package fr.lteconsulting.client; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.css.bindings.BootstrapHexaCss; import; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.client.ui.widget.ListBox; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.databinding.Mode; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.databinding.gwt.Binder; import; import; import; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.databinding.watchablecollection.Change; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.databinding.watchablecollection.WatchableCollection; /** * This widget presents the different Articles and allow to select one * * @author Arnaud Tournier (c) LTE Consulting - 2015 * */ public class ArticleList extends Composite { @UiField ListBox<Article> listBox; @UiField DivElement listDiv; @UiField Button add; @UiField Button delete; Element currentActiveElement = null; private final WatchableCollection<Article> articles = Repository.getArticles(); private static ArticleListUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(ArticleListUiBinder.class); interface ArticleListUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, ArticleList> { } public ArticleList() { initWidget(uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this)); initListBox(); initArticleList(); registerSelectArticleClickAction(); registerSelectedArticleProperty(); initAddHandler(); initDeleteHandler(); listBox.getElement().focus(); } private void initListBox() { /** * Use the {@link WatchableCollection} subscription system to get * changes happening to the list */ articles.addCallbackAndSendAll(new Action1<List<Change>>() { @Override public void exec(List<Change> param) { for (Change c : param) { // Each change has a type and conveys the item that was // concerned switch (c.getType()) { case ADD: listBox.addItem(c.<Article> getItem().getName(), c.<Article> getItem()); break; case REMOVE: listBox.removeItem(c.<Article> getItem()); break; } } } }); /** * Bind the selected article to the list box. * * This is a two way data binding ! */ Binder.bind(articles, "selected").to(listBox); } private void initArticleList() { /** * Use the {@link WatchableCollection} subscription system to get * changes happening to the list */ articles.addCallbackAndSendAll(new Action1<List<Change>>() { @Override public void exec(List<Change> changes) { for (Change c : changes) { // Each change has a type and conveys the item that was // concerned switch (c.getType()) { case ADD: AnchorElement anchor = Document.get().createAnchorElement(); anchor.setHref("#"); anchor.addClassName(BootstrapHexaCss.CSS.listGroupItem()); Binder.bind(c.getItem(), "name").mode(Mode.OneWay).to(anchor, "innerText"); listDiv.appendChild(anchor); break; case REMOVE: listDiv.getChild(c.getIndex()).removeFromParent(); break; } } } }); } private void registerSelectArticleClickAction() { addDomHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { int index = DOM.getChildIndex(listDiv, event.getNativeEvent().getEventTarget().<Element> cast()); if (index < 0) return; /** * Set the "selected" property of the articles list (and * notifies others). * * Since the articles's class ({@link WatchableCollection} does * not have a "selected" getter nor field, the binding mecanism * will use the dynamic property system) */ Properties.setValue(articles, "selected", articles.get(index)); event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } }, ClickEvent.getType()); } private void registerSelectedArticleProperty() { /** * Register to the "selected" property of the articles list to change * the active state of the corresponding item. */ Properties.register(articles, "selected", new PropertyChangedHandler() { @Override public void onPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEvent event) { // deactivate previously selected item if (currentActiveElement != null) currentActiveElement.removeClassName(; /** * Get the "selected" property of the articles list * * Since the articles's class ({@link WatchableCollection} does * not have a "selected" getter nor field, the binding mecanism * will use the dynamic property system) */ Article article = Properties.getValue(articles, "selected"); if (article != null) { int index = articles.indexOf(article); if (index >= 0) currentActiveElement = listDiv.getChild(index).<Element> cast(); } // activate selected item if (currentActiveElement != null) currentActiveElement.addClassName(; } }); } private void initAddHandler() { add.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { /** * Add a new article... */ Article newArticle = Repository.createRandomArticle(); articles.add(newArticle); /** * And select it with the "selected" dynamic property of the * articles list */ Properties.setValue(articles, "selected", newArticle); } }); } private void initDeleteHandler() { delete.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { /** * Retreive the selected article through the "selected" dynamic * property of the articles list */ Article toRemove = Properties.getValue(articles, "selected"); if (toRemove != null) { /** * Remove the article from the list. * * Since the list is a {@link WatchableCollection}, all * watchers will be notified */ articles.remove(toRemove); /** * Selects an article */ Properties.setValue(articles, "selected", articles.isEmpty() ? null : articles.get(articles.size() - 1)); } } }); } }