package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * These are a set of utility methods needed in jsquery because * either they are not in the GQuery core yet, or they are already * there but we need to modify their behavior. * Most of them should be moved to the GQuery core api. * */ public abstract class JsQueryUtils { private native static String dumpObject(JavaScriptObject o) /*-{ var s = ""; for (k in o) s += " " + k; return s; }-*/; public static GQuery dollar(String s, Element ctx) { return GQuery.$(s, ctx); } public static void ready(Function f) { f.f(); } public static int inArray(Object object, Object array) { if (array instanceof List) { return ((List<?>)array).indexOf(object); } else if (object instanceof JavaScriptObject && JsUtils.isElement((JavaScriptObject) object)) { return GQuery.$(array).index((Element) object); } else if (array instanceof JavaScriptObject && JsUtils.isArray((JavaScriptObject) array)) { return ((JsCache) array).indexOf(object); } return -1; } public static JavaScriptObject extend(Object... objs) { int i = 0, l = objs.length; boolean deep = false; JavaScriptObject ctx = null; Object target = objs[i]; if (target instanceof Boolean) { deep = (Boolean) target; if (l == 1) return ctx; target = objs[i++]; } if (l - i == 1) { i--; } else { ctx = (JavaScriptObject) target; } for (++i; i < l; i++) { if (objs[i] != null) { ctx = extendImpl(deep, ctx, objs[i]); } } return ctx; } private static native JavaScriptObject getDefaultPrototype() /*-{ return $wnd.JsQuery && $wnd.JsQuery.fn ? $wnd.JsQuery.fn.prototype : null; }-*/; private static native JavaScriptObject extendImpl(boolean deep, JavaScriptObject ctx, Object s) /*-{ var d = ctx ? ctx : $wnd.JsQuery.fn.prototype || {}; for (k in s) { d[k] = s[k]; if (!ctx) $wnd.$[k] = s[k]; } return d; }-*/; public static JavaScriptObject[] each(JavaScriptObject[] objs, Function f) { ArrayList<Object> ret = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (Object o : objs) { f.setDataObject(o); if (f.fe(null, o)) { ret.add(o); } } return ret.toArray(new JavaScriptObject[0]); } public static void log(Object l) { System.out.println(l); } }