package org.eclipse.gmf.tooling.runtime.linklf.policies; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.draw2d.IFigure; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.PointList; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle; import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.TransactionalEditingDomain; import org.eclipse.gef.EditPart; import org.eclipse.gef.Request; import org.eclipse.gef.commands.Command; import org.eclipse.gef.editpolicies.GraphicalEditPolicy; import org.eclipse.gef.requests.ChangeBoundsRequest; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.command.ICommand; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.editparts.IGraphicalEditPart; import org.eclipse.gmf.tooling.runtime.linklf.AbsoluteBendpointsConvention; /** * Diagrams that use {@link AbsoluteBendpointsConvention} are facing the need to * adjust now-absolute bendpoints on different move's. This class provides * boilerplate for edit policies that handles different aspects of this * adjustment. * <p/> * * @since 3.3 */ public abstract class AdjustAbsoluteBendpointsEditPolicyBase extends GraphicalEditPolicy { /** * The same {@link ChangeBoundsRequest} is sent to all moved edit parts, so * we can cache the info about them in request potentially improving o(N^2) * performance. */ private static final String PARAM_CACHED_EDIT_PARTS_SET = AdjustAbsoluteBendpointsEditPolicyBase.class .getName() + ":CachedMovedEPs"; /** * Tries to find the cached instance of {@link CachedEditPartsSet} in the * request extended data map. If not found, initializes the new instance and * caches it in request for other edit-policy instances. * * @param req * @return never returns <code>null</code> */ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) protected static CachedEditPartsSet getMovedEditPartsSet( ChangeBoundsRequest req) { Map extData = req.getExtendedData(); CachedEditPartsSet set = (CachedEditPartsSet) extData .get(PARAM_CACHED_EDIT_PARTS_SET); if (set == null) { set = new CachedEditPartsSet(req.getEditParts()); extData.put(PARAM_CACHED_EDIT_PARTS_SET, set); } return set; } protected abstract Command getAdjustLinksCommand(ChangeBoundsRequest req); @Override public boolean understandsRequest(Request req) { return req instanceof ChangeBoundsRequest && REQ_MOVE.equals(req.getType()); } @Override public Command getCommand(Request request) { if (understandsRequest(request)) { return getAdjustLinksCommand((ChangeBoundsRequest) request); } return null; } @Override public IGraphicalEditPart getHost() { return (IGraphicalEditPart) super.getHost(); } protected TransactionalEditingDomain getDomain() { return getHost().getEditingDomain(); } protected static class CachedEditPartsSet { private final Set<EditPart> myDirectlyMoved; private final Set<EditPart> myKnownIndirectlyYes; private final Set<EditPart> myKnownIndirectlyNo; public CachedEditPartsSet(List<EditPart> directlyMoved) { myDirectlyMoved = new HashSet<EditPart>(directlyMoved); myKnownIndirectlyNo = new HashSet<EditPart>( directlyMoved.size() * 5 + 1); myKnownIndirectlyYes = new HashSet<EditPart>( directlyMoved.size() * 5 + 1); } public MovedNodeKind isMoved(EditPart ep) { List<EditPart> chainUp = new LinkedList<EditPart>(); EditPart cur = ep; MovedNodeKind kind = null; while (cur != null) { kind = getKnownKind(cur); if (kind != null) { break; } chainUp.add(cur); cur = cur.getParent(); } if (cur == null || kind == null) { kind = MovedNodeKind.NO; } else if (kind == MovedNodeKind.DIRECTLY && cur != ep) { kind = MovedNodeKind.INDIRECTLY; } Set<EditPart> forKind; switch (kind) { case DIRECTLY: forKind = myDirectlyMoved; break; case INDIRECTLY: forKind = myKnownIndirectlyYes; break; case NO: forKind = myKnownIndirectlyNo; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wow: " + kind); } if (kind != MovedNodeKind.DIRECTLY) { forKind.addAll(chainUp); } return kind; } private MovedNodeKind getKnownKind(EditPart ep) { if (myDirectlyMoved.contains(ep)) { return MovedNodeKind.DIRECTLY; } if (myKnownIndirectlyYes.contains(ep)) { return MovedNodeKind.INDIRECTLY; } if (myKnownIndirectlyNo.contains(ep)) { return MovedNodeKind.NO; } return null; } } protected static enum MovedNodeKind { DIRECTLY, INDIRECTLY, NO } protected static ICommand compose(ICommand c1, ICommand c2) { return c1 == null ? c2 : c1.compose(c2); } protected static String pointList2String(PointList points) { return points == null ? "<null>" : Arrays.toString(points.toIntArray()); } protected static Point makeRelative(IFigure f, Point point) { Point result = point.getCopy(); f.translateToRelative(result); return result; } protected static PointList makeRelative(IFigure f, PointList points) { PointList result = points.getCopy(); f.translateToRelative(result); return result; } protected static Rectangle makeRelative(IFigure f, Rectangle rect) { Rectangle result = rect.getCopy(); f.translateToRelative(result); return result; } protected static Point makeAbsolute(IFigure f, Point point) { Point result = point.getCopy(); f.translateToAbsolute(result); return result; } protected static PointList makeAbsolute(IFigure f, PointList points) { PointList result = points.getCopy(); f.translateToAbsolute(result); return result; } protected static Rectangle makeAbsolute(IFigure f, Rectangle rect) { Rectangle result = rect.getCopy(); f.translateToAbsolute(result); return result; } }