package com.ggasoftware.uitest.control.new_controls.complex.table; import com.ggasoftware.uitest.control.Button; import; import com.ggasoftware.uitest.control.base.pairs.Pair; import com.ggasoftware.uitest.control.interfaces.base.IBaseElement; import com.ggasoftware.uitest.control.interfaces.base.IClickableText; import com.ggasoftware.uitest.control.interfaces.complex.ITable; import com.ggasoftware.uitest.control.new_controls.common.Text; import com.ggasoftware.uitest.utils.linqInterfaces.JFuncT; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import static com.ggasoftware.uitest.control.base.apiInteract.ContextType.Locator; import static com.ggasoftware.uitest.control.base.asserter.testNG.Assert.exception; import static com.ggasoftware.uitest.utils.LinqUtils.*; import static com.ggasoftware.uitest.utils.PrintUtils.print; import static com.ggasoftware.uitest.utils.StringUtils.LineBreak; import static com.ggasoftware.uitest.utils.Timer.waitCondition; import static com.ggasoftware.uitest.utils.WebDriverByUtils.fillByTemplateSilent; import static com.ggasoftware.uitest.utils.WebDriverWrapper.TIMEOUT; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS; /** * Created by Roman_Iovlev on 6/2/2015. */ public class Table<T extends IClickableText, P> extends Text<P> implements ITable<T, P> { public JFuncT<T> cellCreateTemplate; protected String[] _footer; private List<Cell<T, P>> _allCells = new ArrayList<>(); // ------------------------------------------ // private Columns<T, P> _columns = new Columns<>(); private Rows<T, P> _rows = new Rows<>(); private Class<Button> clazz; private By _cellLocatorTemplate = By.xpath(".//tr[%s]/td[%s]"); public Table() { this(null); //GetFooterFunc = t => t.FindElements(By.xpath("//tfoot/tr/td")).Select(el => el.Text).ToArray(); } public Table(By tableLocator) { super(tableLocator); columns().table = this; rows().table = this; clazz = Button.class; } public Table(By tableLocator, By cellLocatorTemplate) { this(tableLocator); _cellLocatorTemplate = cellLocatorTemplate; } public List<Cell<T, P>> getCells() { for (String columnName : columns().headers()) for (String rowName : rows().headers()) _allCells.add(cell(new Column(columnName), new Row(rowName))); return _allCells; } public Columns<T, P> columns() { return _columns; } public MapArray<String, Cell<T, P>> column(int colNum) { return rows().getColumn(colNum); } public MapArray<String, Cell<T, P>> column(String colName) { return rows().getColumn(colName); } private MapArray<String, Cell<T, P>> column(Column column) { return column.get(this::column, this::column); } public void setColumns(Columns<T, P> value) { _columns.update(value); } public Rows<T, P> rows() { return _rows; } public MapArray<String, Cell<T, P>> row(int rowNum) { return columns().getRow(rowNum); } public MapArray<String, Cell<T, P>> row(String rowName) { return columns().getRow(rowName); } private MapArray<String, Cell<T, P>> row(Row row) { return row.get(this::row, this::row); } public void setRows(Rows<T, P> value) { _rows.update(value); } public void setColumnHeaders(String[] value) { columns().setHeaders(value); } public void setRowHeaders(String[] value) { rows().setHeaders(value); } public void setColCount(int value) { columns().setCount(value); } public void setRowCount(int value) { rows().setCount(value); } protected String[] getFooterAction() { return select(getWebElement().findElements(By.xpath("//tfoot/tr/td[1]")), WebElement::getText) .toArray(new String[1]); } public void setFooter(String[] value) { _footer = value; } public String[] header() { return columns().headers(); } public String[] footer() { if (_footer != null) return _footer; _footer = doJActionResult("Get Footer", this::getFooterAction); if (_footer == null || _footer.length == 0) return null; columns().setCount(_footer.length); return _footer; } public Cell<T, P> cell(Column column, Row row) { int colIndex = column.get(this::getColumnIndex, num -> num + columns().startIndex - 