package org.hibernate.test.bytecode.enhancement.inherited; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.Version; import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration; import org.hibernate.cfg.Environment; import org.hibernate.testing.bytecode.enhancement.EnhancerTestUtils; import org.hibernate.test.bytecode.enhancement.AbstractEnhancerTestTask; /** * @author Luis Barreiro * @author Craig Andrews */ public class InheritedTestTask extends AbstractEnhancerTestTask { public Class<?>[] getAnnotatedClasses() { return new Class<?>[] { Person.class, Employee.class, Contractor.class }; } public void prepare() { Configuration cfg = new Configuration(); cfg.setProperty( Environment.ENABLE_LAZY_LOAD_NO_TRANS, "true" ); cfg.setProperty( Environment.USE_SECOND_LEVEL_CACHE, "false" ); super.prepare( cfg ); } public void execute() { Employee charles = new Employee( "Charles", "Engineer" ); charles.setOca( 1002 ); // Check that both types of class attributes are being dirty tracked EnhancerTestUtils.checkDirtyTracking( charles, "title", "oca" ); EnhancerTestUtils.clearDirtyTracking( charles ); // Let's give charles a promotion, this time using method references charles.setOca( 99 ); charles.setTitle( "Manager" ); EnhancerTestUtils.checkDirtyTracking( charles, "title", "oca" ); Contractor bob = new Contractor( "Bob", 100 ); bob.setOca( 1003 ); // Check that both types of class attributes are being dirty tracked EnhancerTestUtils.checkDirtyTracking( bob, "rate", "oca" ); EnhancerTestUtils.clearDirtyTracking( bob ); // Let's give bob a rate increase, this time using method references bob.setOca( 88 ); bob.setRate( 200 ); EnhancerTestUtils.checkDirtyTracking( bob, "rate", "oca" ); } protected void cleanup() { } @Entity private static abstract class Person { @Id private String name; @Version private long oca; public Person(String name) { this(); = name; } protected Person() {} protected void setOca(long l) { this.oca = l; } } @Entity private static class Employee extends Person { private String title; public Employee(String name, String title) { super(name); this.title = title; } public Employee() {} public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } } @Entity private static class Contractor extends Person { private Integer rate; public Contractor(String name, Integer rate) { super(name); this.rate = rate; } public Contractor() {} public void setRate(Integer rate) { this.rate = rate; } } }