import com.hazelcast.cache.ICache; import com.hazelcast.client.HazelcastClient; import com.hazelcast.client.cache.impl.HazelcastClientCachingProvider; import com.hazelcast.client.config.ClientConfig; import com.hazelcast.client.config.XmlClientConfigBuilder; import com.hazelcast.core.HazelcastInstance; import com.hazelcast.logging.ILogger; import com.hazelcast.logging.Logger; import com.hazelcast.memory.NativeOutOfMemoryError; import com.hazelcast.util.EmptyStatement; import org.HdrHistogram.AbstractHistogram; import org.HdrHistogram.AtomicHistogram; import org.HdrHistogram.Histogram; import javax.cache.CacheManager; import; import; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import static com.hazelcast.examples.helper.LicenseUtils.ENTERPRISE_LICENSE_KEY; /** * You have to set your Hazelcast Enterprise license key to make this code sample work. * Please have a look at {@link com.hazelcast.examples.helper.LicenseUtils} for details. */ public final class EnterpriseCacheTestClient { private static final String NAMESPACE = "test"; private static final long STATS_SECONDS = 10; private final String[] values = new String[500]; private final AtomicBoolean live = new AtomicBoolean(true); private final HazelcastInstance instance; private final CacheManager cacheManager; private final ExecutorService executorService; private final ILogger logger; private final Stats[] allStats; private final int threadCount; private final int getPercentage; private final int putPercentage; private final int keyRange; private final long duration; static { System.setProperty("hazelcast.version.check.enabled", "false"); System.setProperty("hazelcast.socket.bind.any", "false"); System.setProperty("", "true"); System.setProperty("", ""); } private EnterpriseCacheTestClient(int threadCount, int getPercentage, int putPercentage, int keyRange, int valueMin, int valueMax, long duration) throws IOException { InputStream configInputStream = EnterpriseCacheTestClient.class.getResourceAsStream("/hazelcast-client-hd-memory.xml"); ClientConfig clientConfig = new XmlClientConfigBuilder(configInputStream).build(); clientConfig.setLicenseKey(ENTERPRISE_LICENSE_KEY); this.instance = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(clientConfig); this.cacheManager = HazelcastClientCachingProvider.createCachingProvider(instance).getCacheManager(); this.executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threadCount); this.logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass()); this.allStats = new Stats[threadCount]; for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) { allStats[i] = new Stats(); } this.threadCount = threadCount; this.getPercentage = getPercentage; this.putPercentage = putPercentage; this.keyRange = keyRange; this.duration = duration; buildRandomValues(valueMin, valueMax); } private void buildRandomValues(int valueMin, int valueMax) { Random random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { int size = random.nextInt(valueMax - valueMin) + valueMin; byte[] bb = new byte[size]; random.nextBytes(bb); values[i] = new String(bb); } } @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:cyclomaticcomplexity") public static void main(String[] input) throws Exception { int threadCount = 40; int valueMin = 100; int valueMax = 101; int getPercentage = 40; int putPercentage = 40; int keyRange = Integer.MAX_VALUE; long duration = Long.MAX_VALUE; if (input != null && input.length > 0) { for (String arg : input) { arg = arg.trim(); if (arg.startsWith("vs")) { valueMin = Integer.parseInt(arg.substring(2)); } else if (arg.startsWith("vx")) { valueMax = Integer.parseInt(arg.substring(2)); } else if (arg.startsWith("t")) { threadCount = Integer.parseInt(arg.substring(1)); } else if (arg.startsWith("g")) { getPercentage = Integer.parseInt(arg.substring(1)); } else if (arg.startsWith("p")) { putPercentage = Integer.parseInt(arg.substring(1)); } else if (arg.startsWith("k")) { keyRange = Integer.parseInt(arg.substring(1)); if (keyRange <= 0) { keyRange = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } } else if (arg.startsWith("d")) { duration = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(Integer.parseInt(arg.substring(1))); if (duration <= 0) { duration = Long.MAX_VALUE; } } } } EnterpriseCacheTestClient test = new EnterpriseCacheTestClient(threadCount, getPercentage, putPercentage, keyRange, valueMin, valueMax, duration); test.start(); } private void start() { printVariables(); startPrintStats(); run(); } private void printVariables() {"Starting Test with ");"Thread Count: " + threadCount);"Get Percentage: " + getPercentage);"Put Percentage: " + putPercentage);"Remove Percentage: " + (100 - (putPercentage + getPercentage))); } private void startPrintStats() { new StatsThread().start(); } private void run() { ICache<Object, Object> cache = cacheManager.getCache(NAMESPACE).unwrap(ICache.class); for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) { executorService.execute(new CacheTestRunnable(allStats[i], cache)); } } private class StatsThread extends Thread { StatsThread() { setDaemon(true); setName("PrintStats." + instance.getName()); } @Override public void run() { long terminate = System.currentTimeMillis() + duration; if (terminate < 0) { terminate = Long.MAX_VALUE; } AbstractHistogram totalHistogram = new Histogram(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES.toNanos(1), 3); while (true) { try { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (start >= terminate) { live.set(false); executorService.shutdown(); executorService.awaitTermination(2, TimeUnit.MINUTES); instance.shutdown(); break; } Thread.sleep(STATS_SECONDS * 1000); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); long interval = end - start; totalHistogram.reset(); long getsNow = 0; long putsNow = 0; long removesNow = 0; for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) { Stats stats = allStats[i]; getsNow += stats.gets.getAndSet(0); putsNow += stats.puts.getAndSet(0); removesNow += stats.removes.getAndSet(0); totalHistogram.add(stats.histogram); stats.histogram.reset(); } long totalOps = getsNow + putsNow + removesNow; totalHistogram.reestablishTotalCount(); totalHistogram.outputPercentileDistribution(System.out, 1, 1000d); System.out.println(); System.out.println("total-ops= " + (totalOps * 1000 / interval) + ", gets:" + (getsNow * 1000 / interval) + ", puts:" + (putsNow * 1000 / interval) + ", removes:" + (removesNow * 1000 / interval)); System.out.println(); System.out.println(); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { return; } } } } private class CacheTestRunnable implements Runnable { private final Random random = new Random(); private final Stats stats; private final ICache<Object, Object> cache; CacheTestRunnable(Stats stats, ICache<Object, Object> cache) { this.stats = stats; this.cache = cache; } @Override public void run() { int stopCounter = 0; while (true) { if (stopCounter++ == 5000) { stopCounter = 0; if (!live.get()) { return; } } try { Object key = newKey(random); int operation = random.nextInt(100); long start = System.nanoTime(); if (operation < getPercentage) { cache.get(key); stats.gets.incrementAndGet(); } else if (operation < getPercentage + putPercentage) { try { cache.put(key, values[random.nextInt(values.length)]); } catch (NativeOutOfMemoryError e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } stats.puts.incrementAndGet(); } else { cache.remove(key); stats.removes.incrementAndGet(); } long end = System.nanoTime(); try { stats.histogram.recordValue(end - start); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { EmptyStatement.ignore(e); } } catch (Throwable e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof InterruptedException) { return; } if (!instance.getLifecycleService().isRunning()) { return; } logger.warning(e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } private Object newKey(Random rand) { return (keyRange <= 0 || keyRange == Integer.MAX_VALUE) ? rand.nextLong() : rand.nextInt(keyRange); } } private static class Stats { final AbstractHistogram histogram = new AtomicHistogram(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES.toNanos(1), 3); final AtomicInteger gets = new AtomicInteger(); final AtomicInteger puts = new AtomicInteger(); final AtomicInteger removes = new AtomicInteger(); } }