package org.hibernate.tool.ant; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import; import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration; import org.hibernate.cfg.JPAConfiguration; import org.hibernate.jpa.HibernatePersistenceProvider; import org.hibernate.jpa.boot.internal.EntityManagerFactoryBuilderImpl; public class JPAConfigurationTask extends ConfigurationTask { private String persistenceUnit = null; public JPAConfigurationTask() { setDescription("JPA Configuration"); } protected Configuration createConfiguration() { try { Map<Object, Object> overrides = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); Properties p = getProperties(); if(p!=null) { overrides.putAll( p ); } EntityManagerFactoryBuilderImpl entityManagerFactoryBuilderImpl = createEntityManagerFactoryBuilder(persistenceUnit, overrides); if (entityManagerFactoryBuilderImpl == null) { throw new BuildException( "Persistence unit not found: '" + persistenceUnit + "'."); } return new JPAConfiguration(entityManagerFactoryBuilderImpl); } catch(BuildException be) { throw be; } catch(Exception t) { Throwable cause = t.getCause(); if (cause != null) { throw new BuildException(cause); } else { t.printStackTrace(); throw new BuildException("Problems in creating a configuration for JPA. Have you remembered to add hibernate EntityManager jars to the classpath ?",t); } } } protected void doConfiguration(Configuration configuration) { } protected void validateParameters() throws BuildException { } public String getPersistenceUnit() { return persistenceUnit; } public void setPersistenceUnit(String persistenceUnit) { this.persistenceUnit = persistenceUnit; } public void setConfigurationFile(File configurationFile) { complain("configurationfile"); } private void complain(String param) { throw new BuildException("<" + getTaskName() + "> currently only support autodiscovery from META-INF/persistence.xml. Thus setting the " + param + " attribute is not allowed"); } private static class PersistenceProvider extends HibernatePersistenceProvider { public EntityManagerFactoryBuilderImpl getEntityManagerFactoryBuilder( String persistenceUnit, Map<Object, Object> properties) { return (EntityManagerFactoryBuilderImpl)getEntityManagerFactoryBuilderOrNull( persistenceUnit, properties); } } private EntityManagerFactoryBuilderImpl createEntityManagerFactoryBuilder( final String persistenceUnit, final Map<Object, Object> properties) { return new PersistenceProvider().getEntityManagerFactoryBuilder( persistenceUnit, properties); } }