package; import lombok.Data; import; import javax.persistence.Entity; import; /** * A domain object for a noun in our simplistic object model. * * Use {@code @Entity} to map this object directly into a table, one-to-one on fields to columns. * * Use {@code @Id} to mark which field is the unique identifier. * Use {@code @Data} to get Lombok to generate the getters & setters. * * <u><b>MIGRATION PATH</b></u> * <ol> * <li>Add the {@code @KeySpace} annotation, this object can be retrieved from a key-value store (Hazelcast!).</li> * </ol> */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") @Data @Entity @KeySpace public class Noun implements Serializable { @javax.persistence.Id private int id; private String english; private String french; private String spanish; }