package act.inject.param; /*- * #%L * ACT Framework * %% * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2017 ActFramework * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import act.Act; import; import; import; import; import act.controller.ActionMethodParamAnnotationHandler; import act.inject.DefaultValue; import act.inject.DependencyInjector; import act.inject.SessionVariable; import act.inject.genie.DependentScope; import act.inject.genie.GenieInjector; import act.inject.genie.RequestScope; import act.inject.genie.SessionScope; import act.util.ActContext; import act.util.DestroyableBase; import org.osgl.$; import org.osgl.exception.UnexpectedException; import org.osgl.inject.BeanSpec; import org.osgl.inject.InjectException; import org.osgl.inject.util.AnnotationUtil; import org.osgl.inject.util.ArrayLoader; import org.osgl.logging.LogManager; import org.osgl.logging.Logger; import org.osgl.mvc.annotation.Bind; import org.osgl.mvc.annotation.Param; import org.osgl.mvc.result.Result; import org.osgl.mvc.util.Binder; import org.osgl.util.*; import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped; import javax.enterprise.context.Dependent; import javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped; import javax.enterprise.context.SessionScoped; import javax.enterprise.inject.New; import javax.inject.Named; import javax.inject.Provider; import javax.validation.*; import javax.validation.executable.ExecutableValidator; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; /** * Manage {@link ParamValueLoader} grouped by Method */ public abstract class ParamValueLoaderService extends DestroyableBase { protected Logger logger = LogManager.get(getClass()); private static final ParamValueLoader[] DUMB = new ParamValueLoader[0]; private static final ThreadLocal<ParamTree> PARAM_TREE = new ThreadLocal<ParamTree>(); private static final ParamValueLoader RESULT_LOADER = new ParamValueLoader() { @Override public Object load(Object bean, ActContext<?> context, boolean noDefaultValue) { return context.attribute(ActionContext.ATTR_RESULT); } @Override public String bindName() { return null; } }; private static final ParamValueLoader EXCEPTION_LOADED = new ParamValueLoader() { @Override public Object load(Object bean, ActContext<?> context, boolean noDefaultValue) { return context.attribute(ActionContext.ATTR_EXCEPTION); } @Override public String bindName() { return null; } }; // contains field names that should be waived when looking for value loader private static final Set<String> fieldBlackList = new HashSet<>(); StringValueResolverManager resolverManager; BinderManager binderManager; DependencyInjector<?> injector; ConcurrentMap<Method, ParamValueLoader[]> methodRegistry = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); Map<Method, Boolean> methodValidationConstraintLookup = new HashMap(); ConcurrentMap<Class, Map<Field, ParamValueLoader>> fieldRegistry = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class, Map<Field, ParamValueLoader>>(); ConcurrentMap<Class, ParamValueLoader> classRegistry = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class, ParamValueLoader>(); private ConcurrentMap<$.T2<Type, Annotation[]>, ParamValueLoader> paramRegistry = new ConcurrentHashMap<$.T2<Type, Annotation[]>, ParamValueLoader>(); private ConcurrentMap<BeanSpec, Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, ActionMethodParamAnnotationHandler>> annoHandlers = new ConcurrentHashMap<BeanSpec, Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, ActionMethodParamAnnotationHandler>>(); private Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, ActionMethodParamAnnotationHandler> allAnnotationHandlers; private Validator validator; private volatile ExecutableValidator executableValidator; public ParamValueLoaderService(App app) { resolverManager = app.resolverManager(); binderManager = app.binderManager(); injector = app.injector(); allAnnotationHandlers = new HashMap<>(); List<ActionMethodParamAnnotationHandler> list = Act.pluginManager().pluginList(ActionMethodParamAnnotationHandler.class); for (ActionMethodParamAnnotationHandler h : list) { Set<Class<? extends Annotation>> set = h.listenTo(); for (Class<? extends Annotation> c : set) { allAnnotationHandlers.put(c, h); } } } @Override protected void releaseResources() { DestroyableBase.Util.tryDestroyAll(classRegistry.values(), ApplicationScoped.class); DestroyableBase.Util.tryDestroyAll(paramRegistry.values(), ApplicationScoped.class); } public Object loadHostBean(Class beanClass, ActContext<?