package; /*- * #%L * ACT Framework * %% * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2017 ActFramework * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import act.Act; import act.controller.meta.ControllerClassMetaInfo; import act.metric.Timer; import act.util.Files; import act.util.FsChangeDetector; import act.util.FsEvent; import act.util.FsEventListener; import org.osgl.$; import org.osgl.exception.NotAppliedException; import org.osgl.logging.L; import org.osgl.logging.Logger; import org.osgl.util.C; import org.osgl.util.S; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import static*; /** * Dev mode application class loader, which is able to * load classes directly from app src folder */ public class DevModeClassLoader extends AppClassLoader { private final static Logger logger = L.get(DevModeClassLoader.class); private Map<String, Source> sources = C.newMap(); private final AppCompiler compiler; private List<FsChangeDetector> detectors = new ArrayList<>(); public DevModeClassLoader(App app) { super(app); compiler = new AppCompiler(this); } @Override protected void releaseResources() { sources.clear(); compiler.destroy(); super.releaseResources(); } public boolean isSourceClass(String className) { return sources.containsKey(className); } public ControllerClassMetaInfo controllerClassMetaInfo(String controllerClassName) { return super.controllerClassMetaInfo(controllerClassName); } @Override protected void preload() { preloadSources(); super.preload(); setupFsChangeDetectors(); } @Override protected void preloadClasses() { // do not preload classes in dev mode } @Override protected void scan() { super.scan(); compileSources(); scanSources(); } @Override protected byte[] loadAppClassFromDisk(String name) { App app = app(); List<File> srcRoots = app.sourceDirs(); preloadSource(srcRoots, name); return bytecodeFromSource(name, true); } private void addSourceRoot(List<File> sourceRoots, File base, ProjectLayout layout) { if (null != base && base.isDirectory()) { sourceRoots.add(layout.source(base)); } } @Override protected byte[] appBytecode(String name, boolean compileSource) { byte[] bytecode = super.appBytecode(name, compileSource); return null == bytecode && compileSource ? bytecodeFromSource(name, compileSource) : bytecode; } public Source source(String className) { if (className.contains("$")) { String name0 = S.before(className, "$"); return sources.get(name0); } return sources.get(className); } private void preloadSources() { List<File> sourceRoots = app().allSourceDirs(true); for (final File sourceRoot : sourceRoots) { Files.filter(sourceRoot, JAVA_SOURCE, new $.Visitor<File>() { @Override public void visit(File file) throws $.Break { Source source = Source.ofFile(sourceRoot, file); if (null != source) { if (null == sources) { sources = C.newMap(); } sources.put(source.className(), source); } } }); } } private void preloadSource(List<File> sourceRoot, String className) { if (null != sources) { Source source = sources.get(className); if (null != source) { return; } } Source source = Source.ofClass(sourceRoot, className); if (null != source) { if (null == sources) { sources = C.newMap(); } sources.put(source.className(), source); } } private void compileSources() { logger.debug("start to compile sources ..."); compiler.compile(sources.values()); } private void scanSources() { Timer timer = metric.startTimer("act:classload:scan:scanSources"); try { logger.debug("start to scan sources..."); List<AppSourceCodeScanner> scanners = app().scannerManager().sourceCodeScanners(); Set<String> classesNeedByteCodeScan = C.newSet(); if (scanners.isEmpty()) { //LOGGER.warn("No source code scanner found"); for (String className : sources.keySet()) { classesNeedByteCodeScan.add(className); } } else { for (String className : sources.keySet()) { classesNeedByteCodeScan.add(className); logger.debug("scanning %s ...", className); List<AppSourceCodeScanner> l = C.newList(); for (AppSourceCodeScanner scanner : scanners) { if (scanner.start(className)) { //LOGGER.trace("scanner %s added to the list", scanner.getClass().getName()); l.add(scanner); } } Source source = source(className); String[] lines = source.code().split("[\\n\\r]+"); for (int i = 0, j = lines.length; i < j; ++i) { String line = lines[i]; for (AppSourceCodeScanner scanner : l) { scanner.visit(i, line, className); } } } } if (classesNeedByteCodeScan.isEmpty()) { return; } final Set<String> embeddedClassNames = C.newSet(); scanByteCode(classesNeedByteCodeScan, new $.F1<String, byte[]>() { @Override public byte[] apply(String s) throws NotAppliedException, $.Break { return bytecodeFromSource(s, embeddedClassNames); } }); while (!embeddedClassNames.isEmpty()) { Set<String> embeddedClassNameCopy = C.newSet(embeddedClassNames); scanByteCode(embeddedClassNameCopy, new $.F1<String, byte[]>() { @Override public byte[] apply(String s) throws NotAppliedException, $.Break { return bytecodeFromSource(s, embeddedClassNames); } }); embeddedClassNames.removeAll(embeddedClassNameCopy); } } finally { timer.stop(); } } private byte[] bytecodeFromSource(String name, boolean compile) { Source source = source(name); if (null == source) { return null; } byte[] bytes = source.bytes(); if (null == bytes && compile) { compiler.compile(name); bytes = source.bytes(); } if (name.contains("$")) { String innerClassName = S.afterFirst(name, "$"); return source.bytes(innerClassName); } return bytes; } private byte[] bytecodeFromSource(String name, Set<String> embeddedClassNames) { Source source = source(name); if (null == source) { return null; } byte[] bytes = source.bytes(); if (null == bytes) { compiler.compile(name); bytes = source.bytes(); } if (!name.contains("$")) { embeddedClassNames.addAll(C.list(source.innerClassNames()).map(S.F.prepend(name + "$"))); } else { String innerClassName = S.afterFirst(name, "$"); return source.bytes(innerClassName); } return bytes; } @Override public void detectChanges() { for (FsChangeDetector detector : detectors) { detectChanges(detector); } super.detectChanges(); } private void detectChanges(FsChangeDetector detector) { if (null != detector) { detector.detectChanges(); } } private void setupFsChangeDetectors() { ProjectLayout layout = app().layout(); File appBase = app().base(); List<File> bases = C.newList(appBase); bases.addAll(app().config().moduleBases()); boolean isTest = "test".equals(Act.profile()); for (File base : bases) { addDetector(layout.source(base), JAVA_SOURCE, sourceChangeListener); addDetector(layout.lib(base), JAR_FILE, libChangeListener); File rsrc = layout.resource(base); addDetector(rsrc, CONF_FILE.or(ROUTES_FILE), confChangeListener); addDetector(rsrc, null, resourceChangeListener); if (isTest) { addDetector(layout.testSource(base), JAVA_SOURCE, sourceChangeListener); addDetector(layout.testLib(base), JAR_FILE, libChangeListener); File testRsrc = layout.testResource(base); addDetector(testRsrc, CONF_FILE.or(ROUTES_FILE), confChangeListener); addDetector(testRsrc, null, resourceChangeListener); } } } private void addDetector(File base, $.Predicate<String> predicate, FsEventListener listener) { if (null != base && base.isDirectory()) { detectors.add(new FsChangeDetector(base, predicate, listener)); } } private final FsEventListener sourceChangeListener = new FsEventListener() { @Override public void on(FsEvent... events) { throw Act.requestRefreshClassLoader(); } }; private final FsEventListener libChangeListener = new FsEventListener() { @Override public void on(FsEvent... events) { int len = events.length; if (len < 0) return; throw Act.requestRefreshClassLoader(); } }; private final FsEventListener confChangeListener = new ResourceChangeListener() { @Override public void on(FsEvent... events) { super.on(events); throw Act.requestRestart(); } }; private final FsEventListener resourceChangeListener = new ResourceChangeListener(); private class ResourceChangeListener implements FsEventListener { @Override public void on(FsEvent... events) { int len = events.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { FsEvent e = events[i]; List<String> paths = e.paths(); File[] files = new File[paths.size()]; int idx = 0; for (String path : paths) { files[idx++] = new File(path); } switch (e.kind()) { case CREATE: case MODIFY: app().builder().copyResources(files); break; case DELETE: app().builder().removeResources(files); break; default: assert false; } } } } }