package org.hivedb.util; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.hivedb.util.functional.Atom; import org.hivedb.util.functional.Filter; import org.hivedb.util.functional.Predicate; import org.hivedb.util.functional.Transform; import org.hivedb.util.functional.Unary; /// <summary> /// Performs combination operations on a collection with unique elements. All collections are converted to Set Ts to do computations. /// The basic equation for the number of combinations is /// n! / (n-r)! * r where n is the number of items in the list and r is the number in each result set /// When computing combinations of all sizes the equation is thus /// Sum r=[1,n] n! / ((n-r)! * r!) /// </summary> public class Combiner { /// <summary> /// Generate all permutations of the given collection up to the given set size /// </summary> /// <param name="collection"</param> /// <returns></returns> public static<T> Collection<Set<T>> generateSets(Collection<T> collection, int maxSetSize) { return generateSets(new HashSet<T>(collection), maxSetSize); } public static<T> Collection<Set<T>> generateSets(Set<T> set, final int maxSetSize) { if (set.size() == 0) return Collections.emptyList(); if (set.size() == 1) return Collections.singletonList(set); final T first = Atom.getFirstOrThrow(set); // Create all sets without the first item Collection<T> rest = Atom.getRestOrThrow(set); Collection<Set<T>> results = generateSets(rest, maxSetSize); // Combine three sets of sets return Transform.flatten((Collection<Set<T>>) Unary<Set<T>, Set<T>>() { // add first item to all previously generated sets public Set<T> f(Set<T> set) { Set newSet = new HashSet((Set)set); newSet.add(first); return newSet; }}, Filter.grep(new Predicate<Set<T>>() { public boolean f(Set<T> set) { return set.size() < maxSetSize; }}, results)), results, // previously generated sets Collections.singletonList(Collections.singleton(first))); // the first item in a set alone } }