursor getAllEntries(String table_name) { return db.query(table_name, null, null, null, null, null, null); } public int delTeam(int tId) { open(); int i = db.delete(HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_TEAM_FOLLOW, HuPuDBHelp.KEY_TEAM_ID + "='" + tId + "'", null); close(); return i; } public void delTeams() { open(); db.execSQL("DELETE FROM " + HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_TEAM_FOLLOW); close(); } public int delGame(String gId) { open(); int i = db.delete(HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_GAME_FOLLOW, HuPuDBHelp.KEY_GAME_ID + "='" + gId + "'", null); close(); return i; } public LinkedList<Integer> getFollowTeams() { LinkedList<Integer> teams = new LinkedList<Integer>(); open(); Cursor c = db.rawQuery("select * from " + HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_TEAM_FOLLOW, null); if (c.getCount() > 0) { while (c.moveToNext()) { teams.add(c.getInt(0)); } c.close(); } close(); return teams; } public LinkedList<Integer> getFollowGames() { LinkedList<Integer> teams = new LinkedList<Integer>(); open(); Cursor c = db.rawQuery("select * from " + HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_GAME_FOLLOW, null); if (c.getCount() > 0) { while (c.moveToNext()) { teams.add(c.getInt(0)); } c.close(); } close(); return teams; } public boolean isFollowTeam(int lid, int tid) { open(); Cursor c = db.rawQuery("select isFollow from " + HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_TEAM + " where lid=" + lid + " and tId=" + tid, null); boolean isFollow = false; if (c != null) { if (c.moveToFirst()) isFollow = c.getInt(0) > 0; c.close(); } close(); return isFollow; } public void setFollowTeam(int lid, int tid, int follow) { open(); ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put("isFollow", follow); db.update(HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_TEAM, cv, "lid=" + lid + " and tId=" + tid, null); // Cursor c = db.rawQuery("Update " + // HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_TEAM+" set isFollow="+follow+" where lid="+lid+" and tId="+tid, // null); close(); } public Integer delOverTimeGames(String date) { open(); int i = db.delete(HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_GAME_FOLLOW, HuPuDBHelp.KEY_GAME_START_TIME + "<" + date, null); close(); return i; } public HashMap<Integer, Integer> getTeamColor(int leagueId) { open(); Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("select " + HuPuDBHelp.KEY_TEAM_ID + "," + HuPuDBHelp.KEY_COLOR + " from " + HuPuDBHelp.TABLE_TEAM + " where lid = " + leagueId, null); HashMap<Integer, Integer> map = null; if (cursor.getCount() > 0) { map = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { int c = Integer.parseInt(cursor.getString(1), 16); c |= 0xff000000; map.put(cursor.getInt(0), c); } cursor.close(); } close(); return map; } }