package org.hibernate.tool.ide.completion; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.boot.Metadata; import org.hibernate.mapping.Collection; import org.hibernate.mapping.Component; import org.hibernate.mapping.OneToMany; import org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass; import org.hibernate.mapping.Property; import org.hibernate.mapping.ToOne; import org.hibernate.mapping.Value; import org.hibernate.tool.hbm2x.Cfg2JavaTool; import org.hibernate.tool.hbm2x.pojo.EntityPOJOClass; /** * Completion based on a Configuration. * package protected for now - not meant to be used externally. * * @author Max Rydahl Andersen * */ class ConfigurationCompletion { private final Metadata metadata; public ConfigurationCompletion(Metadata md) { this.metadata = md; } public void getMatchingImports(String prefix , IHQLCompletionRequestor collector) { getMatchingImports( prefix, prefix.length() , collector ); } public void getMatchingImports(String prefix, int cursorPosition, IHQLCompletionRequestor collector) { Iterator<Entry<String, String>> iterator = metadata.getImports().entrySet().iterator(); while ( iterator.hasNext() ) { Entry<String, String> entry =; String entityImport = (String) entry.getKey(); String entityName = (String) entry.getValue(); if(entityImport.toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix.toLowerCase())) { HQLCompletionProposal proposal = createStartWithCompletionProposal( prefix, cursorPosition, HQLCompletionProposal.ENTITY_NAME, entityImport ); proposal.setShortEntityName( entityImport ); proposal.setEntityName( entityName ); collector.accept(proposal); } } } public void getMatchingKeywords(String prefix, int cursorPosition, IHQLCompletionRequestor collector) { findMatchingWords( cursorPosition, prefix, HQLAnalyzer.getHQLKeywords(), HQLCompletionProposal.KEYWORD, collector); } public void getMatchingFunctions(String prefix, int cursorPosition, IHQLCompletionRequestor collector) { findMatchingWords( cursorPosition, prefix, HQLAnalyzer.getHQLFunctionNames(), HQLCompletionProposal.FUNCTION, collector); } public void getMatchingProperties(String path, String prefix, IHQLCompletionRequestor hcc) { getMatchingProperties( path, prefix, prefix.length(), hcc ); } public void getMatchingProperties(String path, String prefix, int cursorPosition, IHQLCompletionRequestor hcc) { int idx = path.indexOf('/'); if (idx == -1) { // root name PersistentClass cmd = getPersistentClass(path); if (cmd == null) { return; } addPropertiesToList(cmd, prefix, cursorPosition, hcc); } else { String baseEntityName = path.substring(0, idx); String propertyPath = path.substring(idx + 1); Value value = getNextAttributeType(baseEntityName, propertyPath); if (value == null) { return; } // Go to the next property (get the y of x/y/z when root is x) idx = propertyPath.indexOf('/'); if (idx == -1) { path = ""; } else { path = propertyPath.substring(idx + 1); } if (path.length() == 0) { // No properties left if (value instanceof Component) { addPropertiesToList((Component) value, prefix, cursorPosition, hcc); } else if (value instanceof Collection && ((Collection)value).getElement() instanceof Component) { addPropertiesToList((Component) ((Collection)value).getElement(), prefix, cursorPosition, hcc); } else { addPropertiesToList(getPersistentClass( getReferencedEntityName( value ) ), prefix, cursorPosition, hcc); } } else { // Nested properties if (value instanceof Component) { // We need to find the first non-component type while (value instanceof Component && path.length() > 0) { value = getNextAttributeType((Component) value, path); if (value != null) { // Consume part of the canonical path idx = path.indexOf('/'); if (idx != -1) { path = path.substring(idx + 1); } else { path = ""; } } } if (value instanceof Component) { addPropertiesToList((Component) value, prefix, cursorPosition, hcc); } else if (value != null) { if (path.length() > 0) { path = getReferencedEntityName( value ) + "/" + path; } else { path = getReferencedEntityName( value ); } getMatchingProperties( path, prefix, cursorPosition, hcc ); } } else { // Just call the method recursively to add our new type getMatchingProperties(getReferencedEntityName( value ) + "/" + path, prefix, cursorPosition, hcc); } } } } private String getReferencedEntityName(Value value) { if(value instanceof ToOne) { return ((ToOne)value).getReferencedEntityName(); } if ( value instanceof Collection ) { Collection collection = ((Collection)value); Value element = collection.getElement(); String elementType = getReferencedEntityName( element ); if(collection.isIndexed()) { //TODO..list/map /*IndexedCollection idxCol = (IndexedCollection) collection; if(!idxCol.isList()) { Value idxElement = idxCol.getIndex(); String indexType = getReferencedEntityName( value ); genericDecl = indexType + "," + elementType; }*/ } return elementType; } if(value instanceof OneToMany) { return ((OneToMany)value).getReferencedEntityName(); } return null; } private void addPropertiesToList(PersistentClass cmd, String prefix, int cursorPosition, IHQLCompletionRequestor hcc) { if (cmd == null) { return; } if (prefix == null) { prefix = ""; } // Add superclass's properties too while (cmd != null){ EntityPOJOClass pc = new EntityPOJOClass(cmd, new Cfg2JavaTool()); // TODO: we should extract the needed functionallity from this hbm2java class. Iterator<Property> allPropertiesIterator = pc.getAllPropertiesIterator(); while ( allPropertiesIterator.hasNext() ) { Property property =; String candidate = property.getName(); if (prefix.length() == 0 || candidate.toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix.toLowerCase())) { HQLCompletionProposal proposal = createStartWithCompletionProposal( prefix, cursorPosition, HQLCompletionProposal.PROPERTY, candidate ); proposal.setEntityName( cmd.getEntityName() ); proposal.setProperty( property ); proposal.setPropertyName( candidate ); hcc.accept( proposal); } } cmd = cmd.getSuperclass(); } } private HQLCompletionProposal createStartWithCompletionProposal(String prefix, int cursorPosition, int kind, String candidate) { HQLCompletionProposal proposal = new HQLCompletionProposal(kind, cursorPosition); if(candidate.startsWith(prefix)) { proposal.setCompletion( candidate.substring(prefix.length()) ); proposal.setSimpleName( candidate ); proposal.setReplaceStart( cursorPosition ); proposal.setReplaceEnd( cursorPosition ); } else { proposal.setCompletion( candidate ); proposal.setSimpleName( candidate ); proposal.setReplaceStart( cursorPosition - prefix.length() );// replace prefix proposal.setReplaceEnd( cursorPosition ); } return proposal; } /** returns PersistentClass for path. Can be null if path is an imported non-mapped class */ private PersistentClass getPersistentClass(String path) { if(path==null) return null; String entityName = (String) metadata.getImports().get( path ); if(entityName==null) { return metadata.getEntityBinding(path); } else { return metadata.getEntityBinding(entityName); } } public String getCanonicalPath(List<EntityNameReference> qts, String name) { Map<String, String> alias2Type = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Iterator<EntityNameReference> iter = qts.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { EntityNameReference qt =; alias2Type.put(qt.getAlias(), qt.getEntityName()); } if (qts.size() == 1) { EntityNameReference visible = qts.get(0); String alias = visible.getAlias(); if (name.equals(alias)) { return visible.getEntityName(); } else if (alias == null || alias.length() == 0 || alias.equals(visible.getEntityName())) { return visible.getEntityName() + "/" + name; } } return getCanonicalPath(new HashSet<String>(), alias2Type, name); } private String getCanonicalPath(Set<String> resolved, Map<String, String> alias2Type, String name) { if (resolved.contains(name)) { // To prevent a stack overflow return name; } resolved.add(name); String type = (String) alias2Type.get(name); if (type != null) { return name.equals(type) ? name : getCanonicalPath(resolved, alias2Type, type); } int idx = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if (idx == -1) { return type != null ? type : name; } String baseName = name.substring(0, idx); String prop = name.substring(idx + 1); if (isAliasKnown(alias2Type, baseName)) { return getCanonicalPath(resolved, alias2Type, baseName) + "/" + prop; } else { return name; } } private static boolean isAliasKnown(Map<String, String> alias2Type, String alias) { if (alias2Type.containsKey(alias)) { return true; } int idx = alias.lastIndexOf('.'); if (idx == -1) { return false; } return isAliasKnown(alias2Type, alias.substring(0, idx)); } private Value getNextAttributeType(String type, String attributePath) { PersistentClass cmd = getPersistentClass( type ); if (cmd == null) { return null; } String attribute; int idx = attributePath.indexOf('/'); if (idx == -1) { attribute = attributePath; } else { attribute = attributePath.substring(0, idx); } String idName = cmd.getIdentifierProperty()==null?null:cmd.getIdentifierProperty().getName(); if (attribute.equals(idName)) { return cmd.getIdentifierProperty().getValue(); } try { Property property = cmd.getProperty( attribute ); return property==null?null:property.getValue(); } catch (HibernateException he) { return null; } } private Value getNextAttributeType(Component t, String attributeName) { int idx = attributeName.indexOf('/'); if (idx != -1) { attributeName = attributeName.substring(0, idx); } Iterator<?> names = t.getPropertyIterator(); while ( names.hasNext() ) { Property element = (Property); String name = element.getName(); if (attributeName.equals(name)) { return element.getValue(); } } return null; } void addPropertiesToList(Component t, String prefix, int cursorPosition, IHQLCompletionRequestor hcc) { if (t == null) { return; } Iterator<?> props = t.getPropertyIterator(); while ( props.hasNext() ) { Property element = (Property); String candidate = element.getName(); if (candidate.toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix.toLowerCase())) { HQLCompletionProposal proposal = createStartWithCompletionProposal( prefix, cursorPosition, HQLCompletionProposal.PROPERTY, candidate ); //proposal.setEntityName( cmd.getEntityName() ); ...we don't know here..TODO: pass in the "path" proposal.setPropertyName( candidate ); proposal.setProperty(element); hcc.accept( proposal); } } } private void findMatchingWords(int cursorPosition, String prefix, String[] words, int kind, IHQLCompletionRequestor hcc) { int i = Arrays.binarySearch(words, prefix.toLowerCase()); if(i<0) { i = Math.abs(i+1); } for (int cnt = i; cnt < words.length; cnt++) { String word = words[cnt]; if(word.toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix.toLowerCase())) { HQLCompletionProposal proposal = createStartWithCompletionProposal( prefix, cursorPosition, kind, word ); hcc.accept( proposal); } else { break; } } } }