/* * Copyright (c) 2005, 2008 Sven Efftinge and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Sven Efftinge - Initial API and implementation * Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) - Migration to OCL expressions */ package org.eclipse.gmf.tests.xpand; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.gmf.internal.xpand.ast.AbstractDefinition; import org.eclipse.gmf.internal.xpand.ast.Definition; import org.eclipse.gmf.internal.xpand.ast.FileStatement; import org.eclipse.gmf.internal.xpand.ast.IfStatement; import org.eclipse.gmf.internal.xpand.ast.Statement; import org.eclipse.gmf.internal.xpand.ast.Template; import org.eclipse.gmf.internal.xpand.ast.TextStatement; import org.eclipse.gmf.internal.xpand.ocl.DeclaredParameter; import org.eclipse.gmf.internal.xpand.ocl.ExpressionHelper; /** * * * * @author Sven Efftinge * */ public class StatementParserTest extends AbstractXpandTest { public final void testEmptyTemplate() throws Exception { final Template t = parse(""); assertEquals(0, t.getDefinitions().length); } public final void testSimpleDefine() throws Exception { final Template t = parse(tag("DEFINE test FOR ecore::EClass") + tag("ENDDEFINE")); assertEquals(1, t.getDefinitions().length); } public final void testTextStmtWithUnusualChars() throws Exception { final String unusualChars = "$"; final Template t = parse(tag("DEFINE test FOR ecore::EClass") + unusualChars + tag("ENDDEFINE")); assertEquals(1, t.getDefinitions().length); Statement st = ((AbstractDefinition) t.getDefinitions()[0]).getBody()[0]; assertTrue(st instanceof TextStatement); assertEquals(unusualChars, ((TextStatement) st).getValue()); } public final void testDoubleDefine() throws Exception { final Template t = parse(tag("DEFINE test FOR ecore::EClass") + tag("ENDDEFINE") + tag("DEFINE test2(txt:String) FOR ecore::EClass") + tag("ENDDEFINE")); assertEquals(2, t.getDefinitions().length); } public final void testMoreComplexDefine() throws Exception { final Template t = parse(tag("DEFINE test(a : ecore::EPackage, b : String) FOR ecore::EClass") + tag("FILE name+'.txt'") + "Text und so " + tag("name") + tag("FOREACH eAllattributes AS at") + "Attribute : " + tag("at.name") + tag("ENDFOREACH") + tag("ENDFILE") + tag("ENDDEFINE")); assertEquals(1, t.getDefinitions().length); final Definition def = (Definition) t.getDefinitions()[0]; assertEquals("test", def.getName()); assertEquals(2, def.getParams().length); DeclaredParameter param = def.getParams()[0]; assertEquals("a", param.getVarName()); assertEquals("ecore::EPackage", param.getTypeName()); param = def.getParams()[1]; assertEquals("b", param.getVarName()); assertEquals("String", param.getTypeName()); assertEquals("ecore::EClass", def.getTargetType().getName()); List<Statement> statements = Arrays.asList(def.getBody()); assertEquals(3, statements.size()); final FileStatement f = (FileStatement) statements.get(1); final ExpressionHelper concat = f.getTargetFileName(); assertNotNull(concat); statements = Arrays.asList(f.getBody()); assertEquals(5, statements.size()); assertEquals("Text und so ", ((TextStatement) statements.get(0)).getValue()); } public final void testImportDeclaration() throws Exception { Template t; final String im1 = "http://ecore/x"; final String im2 = "zzz"; t = parse(tag("IMPORT '" + im1 + '\'') + tag("IMPORT '" + im2 + '\'') + tag("DEFINE test FOR ecore::EClass") + tag("ENDDEFINE")); assertEquals(1, t.getDefinitions().length); assertEquals(2, t.getImportedNamespaces().length); assertEquals(im1, t.getImportedNamespaces()[0]); assertEquals(im2, t.getImportedNamespaces()[1]); } public final void testFileStatement() throws Exception { final Template t = parse(tag("DEFINE test FOR ecore::EClass") + tag("FILE 'test.txt' ONCE") + tag("ENDFILE") + tag("ENDDEFINE")); assertEquals(1, t.getDefinitions().length); final FileStatement file = (FileStatement) ((Definition) t.getDefinitions()[0]).getBody()[1]; assertEquals("ONCE", file.getMode().getValue()); } public final void testIfStatement() throws Exception { final Template t = parse(tag("DEFINE test FOR ecore::EClass") + tag("IF not true") + tag("ELSEIF false") + tag("ELSE") + tag("ENDIF") + tag("ENDDEFINE")); assertEquals(1, t.getDefinitions().length); final IfStatement ifSt = (IfStatement) ((Definition) t.getDefinitions()[0]).getBody()[1]; assertNotNull(ifSt); assertNotNull(ifSt.getCondition()); assertNotNull(ifSt.getElseIf()); assertNotNull(ifSt.getElseIf().getCondition()); assertNotNull(ifSt.getElseIf().getElseIf()); assertNull(ifSt.getElseIf().getElseIf().getCondition()); } }