> ctx) { ParamValueLoader loader = classRegistry.get(beanClass); if (null == loader) { loader = findBeanLoader(beanClass); classRegistry.putIfAbsent(beanClass, loader); } return loader.load(null, ctx, false); } public Object[] loadMethodParams(Object host, Method method, ActContext ctx) { try { ParamValueLoader[] loaders = methodRegistry.get(method); Boolean hasValidationConstraint = methodValidationConstraintLookup.get(method); if (null == loaders) { $.Var<Boolean> boolBag = $.var(Boolean.FALSE); Class hostClass = null == host ? null : host.getClass(); loaders = findMethodParamLoaders(method, hostClass, boolBag); methodRegistry.putIfAbsent(method, loaders); hasValidationConstraint = boolBag.get(); if (hasValidationConstraint && null == host) { logger.error("Cannot validate static method: %s", method); hasValidationConstraint = false; } methodValidationConstraintLookup.put(method, hasValidationConstraint); } int sz = loaders.length; Object[] params = new Object[sz]; for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) { params[i] = loaders[i].load(null, ctx, false); } if (null != hasValidationConstraint && hasValidationConstraint) { Set<ConstraintViolation> violations = $.cast(executableValidator().validateParameters(host, method, params)); if (!violations.isEmpty()) { Map<String, ConstraintViolation> map = new HashMap<>(); for (ConstraintViolation v : violations) { S.Buffer buf = ctx.strBuf(); for (Path.Node node : v.getPropertyPath()) { if (node.getKind() == ElementKind.METHOD) { continue; } else if (node.getKind() == ElementKind.PARAMETER) { Path.ParameterNode pnode =; int paramIdx = pnode.getParameterIndex(); ParamValueLoader ploader = loaders[paramIdx]; buf.append(ploader.bindName()); } else if (node.getKind() == ElementKind.PROPERTY) { buf.append(".").append(node.toString()); } } map.put(buf.toString(), v); } ctx.addViolations(map); } } return params; } finally { PARAM_TREE.remove(); } } protected <T> ParamValueLoader findBeanLoader(Class<T> beanClass) { final Provider<T> provider = injector.getProvider(beanClass); final Map<Field, ParamValueLoader> loaders = fieldLoaders(beanClass); final boolean hasField = !loaders.isEmpty(); final $.Var<Boolean> hasValidateConstraint = $.var(); ParamValueLoader loader = new ParamValueLoader() { @Override public Object load(Object bean, ActContext<?> context, boolean noDefaultValue) { if (null == bean) { bean = provider.get(); } if (!hasField) { return bean; } try { for (Map.Entry<Field, ParamValueLoader> entry : loaders.entrySet()) { Field field = entry.getKey(); ParamValueLoader loader = entry.getValue(); Object fieldValue = loader.load(null, context, noDefaultValue); if (null != fieldValue) { field.set(bean, fieldValue); } else { fieldValue = field.get(bean); } if (hasValidationConstraint(BeanSpec.of(field, injector))) { hasValidateConstraint.set(true); } } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new InjectException(e); } return bean; } @Override public String bindName() { return null; } }; return decorate(loader, BeanSpec.of(beanClass, injector), beanClass.getDeclaredAnnotations(), false, true); } private boolean shouldWaive(Field field) { int modifiers = field.getModifiers(); return Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) || Modifier.isTransient(modifiers) || noBind(field.getDeclaringClass()) || field.isAnnotationPresent(NoBind.class) || fieldBlackList.contains(field.getName()) || Object.class.equals(field.getDeclaringClass()) || field.getDeclaringClass().isAnnotationPresent(NoBind.class); } private ConcurrentMap<Class, Boolean> noBindCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private boolean noBind(Class c) { Boolean b = noBindCache.get(c); if (null != b) { return b; } Annotation[] aa = c.getDeclaredAnnotations(); if (null != aa) { for (Annotation a: aa) { if (a.annotationType() == NoBind.class) { noBindCache.putIfAbsent(c, true); return true; } } } noBindCache.putIfAbsent(c, false); return false; } private <T> Map<Field, ParamValueLoader> fieldLoaders(Class<T> beanClass) { Map<Field, ParamValueLoader> fieldLoaders = fieldRegistry.get(beanClass); if (null == fieldLoaders) { fieldLoaders = new HashMap<>(); for (Field field : $.fieldsOf(beanClass, true)) { if (shouldWaive(field)) { continue; } Type type = field.getGenericType(); Annotation[] annotations = field.getAnnotations(); BeanSpec spec = BeanSpec.of(type, annotations, field.getName(), injector); ParamValueLoader loader = paramValueLoaderOf(spec); boolean provided = (loader instanceof ProvidedValueLoader); if (null != loader && !provided) { fieldLoaders.put(field, loader); } } fieldRegistry.putIfAbsent(beanClass, fieldLoaders); } return fieldLoaders; } protected ParamValueLoader[] findMethodParamLoaders(Method method, Class host, $.Var<Boolean> hasValidationConstraint) { Type[] types = method.getGenericParameterTypes(); int sz = types.length; if (0 == sz) { return DUMB; } ParamValueLoader[] loaders = new ParamValueLoader[sz]; Annotation[][] annotations = method.getParameterAnnotations(); for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) { String name = paramName(i); Type type = types[i]; if (type instanceof TypeVariable) { TypeVariable var = $.cast(type); if (null != host) { type = Generics.buildTypeParamImplLookup(host).get(var.getName()); } if (null == type) { throw new UnexpectedException("Cannot infer param type: %s", var.getName()); } } BeanSpec spec = BeanSpec.of(type, annotations[i], name, injector); if (hasValidationConstraint(spec)) { hasValidationConstraint.set(true); } ParamValueLoader loader = paramValueLoaderOf(spec); if (null == loader) { throw new UnexpectedException("Cannot find param value loader for param: " + spec); } loaders[i] = loader; } return loaders; } private ParamValueLoader paramValueLoaderOf(BeanSpec spec) { return paramValueLoaderOf(spec, null); } private ParamValueLoader paramValueLoaderOf(BeanSpec spec, String bindName) { Class<?> rawType = spec.rawType(); if (Result.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) { return RESULT_LOADER; } else if (Exception.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) { return EXCEPTION_LOADED; } Type type = spec.type(); Annotation[] annotations = spec.allAnnotations(); $.T2<Type, Annotation[]> key = $.T2(type, annotations); ParamValueLoader loader = paramRegistry.get(key); if (null == loader) { loader = findLoader(spec, type, annotations, bindName); // Cannot use spec as the key here because // spec does not compare Scoped annotation if (null != loader) { paramRegistry.putIfAbsent(key, loader); } } return loader; } protected abstract ParamValueLoader findContextSpecificLoader( String bindName, Class rawType, BeanSpec spec, Type type, Annotation[] annotations ); protected final ParamValueLoader binder(BeanSpec spec, String bindName) { Class rawType = spec.rawType(); ParamValueLoader loader = null; { Bind bind = spec.getAnnotation(Bind.class); if (null != bind) { for (Class<? extends Binder> binderClass : bind.value()) { Binder binder = injector.get(binderClass); if (rawType.isAssignableFrom(binder.targetType())) { loader = new BoundedValueLoader(binder, bindName); break; } } } } if (null == loader) { Annotation[] aa = spec.allAnnotations(); for (Annotation a : aa) { Bind bind = AnnotationUtil.tagAnnotation(a, Bind.class); if (null != bind) { for (Class<? extends Binder> binderClass : bind.value()) { Binder binder = injector.get(binderClass); binder.attributes($.evaluate(a)); if (rawType.isAssignableFrom(binder.targetType())) { loader = new BoundedValueLoader(binder, bindName); break; } } } } } if (null == loader) { Binder binder = binderManager.binder(rawType); if (null != binder) { loader = new BoundedValueLoader(binder, bindName); } } return loader; } protected String paramName(int i) { return null; } protected boolean supportJsonDecorator() { return false; } private ParamValueLoader findLoader( BeanSpec spec, Type type, Annotation[] annotations, String bindName ) { if (provided(spec, injector)) { return ProvidedValueLoader.get(spec, injector); } if (null != filter(annotations, NoBind.class)) { return null; } if (null == bindName) { bindName = bindName(annotations,; } Class rawType = spec.rawType(); ParamValueLoader loader = findContextSpecificLoader(bindName, rawType, spec, type, annotations); if (null == loader) { return null; } return decorate(loader, spec, annotations, supportJsonDecorator(), false); } ParamValueLoader buildLoader(final ParamKey key, final Type type, BeanSpec targetSpec) { Class rawType = BeanSpec.rawTypeOf(type); if (rawType.isArray()) { return buildArrayLoader(key, rawType.getComponentType(), targetSpec); } if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) { Type elementType = Object.class; if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) { elementType = ((ParameterizedType) type).getActualTypeArguments()[0]; } return buildCollectionLoader(key, rawType, elementType, targetSpec); } if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) { Class<?