package fr.lteconsulting.hexa.databinding.propertyadapters; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import fr.lteconsulting.hexa.databinding.PlatformSpecificProvider; public class CompositePropertyAdapter implements PropertyAdapter { public final static String HASVALUE_TOKEN = "$HasValue"; public final static String DTOMAP_TOKEN = "$DTOMap"; Object context; String[] path; PropertyAdapter[] adapters; Object[] adapterHandlerRegistrations; private ArrayList<ClientInfo> clients; public CompositePropertyAdapter( Object context, String path ) { this.context = context; this.path = path.split( "\\." ); adapters = new PropertyAdapter[this.path.length]; adapterHandlerRegistrations = new Object[this.path.length]; } private Action2<PropertyAdapter, Object> onPropertyChanged = new Action2<PropertyAdapter, Object>() { @Override public void exec( PropertyAdapter p1, Object p2 ) { int adapterNo = (Integer) p2; // unregister all adapters with a position > adapterNo for( int p = adapterNo + 1; p < path.length; p++ ) { if( adapters[p] == null || adapterHandlerRegistrations[p] == null ) continue; adapters[p].removePropertyChangedHandler( adapterHandlerRegistrations[p] ); adapters[p] = null; adapterHandlerRegistrations[p] = null; } // signal callbacks that a change occured if( clients != null ) { for( ClientInfo client : clients ) client.callback.exec( CompositePropertyAdapter.this, client.cookie ); } } }; @Override public Object getValue() { tryCreateAdapters(); if( adapters[path.length - 1] != null ) { return adapters[path.length - 1].getValue(); } return null; } @Override public void setValue( Object object ) { tryCreateAdapters(); if( adapters[path.length - 1] != null ) adapters[path.length - 1].setValue( object ); } class ClientInfo { Action2<PropertyAdapter, Object> callback; Object cookie; } @Override public Object registerPropertyChanged( Action2<PropertyAdapter, Object> callback, Object cookie ) { tryCreateAdapters(); if( clients == null ) clients = new ArrayList<ClientInfo>(); ClientInfo client = new ClientInfo(); client.callback = callback; client.cookie = cookie; // what if any sub path contains a property that's not subscribable ? clients.add( client ); return client; } @Override public void removePropertyChangedHandler( Object handlerRegistration ) { ClientInfo client = (ClientInfo) handlerRegistration; client.callback = null; client.cookie = null; clients.remove( client ); if( clients.isEmpty() ) clients = null; // remove adapters for( int i=0; i<adapters.length; i++ ) { if( adapters[i] == null ) continue; adapters[i].removePropertyChangedHandler( adapterHandlerRegistrations[i] ); } } // create adapaters from the root context object to the end of the path, if // possible... private void tryCreateAdapters() { Object object = context; for( int p = 0; p < path.length; p++ ) { if( object == null ) return; // if no adapter has yet been created for this pathItem if( adapters[p] == null ) { String pathItem = path[p]; // try to find an adapter, otherwise create one or return null // to create an adapter, we need a context and a path item // context is the 'object' value (ie the value of the previous // pathItem or the root context) // path item is path[p] if(pathItem.charAt(0)=='$') { if( PlatformSpecificProvider.get().isBindingToken( pathItem ) ) adapters[p] = PlatformSpecificProvider.get().createPropertyAdapter(object); else if( CompositePropertyAdapter.DTOMAP_TOKEN.equals( pathItem ) ) adapters[p] = new DTOMapperPropertyAdapter( object ); } else { adapters[p] = new ObjectPropertyAdapter( object, pathItem ); } // we should subscribe to the value changes so that we can // subscribe to // new values when anything on the path changes adapterHandlerRegistrations[p] = adapters[p].registerPropertyChanged( onPropertyChanged, p ); } if( p < path.length - 1 ) object = adapters[p].getValue(); } } }