package org.hibernate.test.cache.infinispan.util; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import javax.transaction.SystemException; import javax.transaction.TransactionManager; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionBuilder; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.util.Caches; import org.hibernate.engine.transaction.jta.platform.spi.JtaPlatform; import org.hibernate.resource.transaction.spi.TransactionStatus; /** * @author Radim Vansa <> */ public final class TxUtil { public static void withTxSession(boolean useJta, SessionFactory sessionFactory, ThrowingConsumer<Session, Exception> consumer) throws Exception { JtaPlatform jtaPlatform = useJta ? sessionFactory.getSessionFactoryOptions().getServiceRegistry().getService(JtaPlatform.class) : null; withTxSession(jtaPlatform, sessionFactory.withOptions(), consumer); } public static void withTxSession(JtaPlatform jtaPlatform, SessionBuilder sessionBuilder, ThrowingConsumer<Session, Exception> consumer) throws Exception { if (jtaPlatform != null) { TransactionManager tm = jtaPlatform.retrieveTransactionManager(); final SessionBuilder sb = sessionBuilder; Caches.withinTx(tm, () -> { withSession(sb, s -> { consumer.accept(s); // we need to flush the session before close when running with JTA transactions s.flush(); }); return null; }); } else { withSession(sessionBuilder, s -> withResourceLocalTx(s, consumer)); } } public static <T> T withTxSessionApply(boolean useJta, SessionFactory sessionFactory, ThrowingFunction<Session, T, Exception> function) throws Exception { JtaPlatform jtaPlatform = useJta ? sessionFactory.getSessionFactoryOptions().getServiceRegistry().getService(JtaPlatform.class) : null; return withTxSessionApply(jtaPlatform, sessionFactory.withOptions(), function); } public static <T> T withTxSessionApply(JtaPlatform jtaPlatform, SessionBuilder sessionBuilder, ThrowingFunction<Session, T, Exception> function) throws Exception { if (jtaPlatform != null) { TransactionManager tm = jtaPlatform.retrieveTransactionManager(); Callable<T> callable = () -> withSessionApply(sessionBuilder, s -> { T t = function.apply(s); s.flush(); return t; }); return Caches.withinTx(tm, callable); } else { return withSessionApply(sessionBuilder, s -> withResourceLocalTx(s, function)); } } public static <E extends Throwable> void withSession(SessionBuilder sessionBuilder, ThrowingConsumer<Session, E> consumer) throws E { Session s = sessionBuilder.openSession(); try { consumer.accept(s); } finally { s.close(); } } public static <R, E extends Throwable> R withSessionApply(SessionBuilder sessionBuilder, ThrowingFunction<Session, R, E> function) throws E { Session s = sessionBuilder.openSession(); try { return function.apply(s); } finally { s.close(); } } public static void withResourceLocalTx(Session session, ThrowingConsumer<Session, Exception> consumer) throws Exception { Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); boolean rollingBack = false; try { consumer.accept(session); if (transaction.getStatus() == TransactionStatus.ACTIVE) { transaction.commit(); } else { rollingBack = true; transaction.rollback(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (!rollingBack) { try { transaction.rollback(); } catch (Exception suppressed) { e.addSuppressed(suppressed); } } throw e; } } public static <T> T withResourceLocalTx(Session session, ThrowingFunction<Session, T, Exception> consumer) throws Exception { Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); boolean rollingBack = false; try { T t = consumer.apply(session); if (transaction.getStatus() == TransactionStatus.ACTIVE) { transaction.commit(); } else { rollingBack = true; transaction.rollback(); } return t; } catch (Exception e) { if (!rollingBack) { try { transaction.rollback(); } catch (Exception suppressed) { e.addSuppressed(suppressed); } } throw e; } } public static void markRollbackOnly(boolean useJta, Session s) { if (useJta) { JtaPlatform jtaPlatform = s.getSessionFactory().getSessionFactoryOptions().getServiceRegistry().getService(JtaPlatform.class); TransactionManager tm = jtaPlatform.retrieveTransactionManager(); try { tm.setRollbackOnly(); } catch (SystemException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else { s.getTransaction().markRollbackOnly(); } } public interface ThrowingConsumer<T, E extends Throwable> { void accept(T t) throws E; } public interface ThrowingFunction<T, R, E extends Throwable> { R apply(T t) throws E; } }