1); int rowIndex = row.get(this::getRowIndex, num -> num + rows().startIndex - 1); return addCell(colIndex, rowIndex, column.get(name -> asList(columns().headers()).indexOf(name) + 1, num -> num), row.get(name -> asList(rows().headers()).indexOf(name) + 1, num -> num), column.get(name -> name, num -> ""), row.get(name -> name, num -> "")); } private List<Cell<T, P>> matches(Collection<Cell<T, P>> list, String regex) { return new ArrayList<>(where(list, cell -> cell.getValue().matches(regex))); } public List<Cell<T, P>> cells(String value) { return new ArrayList<>(where(getCells(), cell -> cell.getValue().equals(value))); } public List<Cell<T, P>> cellsMatch(String regex) { return matches(getCells(), regex); } public Cell<T, P> cell(String value) { for (int colIndex = 1; colIndex <= columns().count(); colIndex++) for (int rowIndex = 1; rowIndex <= rows().count(); rowIndex++) { Cell<T, P> cell = cell(new Column(colIndex), new Row(rowIndex)); if (cell.getValue().equals(value)) return cell; } return null; } public Cell<T, P> cellMatch(String regex) { for (int colIndex = 1; colIndex <= columns().count(); colIndex++) for (int rowIndex = 1; rowIndex <= rows().count(); rowIndex++) { Cell<T, P> cell = cell(new Column(colIndex), new Row(rowIndex)); if (cell.getValue().matches(regex)) return cell; } return null; } /** * Finds Rows in table matches specified criteria * * @param colNameValues - list of search criteria in format columnName=columnValue * (e.g. rows("Name=Roman", "Profession=QA") ) * @return List of Rows (dictionary: rowName:row) * Each Row is dictionary: columnName:cell) */ public MapArray<String, MapArray<String, Cell<T, P>>> rows(String... colNameValues) { MapArray<String, MapArray<String, Cell<T, P>>> result = new MapArray<>(); for (Pair<String, MapArray<String, Cell<T, P>>> row : rows().get()) { boolean matches = true; for (String colNameValue : colNameValues) { if (!colNameValue.matches("[^=]+=[^=]*")) throw exception("Wrong searchCriteria for Cells: " + colNameValue); String[] splited = colNameValue.split("="); String colName = splited[0]; String colValue = splited[1]; if (!row.value.get(colName).getValue().equals(colValue)) { matches = false; break; } } if (matches) result.add(row); } return result; } /** * Finds Columns in table matches specified criteria * * @param rowNameValues - list of search criteria in format rowName=rowValue * (e.g. columns("Name=Roman", "Profession=QA") ) * @return List of Columns (dictionary: columnName:column) * Each Column is dictionary: rowName:cell) */ public MapArray<String, MapArray<String, Cell<T, P>>> columns(String... rowNameValues) { MapArray<String, MapArray<String, Cell<T, P>>> result = new MapArray<>(); for (Pair<String, MapArray<String, Cell<T, P>>> column : columns().get()) { boolean matches = true; for (String rowNameValue : rowNameValues) { if (!rowNameValue.matches("[^=]+=[^=]*")) throw exception("Wrong searchCritaria for Cells: " + rowNameValue); String[] splitted = rowNameValue.split("="); String rowName = splitted[0]; String rowValue = splitted[1]; if (!column.value.get(rowName).getValue().equals(rowValue)) { matches = false; break; } } if (matches) result.add(column); } return result; } public boolean waitValue(String value, Row row) { return waitCondition(() -> column(value, row) != null); } public boolean waitValue(String value, Column column) { return waitCondition(() -> row(value, column) != null); } public boolean isEmpty() { getDriver().manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(0, MILLISECONDS); int rowsCount = rows().count(); getDriver().manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(TIMEOUT, SECONDS); return rowsCount == 0; } public boolean waitHaveRows() { return waitRows(1); } public boolean waitRows(int count) { return waitCondition(() -> rows().count() > count); } public Cell<T, P> cell(String value, Row row) { int rowIndex = (row.haveName()) ? asList(rows().headers()).indexOf(row.getName()) + 1 : row.getNum(); for (int colIndex = 1; colIndex <= columns().count(); colIndex++) { Cell<T, P> cell = cell(new Column(colIndex), new Row(rowIndex)); if (cell.getValue().equals(value)) return cell; } return null; } public Cell<T, P> cell(String value, Column column) { int colIndex = column.get( name -> asList(columns().headers()).indexOf(name) + 1, num -> num); for (int rowIndex = 1; rowIndex <= rows().count(); rowIndex++) { Cell<T, P> cell = cell(new Column(colIndex), new Row(rowIndex)); if (cell.getValue().equals(value)) return cell; } return null; } public List<Cell<T, P>> cellsMatch(String regex, Column column) { MapArray<String, Cell<T, P>> columnLine = column(column); return matches(columnLine.values(), regex); } public List<Cell<T, P>> cellsMatch(String regex, Row row) { MapArray<String, Cell<T, P>> rowLine = row(row); return matches(rowLine.values(), regex); } public MapArray<String, Cell<T, P>> column(String value, Row row) { Cell<T, P> columnCell = cell(value, row); return columnCell != null ? columns().getRow(columnCell.columnNum) : null; } public MapArray<String, Cell<T, P>> row(String value, Column column) { Cell<T, P> rowCell = cell(value, column); return rowCell != null ? rows().getColumn(rowCell.rowNum) : null; } private int getColumnIndex(String name) { int nameIndex = -1; String[] headers = columns().headers(); if (headers != null && asList(headers).contains(name)) nameIndex = asList(headers).indexOf(name); else exception("Can't Get Column: '" + name + "'. " + ((headers == null) ? "ColumnHeaders is Null" : ("Available ColumnHeaders: " + print(headers, ", ", "'{0}'") + ")"))); return nameIndex + columns().startIndex; } private int getRowIndex(String name) { int nameIndex = -1; String[] headers = rows().headers(); if (headers != null && asList(headers).contains(name)) nameIndex = asList(headers).indexOf(name); else exception("Can't Get Row: '" + name + "'. " + ((headers == null) ? "RowHeaders is Null" : ("Available RowHeaders: " + print(headers, ", ", "'{0}'") + ")"))); return nameIndex + rows().startIndex; } @Override protected String getValueAction() { return "||X|" + print(columns().headers(), "|") + "||" + LineBreak + print(new ArrayList<>(select(rows().headers(), rowName -> "||" + rowName + "||" + print(new ArrayList<>(select(where(getCells(), cell -> cell.rowName.equals(rowName)), Cell::getValue)), "|") + "||")), LineBreak); } private Cell<T, P> addCell(int colIndex, int rowIndex, int colNum, int rowNum, String colName, String rowName) { Cell<T, P> cell = first(_allCells, c -> c.columnNum == colNum && c.rowNum == rowNum); if (cell != null) return cell.updateData(colName, rowName); cell = createCell(colIndex, rowIndex, colNum, rowNum, colName, rowName); _allCells.add(cell); return cell; } private Cell<T, P> createCell(int colIndex, int rowIndex, int colNum, int rowNum, String colName, String rowName) { T cell = createCell(colIndex, rowIndex); return new Cell<>(cell, colNum, rowNum, colName, rowName); } private T createCell(int colIndex, int rowIndex) { T cell; try { if (cellCreateTemplate != null) { cell = cellCreateTemplate.invoke(); cell.getAvatar().byLocator = fillByTemplateSilent(cell.getLocator(), rowIndex, colIndex); cell.getAvatar().context.add(Locator, getLocator()); } else cell = (T) createCellInstance(clazz, fillByTemplateSilent(_cellLocatorTemplate, rowIndex, colIndex)); } catch (Exception | AssertionError ex) { throw exception("Can't init Cell"); } if (cell == null) throw exception("Can't init Cell"); return cell; } public <TChild extends IBaseElement> TChild createCellInstance(Class<TChild> childClass, By newLocator) { TChild element; try { element = childClass.newInstance(); } catch (Exception | AssertionError ignore) { throw exception( format("Can't create child for parent '%s' with type '%s' and new locator '%s'", toString(), childClass.getName(), newLocator)); } element.getAvatar().byLocator = newLocator; element.getAvatar().context.add(Locator, getLocator()); return element; } }