package com.grapeshot.halfnes.mappers; import com.grapeshot.halfnes.*; public class Namcot34x3Mapper extends Mapper { //MIMIC variant with increased support for CHR up to 128 kB //NAMCOT-3433 / NAMCOT-3443 (mapper 88) - no mirroring //NAMCOT-3453 (mapper 154) - single-screen mirroring private boolean mirroring = false; private int whichbank = 0; private int[] chrreg = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; public Namcot34x3Mapper(int mappernum) { super(); mirroring = (mappernum == 154); } @Override public void loadrom() throws BadMapperException { //needs to be in every mapper. Fill with initial cfg super.loadrom(); for (int i = 1; i <= 32; ++i) { prg_map[32 - i] = prgsize - (1024 * i); } for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { chr_map[i] = 0; } } @Override public final void cartWrite(int addr, int data) { if (addr < 0x8000 || addr > 0xffff) { super.cartWrite(addr, data); return; } //bankswitches here //System.err.println(utils.hex(addr) + " " + utils.hex(data)); if (addr == 0x8001) { if (whichbank <= 5) { chrreg[whichbank] = data & 0x3f; setupchr(); } else if (whichbank == 6) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { prg_map[i] = (1024 * (i + (data * 8))) % prgsize; } } else if (whichbank == 7) { //System.err.println(data * 8); //bank 7 always swappable, always in same place for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { prg_map[i + 8] = (1024 * (i + (data * 8))) % prgsize; } } } else if (addr == 0x8000) { //bank select whichbank = data & 7; } if (mirroring) { setmirroring(((data & (utils.BIT6)) != 0) ? MirrorType.SS_MIRROR1 : MirrorType.SS_MIRROR0); } } private void setupchr() { setppubank(1, 4, (chrreg[2] | 0x40)); setppubank(1, 5, (chrreg[3] | 0x40)); setppubank(1, 6, (chrreg[4] | 0x40)); setppubank(1, 7, (chrreg[5] | 0x40)); setppubank(2, 0, (chrreg[0] >> 1) << 1); setppubank(2, 2, (chrreg[1] >> 1) << 1); } private void setppubank(int banksize, int bankpos, int banknum) { // System.err.println(banksize + ", " + bankpos + ", "+ banknum); for (int i = 0; i < banksize; ++i) { chr_map[i + bankpos] = (1024 * (banknum + i)) % chrsize; } } }