> mapClass = rawType; Type mapType = type; boolean canProceed = false; Type[] typeParams = null; while (true) { if (mapType instanceof ParameterizedType) { typeParams = ((ParameterizedType) mapType).getActualTypeArguments(); if (typeParams.length == 2) { canProceed = true; break; } } boolean foundInInterfaces = false; Type[] ta = mapClass.getGenericInterfaces(); if (ta.length > 0) { mapType = null; for (Type t : ta) { if (t instanceof ParameterizedType) { if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom((Class) ((ParameterizedType) t).getRawType())) { mapType = t; mapClass = mapClass.getSuperclass(); foundInInterfaces = true; break; } } } } if (!foundInInterfaces) { mapType = mapClass.getGenericSuperclass(); mapClass = mapClass.getSuperclass(); } if (mapClass == Object.class) { break; } } E.unexpectedIf(!canProceed, "Cannot load Map type parameter loader: no generic type info available"); Type keyType = typeParams[0]; Type valType = typeParams[1]; return buildMapLoader(key, rawType, keyType, valType, targetSpec); } return buildPojoLoader(key, rawType); } private ParamValueLoader buildArrayLoader( final ParamKey key, final Type elementType, final BeanSpec targetSpec ) { final CollectionLoader collectionLoader = new CollectionLoader(key, ArrayList.class, elementType, targetSpec, injector, this); return new ParamValueLoader() { @Override public Object load(Object bean, ActContext<?> context, boolean noDefaultValue) { List list = new ArrayList(); if (null != bean) { int len = Array.getLength(bean); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { list.add(Array.get(bean, i)); } } list = (List) collectionLoader.load(list, context, false); return null == list ? null : ArrayLoader.listToArray(list, BeanSpec.rawTypeOf(elementType)); } @Override public String bindName() { return key.toString(); } }; } private ParamValueLoader buildCollectionLoader( final ParamKey key, final Class<? extends Collection> collectionClass, final Type elementType, BeanSpec targetSpec ) { return new CollectionLoader(key, collectionClass, elementType, targetSpec, injector, this); } private ParamValueLoader buildMapLoader( final ParamKey key, final Class<? extends Map> mapClass, final Type keyType, final Type valType, final BeanSpec targetSpec ) { return new MapLoader(key, mapClass, keyType, valType, targetSpec, injector, this); } static ParamTree paramTree() { return PARAM_TREE.get(); } static ParamTree ensureParamTree(ActContext context) { ParamTree tree = PARAM_TREE.get(); if (null == tree) { tree = new ParamTree();; PARAM_TREE.set(tree); } return tree; } private ParamValueLoader buildPojoLoader(final ParamKey key, final Class type) { final List<FieldLoader> fieldLoaders = fieldLoaders(key, type); return new ParamValueLoader() { @Override public Object load(Object bean, ActContext<?> context, boolean noDefaultValue) { final $.Var<Object> beanBag = $.var(bean); $.Factory<Object> beanSource = new $.Factory<Object>() { @Override public Object create() { Object bean = beanBag.get(); if (null == bean) { try { bean = injector.get(type); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new InjectException(e, "cannot instantiate %s", type); } } beanBag.set(bean); return bean; } }; for (FieldLoader fl : fieldLoaders) { fl.applyTo(beanSource, context); } return beanBag.get(); } @Override public String bindName() { return key.toString(); } }; } private ParamValueLoader findLoader(ParamKey paramKey, Field field) { BeanSpec spec = BeanSpec.of(field.getGenericType(), field.getDeclaredAnnotations(), injector); Annotation[] annotations = field.getDeclaredAnnotations(); if (provided(spec, injector)) { return ProvidedValueLoader.get(spec, injector); } String name = null; Named named = filter(annotations, Named.class); if (null != named) { name = named.value(); } if (S.blank(name)) { name = field.getName(); } ParamKey key = paramKey.child(name); Class fieldType = field.getType(); StringValueResolver resolver = resolverManager.resolver(fieldType, spec); if (null != resolver) { DefaultValue def = field.getAnnotation(DefaultValue.class); return new StringValueResolverValueLoader(key, resolver, null, def, fieldType); } return buildLoader(key, field.getGenericType(), spec); } private List<FieldLoader> fieldLoaders(ParamKey key, Class type) { Class<?