package org.hivedb.util; import org.hivedb.Hive; import org.hivedb.meta.Node; import; import org.hivedb.util.functional.Transform; import org.hivedb.util.functional.Unary; import java.util.*; public class HiveUtils { /** * This belongs in a utility class. Takes field values of an instance to generate a hash code * * @param objects * @return */ public static int makeHashCode(Object... objects) { return makeHashCode(Arrays.asList(objects)); } public static int makeHashCode(Collection<?> collection) { String result = ""; for (Object object : collection) if (object != null) result += (object instanceof Collection ? new HashSet<Object>((Collection<?>) object).hashCode() : object.hashCode()); return result.hashCode(); } static int globalDeepFormatedStringTabLevel = 0; public static String toDeepFormatedString(Object target, Object... alteringKeyValues) { String tabs = makeTabs(globalDeepFormatedStringTabLevel); String formatString = "\n" + tabs + "%s (HashCode:%s)\n"; Object[] values = new Object[2 + alteringKeyValues.length / 2]; values[0] = target.getClass().getSimpleName(); values[1] = target.hashCode(); tabs = makeTabs(++globalDeepFormatedStringTabLevel); for (int i = 0; i < alteringKeyValues.length; i += 2) { formatString += "\n" + tabs + alteringKeyValues[i] + ":%s"; values[i / 2 + 2] = alteringKeyValues[i + 1] instanceof Collection ? toDeepFormatedStringOfCollection(Arrays.asList(alteringKeyValues[i + 1])) : alteringKeyValues[i + 1]; } globalDeepFormatedStringTabLevel--; return String.format(formatString, values); } public static String toDeepFormatedStringOfCollection(Collection<Object> collection) { String tabs = makeTabs(++globalDeepFormatedStringTabLevel); Set<Object> set = new TreeSet<Object>(collection); Object[] objects = new Object[1 + set.size()]; String formatString = "[(Collection HashCode:%s)\n"; objects[0] = set.hashCode(); Iterator<?> iterator = set.iterator(); for (int i = 1; i < objects.length; i++) { objects[i] =; formatString += tabs + "%s" + (iterator.hasNext() ? ", " : ""); } formatString += "]"; globalDeepFormatedStringTabLevel--; return String.format(formatString, objects); } private static String makeTabs(int count) { String tabs = ""; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) tabs += "\t"; return tabs; } public static Collection<Node> getNodesForSemaphores(Collection<KeySemaphore> semaphores, final Hive hive) { return Unary<KeySemaphore, Node>() { public Node f(KeySemaphore item) { return hive.getNode(item.getNodeId()); } }, semaphores); } public static <T> T defaultTo(T obj, T value) { return obj == null ? value : obj; } public static boolean empty(String s) { return s == null || "".equals(s); } }