> current = type; List<FieldLoader> fieldLoaders = C.newList(); while (null != current && !current.equals(Object.class)) { for (Field field : current.getDeclaredFields()) { if (shouldWaive(field)) { continue; } field.setAccessible(true); fieldLoaders.add(fieldLoader(key, field)); } current = current.getSuperclass(); } return fieldLoaders; } private FieldLoader fieldLoader(ParamKey key, Field field) { return new FieldLoader(field, findLoader(key, field)); } static <T extends Annotation> T filter(Annotation[] annotations, Class<T> annoType) { for (Annotation annotation : annotations) { if (annoType == annotation.annotationType()) { return (T) annotation; } } return null; } private ParamValueLoader decorate( final ParamValueLoader loader, final BeanSpec spec, final Annotation[] annotations, boolean useJsonDecorator, boolean useValidationDecorator ) { final ParamValueLoader jsonDecorated = useJsonDecorator ? new JsonParamValueLoader(loader, spec, injector) : loader; ParamValueLoader validationDecorated = jsonDecorated; if (useValidationDecorator) { validationDecorated = new ParamValueLoader() { private Validator validator =; @Override public Object load(Object bean, ActContext<?> context, boolean noDefaultValue) { Object object = jsonDecorated.load(bean, context, noDefaultValue); Set<ConstraintViolation> violations = $.cast(validator.validate(object)); if (!violations.isEmpty()) { Map<String, ConstraintViolation> map = new HashMap<>(); for (ConstraintViolation v : violations) { map.put(v.getPropertyPath().toString(), v); } context.addViolations(map); } return object; } @Override public String bindName() { return jsonDecorated.bindName(); } }; } return new ScopedParamValueLoader(validationDecorated, spec, scopeCacheSupport(annotations)); } private boolean hasValidationConstraint(BeanSpec spec) { for (Annotation anno : spec.allAnnotations()) { Class<? extends Annotation> annoType = anno.annotationType(); if (Valid.class == annoType || annoType.isAnnotationPresent(Constraint.class)) { return true; } } return false; } private Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, ActionMethodParamAnnotationHandler> paramAnnoHandlers(BeanSpec spec) { Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, ActionMethodParamAnnotationHandler> handlers = annoHandlers.get(spec); if (null != handlers) { return handlers; } handlers = new HashMap<>(); for (Annotation annotation : spec.allAnnotations()) { Class<? extends Annotation> c = annotation.annotationType(); ActionMethodParamAnnotationHandler h = allAnnotationHandlers.get(c); if (null != h) { handlers.put(c, h); } } annoHandlers.putIfAbsent(spec, handlers); return handlers; } private ExecutableValidator executableValidator() { if (null == executableValidator) { synchronized (this) { if (null == executableValidator) { validator = Act.getInstance(Validator.class); executableValidator = validator.forExecutables(); } } } return executableValidator; } private static ScopeCacheSupport scopeCacheSupport(Annotation[] annotations) { if (null != filter(annotations, RequestScoped.class) || null != filter(annotations, org.osgl.inject.annotation.RequestScoped.class)) { return RequestScope.INSTANCE; } else if (sessionScoped(annotations)) { return SessionScope.INSTANCE; } else if (null != filter(annotations, Dependent.class) || null != filter(annotations, New.class)) { return DependentScope.INSTANCE; } // Default to Request Scope return RequestScope.INSTANCE; } static boolean sessionScoped(Annotation[] annotations) { return null != filter(annotations, SessionScoped.class) || null != filter(annotations, org.osgl.inject.annotation.SessionScoped.class) || null != filter(annotations, SessionVariable.class); } public static void waiveFields(String... fieldNames) { fieldBlackList.addAll(C.listOf(fieldNames)); } public static String bindName(Annotation[] annotations, String defVal) { String name = tryFindBindName(annotations, defVal); E.illegalStateIf(null == name, "Cannot find bind name"); return name; } static String tryFindBindName(Annotation[] annotations, String defVal) { Param param = filter(annotations, Param.class); if (null != param && S.notBlank(param.value())) { return param.value(); } Bind bind = filter(annotations, Bind.class); if (null != bind && S.notBlank(bind.model())) { return bind.model(); } Named named = filter(annotations, Named.class); if (null != named && S.notBlank(named.value())) { return named.value(); } if (S.notBlank(defVal)) { return defVal; } return null; } public static String bindName(BeanSpec beanSpec) { return bindName(beanSpec.allAnnotations(),; } public static boolean provided(BeanSpec beanSpec, DependencyInjector<?> injector) { GenieInjector genieInjector = $.cast(injector); return genieInjector.injectable(beanSpec); } public static boolean noBindOrProvided(BeanSpec beanSpec, DependencyInjector<?> injector) { return null != beanSpec.getAnnotation(NoBind.class) || provided(beanSpec, injector) || beanSpec.isInstanceOf(Throwable.class); } }